Interface Parser

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Parser
    Common interface for calling tree-building parsers or source files.
    Pieter_Van_Raemdonck - Application Engineers NV/SA -
    • Method Detail

      • getParserOptions

        ParserOptions getParserOptions()
        Get the ParserOptions used by this Parser.
      • getTokenManager

        TokenManager getTokenManager​(String fileName,
                                     Reader source)
        Get a TokenManager for the given source.
        fileName - The file name being parsed (may be null).
        source - Reader that provides the source code to tokenize.
        A TokenManager for reading token.
      • canParse

        boolean canParse()
        With 7.0.0, all parsers will be able to parse and this method will be removed. Note that in the meantime, you probably still need to check this method.
        Indicates if this parser can actual parse, or if it can only tokenize.
      • parse

        Node parse​(String fileName,
                   Reader source)
            throws ParseException
        Parse source code and return the root node of the AST.
        fileName - The file name being parsed (may be null).
        source - Reader that provides the source code of a compilation unit
        the root node of the AST that is built from the source code
        ParseException - In case the source code could not be parsed, probably due to syntactical errors.
      • getSuppressMap

        Map<Integer,​String> getSuppressMap()
        With 7.0.0, this method will be removed. To support suppressing with suppress markers, this method is still needed in PMD 6.
        Returns the map of line numbers to suppression / review comments. Only single line comments are considered, that start with the configured "suppressMarker", which by default is "PMD". The text after the suppressMarker is used as a "review comment" and included in this map.

        This map is later used to determine, if a violation is being suppressed. It is suppressed, if the line of the violation is contained in this suppress map.

        map of the suppress lines with the corresponding review comments.