Interface TextAttributes

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public interface TextAttributes extends GraphicAttributes
Interface for text attributes.
  • Method Details

    • getTextColor

      Color getTextColor()
      Returns the text color.
      null means default color of the renderer.
    • getFontName

      String getFontName()
      Returns the font name.
      null means default font name of the renderer.
    • getFontStyle

      FontStyle getFontStyle()
      Returns the font style.
      null means default font style of the renderer.
    • getFontSize

      double getFontSize()
      Returns the font size in units of the device-independent coordinates.
    • getOrientationAngle

      double getOrientationAngle()
      Returns the orientation angle in degree. Zero means normal text orientation. Any positive angle means a counter-clockwise rotation of the text.
    • getHorizontalAnchor

      Anchor getHorizontalAnchor()
      Returns the anchor for horizontal position of the text. Note, that the anchor is related to the text before it is rotated by the orientation angle.
      one of the three instances of Anchor.
    • getVerticalAnchor

      Anchor getVerticalAnchor()
      Returns the anchor for vertical position of the text. Note, that the anchor is related to the text before it is rotated by the orientation angle.
      one of the three instances of Anchor.