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addError(RuntimeException) - Method in class fluent.bundle.resolver.Scope
addFunction(FluentFunction) - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle.Builder
Add or Replace a single FluentFunction
addResource(FluentResource) - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle.Builder
Add the given resource.
addResourceOverriding(FluentResource) - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle.Builder
Add the given resource.
apply(ResolvedParameters, Scope) - Method in interface fluent.functions.FluentFunction
Function application.
applyIfNumber(FluentValue<?>, Scope, Function<Number, ?>) - Static method in interface fluent.functions.FluentFunction
Apply the given function to the input value 'in' if and only if 'in' is a FluentNumber.
arguments() - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.FunctionReference
arguments() - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.TermReference
asBigDecimal() - Method in interface fluent.types.FluentNumber
Type as BigDecimal
asBigDecimal() - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentNumber.FluentBigDecimal
asBigDecimal() - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentNumber.FluentDouble
asBigDecimal() - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentNumber.FluentLong
asBoolean(String) - Method in class fluent.functions.Options
Get the value of an option, as a Boolean.
asDouble(String) - Method in class fluent.functions.Options
Get the value of an option, as a double.
asEnum(Class<E>, String) - Method in class fluent.functions.Options
Get the value of an option, if it matches an existing Enum type
asFluentValue(Class<T>, FluentValue<?>) - Static method in interface fluent.functions.FluentFunction
Utility method: get specific FluentValue subclass from FluentValue or throw an exception.
asInt(String) - Method in class fluent.functions.Options
Get the value of an option, as an int.
asLong(String) - Method in class fluent.functions.Options
Get the value of an option, as a long.
asNumber(FluentValue<?>) - Static method in interface fluent.functions.FluentFunction
Utility method: get Number from FluentValue (FluentNumber) or throw an exception.
asRaw(String) - Method in class fluent.functions.Options
Returns the given option, if present, as a String, Long, or Double depending upon its form.
asString(String) - Method in class fluent.functions.Options
Get the value of an option, as a String.
asString(FluentValue<?>) - Static method in interface fluent.functions.FluentFunction
Utility method: get String from FluentValue (FluentNumber) or throw an exception.
attribute(Identifier) - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.Message
Find matching attribute, if any
attribute(Identifier) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Term
Find attribute matching Identifier
attribute(String) - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.Message
Find matching attribute, if any
attribute(String) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Term
Find attribute matching String
Attribute - Record Class in fluent.syntax.AST
Attribute(Identifier, Pattern) - Constructor for record class fluent.syntax.AST.Attribute
Creates an instance of a Attribute record class.
attributeID() - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.MessageReference
attributeID() - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.TermReference
attributes() - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.Message
attributes() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Term
Returns the value of the attributes record component.


build() - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle.Builder
Create the FluentBundle.
build() - Method in class fluent.functions.Options.Builder
Build (create) the Options
builder() - Static method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle
Create a Builder to build a new FluentBundle.
builder() - Static method in class fluent.functions.Options
Create a Builder
builder(Locale, FluentFunctionFactory) - Static method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle
Create a Builder to build a new FluentBundle.
builderFrom(FluentBundle) - Static method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle
Create a Builder to build a new FluentBundle, using an existing FluentBundle as a base.
bundle() - Method in class fluent.bundle.resolver.Scope


CallArguments - Record Class in fluent.syntax.AST
CallArguments(List<? extends Expression>, List<NamedArgument>) - Constructor for record class fluent.syntax.AST.CallArguments
Creates an instance of a CallArguments record class.
clearLocalParams() - Method in class fluent.bundle.resolver.Scope
comment() - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.Message
comment() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Term
The (optional) Comment
Comment(String) - Constructor for record class fluent.syntax.AST.Commentary.Comment
Creates an instance of a Comment record class.
Commentary - Interface in fluent.syntax.AST
Commentary.Comment - Record Class in fluent.syntax.AST
Single-hash comments '#'; these can be bound to Messages or Terms, but also can be standalone
Commentary.GroupComment - Record Class in fluent.syntax.AST
Double-Hash '##' comments (Group Comments), which are standalone
Commentary.ResourceComment - Record Class in fluent.syntax.AST
Triple-Hash '###' comments (Resource Comments), which are standalone
content() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Junk
Returns the value of the content record component.
count() - Method in class fluent.functions.Options
Number of named options.
create() - Static method in class fluent.types.DefaultFluentValueFactory
create(String, Object...) - Static method in exception fluent.functions.FluentFunctionException
Create a FluentFunctionException with the given message.


