Class ScopesPanelController

    • Constructor Detail

      • ScopesPanelController

        public ScopesPanelController​(DesignerRoot designerRoot)
    • Method Detail

      • beforeParentInit

        protected void beforeParentInit()
        Description copied from class: AbstractController
        Executed before the parent's initialization. Always executed once at the start of the initialization of this controller.
        beforeParentInit in class AbstractController
      • setFocusNode

        public void setFocusNode​(net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.Node node,
                                 DataHolder options)
        Description copied from interface: NodeSelectionSource
        Updates the UI to react to a change in focus node. This is called whenever some selection source in the tree records a change.
        Specified by:
        setFocusNode in interface NodeSelectionSource