Class ASTPatArgClause

    • Field Detail

      • node

        protected final T extends scala.meta.Tree node
    • Method Detail

      • acceptVisitor

        protected <P,​R> R acceptVisitor​(ScalaParserVisitor<? super P,​? extends R> visitor,
                                              P data)
      • acceptVisitor

        public <P,​R> R acceptVisitor​(AstVisitor<? super P,​? extends R> visitor,
                                           P data)
        Specified by:
        acceptVisitor in interface Node
      • addChild

        protected void addChild​(net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.scala.ast.AbstractScalaNode<?> child,
                                int index)
        addChild in class AbstractNode<net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.scala.ast.AbstractScalaNode<?>,​ScalaNode<?>>
      • isImplicit

        public boolean isImplicit()
        Description copied from interface: ScalaNode
        Returns true if the node is implicit. If this node has no non-implicit descendant, then its text bounds identify an empty region of the source document. In that case, the end column is smaller than the begin column. That's because the end column index is inclusive.
        Specified by:
        isImplicit in interface ScalaNode<T extends scala.meta.Tree>
      • getNode

        public T getNode()
        Description copied from interface: ScalaNode
        Get the underlying Scala Node.
        Specified by:
        getNode in interface ScalaNode<T extends scala.meta.Tree>
        the Scala Node for this node