DefaultFluentValueFactory - Class in fluent.types
Default mappings: String values -> FluentString Numbers -> FluentNumbers: Integral types (byte, short, int, long) -> FluentLong Decimal types (float, double) -> FluentDouble BigInteger, BigDecimal -> FluentBigDecimal Unknown number types -> IllegalArgumentException TemporalAccessor -> FluentTemporal (note: java.util.Date is not supported) Any other object -> FluentCustom
defaultVariant() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.SelectExpression
Returns the default variant for this SelectExpression
DoubleLiteral(Double) - Constructor for record class fluent.syntax.AST.Literal.DoubleLiteral
Creates an instance of a DoubleLiteral record class.
duplicateEntry(String) - Static method in exception fluent.bundle.resolver.ReferenceException


E0001 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0002 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0003 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0004 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0005 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0006 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0007 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0008 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0009 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0010 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0011 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0012 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0013 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0014 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0015 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0016 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0017 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0018 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0019 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0020 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0021 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0022 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0024 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0025 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0026 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0027 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0028 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0029 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0030 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0031 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
E0032 - Enum constant in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
EIGHTH - Enum constant in enum class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters.Positional
elements() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Pattern
Returns the value of the elements record component.
EMPTY - Static variable in class fluent.functions.Options
Empty Options
EMPTY - Static variable in class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters
ensureInput(ResolvedParameters) - Static method in interface fluent.functions.FluentFunction
Throw an exception if input is empty (zero length).
entries() - Method in record class fluent.bundle.FluentResource
Returns the value of the entries record component.
Entry - Interface in fluent.syntax.AST
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.bundle.FluentResource
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Attribute
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.CallArguments
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Commentary.Comment
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Commentary.GroupComment
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Commentary.ResourceComment
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Identifier
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.FunctionReference
equals(Object) - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.MessageReference
equals(Object) - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.TermReference
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.VariableReference
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Junk
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Literal.DoubleLiteral
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Literal.LongLiteral
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Literal.StringLiteral
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.Message
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.NamedArgument
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Pattern
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.PatternElement.Placeable
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.PatternElement.TextElement
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.SelectExpression
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Term
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Variant
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class fluent.types.FluentCustom
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentError
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentNumber.FluentBigDecimal
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentNumber.FluentDouble
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentNumber.FluentLong
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentString
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentTemporal
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
error(String) - Static method in interface fluent.bundle.resolver.Resolvable
Convenience method to create an error message (as a FluentError) and insert it into the format stream, in an attempt to preserve the remainder of the message.
errorCode() - Method in exception fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException
The error code of the Exception
errors() - Method in record class fluent.bundle.FluentResource
Returns the value of the errors record component.
errors() - Method in class fluent.bundle.resolver.Scope
expression() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.PatternElement.Placeable
Returns the value of the expression record component.
Expression - Interface in fluent.syntax.AST


