Class ShapeAttributes

All Implemented Interfaces:
FillAttributes, GraphicAttributes, LineAttributes
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ShapeAttributes extends Object implements LineAttributes, FillAttributes
Basic attributes for shapes.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ShapeAttributes

      public ShapeAttributes(ConfigParameters config)
      Creates a new instance based on the specified configuration parameters.
      Key & Default ValueTypeMandatory Description
      fillColor = no fillingColor noThe fill color of the shape.
      lineColor = no lineColor noThe color of a line, a polygon, or the border of a shape.
      lineThickness = 0double no The thickness of a line. A thickness of zero means that the renderer will draw the thinest line possible.
      linePattern = solid line double[]no A sequence of lengths where the pen is alternatively down or up. For example, 0.1 0.1 will lead to a dashed line whereas 0.02 0.02 is the pattern of a dotted line and 0.02 0.02 0.1 0.02 of a dashed-dotted line.
    • ShapeAttributes

      public ShapeAttributes(Color fillColor, Color lineColor, double lineThickness, double[] linePattern)
      Creates a new instance.
      fillColor - The fill color. May be null.
      lineColor - The line color. May be null.
      lineThickness - Thickness of the line. Negative numbers will be trimmed to zero.
      linePattern - Line pattern. May be null.
  • Method Details

    • getFillColor

      public Color getFillColor()
      Description copied from interface: FillAttributes
      Returns the fill color.
      Specified by:
      getFillColor in interface FillAttributes
      null means no filling.
    • getLineColor

      public Color getLineColor()
      Description copied from interface: LineAttributes
      Returns the line color.
      Specified by:
      getLineColor in interface LineAttributes
      null means default color of the renderer.
    • getLineThickness

      public double getLineThickness()
      Description copied from interface: LineAttributes
      Returns the line tickness. 0 means that the line thickness is chosen as thin as possible. Implementations have to guarantee that the returned value is never negative.
      Specified by:
      getLineThickness in interface LineAttributes
    • getLinePattern

      public double[] getLinePattern()
      Description copied from interface: LineAttributes
      Returns the line pattern. This is a sequence of length where the pen is down or up. The first element is the length where the pen is down. The next element is the length where the pen is up. The pattern is cyclically repeated.
      Specified by:
      getLinePattern in interface LineAttributes
      null means solid line.