Class AbstractLombokAwareRule

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractLombokAwareRule

        public AbstractLombokAwareRule()
    • Method Detail

      • hasClassLombokAnnotation

        protected boolean hasClassLombokAnnotation()
        Returns whether there have been class level Lombok annotations found. Note: this can only be queried after the class declaration node has been processed.
        true if a lombok annotation at the class level has been found
      • hasLombokAnnotation

        protected boolean hasLombokAnnotation​(net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.Node node)
        As of release 6.2.0, replaced by hasLombokAnnotation(Annotatable) Checks whether the given node is annotated with any lombok annotation. The node can be any node, e.g. class declaration or field declaration.
        node - the node to check
        true if a lombok annotation has been found
      • hasLombokAnnotation

        protected boolean hasLombokAnnotation​(Annotatable node)
        Checks whether the given node is annotated with any lombok annotation. The node should be annotateable.
        node - the Annotatable node to check
        true if a lombok annotation has been found