FIFTH - Enum constant in enum class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters.Positional
FIRST - Enum constant in enum class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters.Positional
fluent.bundle - package fluent.bundle
fluent.bundle.resolver - package fluent.bundle.resolver
Framework for resolving AST nodes
fluent.functions - package fluent.functions
Built-in Fluent Functions.
fluent.syntax.AST - package fluent.syntax.AST
AST Nodes created during Fluent parsing.
fluent.syntax.parser - package fluent.syntax.parser
Input Stream and Parsing classes to create ASTs from Fluent FTL-formatted input.
fluent.types - package fluent.types
Package containing Fluent-specific types (derived from passed-in objects) for manipulation during AST resolution.
FluentBigDecimal(BigDecimal) - Constructor for record class fluent.types.FluentNumber.FluentBigDecimal
Creates an instance of a FluentBigDecimal record class.
FluentBundle - Class in fluent.bundle
FluentBundle: This the primary class used for localization.
FluentBundle.Builder - Class in fluent.bundle
Build a FluentBundle
FluentCustom<T> - Class in fluent.types
Custom classes should extend FluentCustom.
FluentCustom(T) - Constructor for class fluent.types.FluentCustom
FluentDouble(Double) - Constructor for record class fluent.types.FluentNumber.FluentDouble
Creates an instance of a FluentDouble record class.
FluentError - Record Class in fluent.types
An error value.
FluentError(String) - Constructor for record class fluent.types.FluentError
Creates an instance of a FluentError record class.
FluentFunction - Interface in fluent.functions
Implementation of Fluent Functions.
FluentFunctionException - Exception in fluent.functions
FluentFunctionExceptions are thrown during function evaluation when an error is encountered.
FluentFunctionFactory - Interface in fluent.functions
FluentFunctionFactory interface
FluentImplicit - Interface in fluent.functions
Implicit Fluent Functions
FluentImplicit.Implicit - Enum Class in fluent.functions
The required Implicit Functions.
FluentLong(Long) - Constructor for record class fluent.types.FluentNumber.FluentLong
Creates an instance of a FluentLong record class.
FluentNumber<T extends Number> - Interface in fluent.types
FluentNumber wraps a numeric type.
FluentNumber.FluentBigDecimal - Record Class in fluent.types
FluentNumber.FluentDouble - Record Class in fluent.types
FluentNumber.FluentLong - Record Class in fluent.types
FluentResource - Record Class in fluent.bundle
Immutable class holding the AST from parsing.
FluentResource(List<Entry>, List<ParseException>, List<Junk>) - Constructor for record class fluent.bundle.FluentResource
Creates an instance of a FluentResource record class.
FluentString - Record Class in fluent.types
Wrapper for a String
FluentString(String) - Constructor for record class fluent.types.FluentString
Creates an instance of a FluentString record class.
FluentTemporal - Record Class in fluent.types
Temporal type (date, time, ...)
FluentTemporal(TemporalAccessor) - Constructor for record class fluent.types.FluentTemporal
Creates an instance of a FluentTemporal record class.
FluentValue<T> - Interface in fluent.types
Interface for all FluentValues.
FluentValueFactory - Interface in fluent.types
Interface for factories used to create the appropriate FluentValue for a given Object
fnName() - Method in exception fluent.functions.FluentFunctionException
The name of the function causing the exception, if set.
fnResources - Variable in class fluent.bundle.resolver.Scope
format(String) - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle
The simplest format() method.
format(String, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle
Simple message format.
format(Scope) - Method in class fluent.types.FluentCustom
format(Scope) - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentError
format(Scope) - Method in interface fluent.types.FluentNumber
Format the number.
format(Scope) - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentString
format(Scope) - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentTemporal
Format using the implicit TEMPORAL() function, without a
format(Scope) - Method in interface fluent.types.FluentValue
This value, formatted as a String.
format(FluentValue<?>, Scope) - Method in interface fluent.functions.ImplicitFormatter
Implicit, single-value format method.
formatPattern(Pattern) - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle
Format the given pattern.
formatPattern(Pattern, List<Exception>) - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle
Format the given pattern.
formatPattern(Pattern, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle
Format the given pattern, with the given arguments.
formatPattern(Pattern, Map<String, ?>, List<Exception>) - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle
Format the given pattern, with the given arguments.
FOURTH - Enum constant in enum class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters.Positional
from(FluentValue<?>, Scope) - Static method in class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters
from(Number) - Static method in interface fluent.types.FluentNumber
Create a FluentNumber for a given Number type.
from(String) - Static method in interface fluent.syntax.AST.Literal.NumberLiteral
Create a NumberLiteral from the given String
from(List<FluentValue<?>>, Scope) - Static method in class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters
from(List<List<FluentValue<?>>>, Options) - Static method in class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters
from(CallArguments) - Static method in class fluent.functions.Options
Convert NamedArguments within CallArguments into Options.
from(Map<String, List<FluentValue<?>>>) - Static method in interface fluent.bundle.resolver.Scope.ValueMapper
Default ValueMapper for Maps
FSI - Static variable in interface fluent.bundle.resolver.Resolvable
Unicode bidi isolation characters
FTLParser - Class in fluent.syntax.parser
Parse a FTLStream into a FluentResource, which can then be queried as needed.
FTLStream - Class in fluent.syntax.parser
Read-only input stream used by the parser.
FunctionReference(Identifier, CallArguments) - Constructor for class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.FunctionReference
FunctionResources - Interface in fluent.functions
Locale-dependent bundle resources that are cached in a bundle and used by bundle functions generally should be immutable.
functions() - Method in interface fluent.functions.FluentFunctionFactory
The set of optional, non-implicit functions.


getAttributePattern(String, String) - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle
Convenience method to get the Pattern for an Attribute of a given Message.
getFunction(String) - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle
Returns the Function for the given id
getLocalParams() - Method in class fluent.bundle.resolver.Scope
getMessage() - Method in exception fluent.functions.FluentFunctionException
getMessage() - Method in exception fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException
getMessage(String) - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle
Returns the Message for the given id
getMessagePattern(String) - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle
Convenience method to get the Message Pattern for a given messageID.
getTerm(String) - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle
Returns the Term for the given id
GroupComment(Commentary) - Constructor for record class fluent.syntax.AST.Commentary.GroupComment
GroupComment(String) - Constructor for record class fluent.syntax.AST.Commentary.GroupComment
Creates an instance of a GroupComment record class.


has(String) - Method in class fluent.functions.Options
True if the option name has been set.
hasErrors() - Method in record class fluent.bundle.FluentResource
True if there are errors
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.bundle.FluentResource
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Attribute
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.CallArguments
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Commentary.Comment
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Commentary.GroupComment
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Commentary.ResourceComment
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Identifier
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.FunctionReference
hashCode() - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.MessageReference
hashCode() - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.TermReference
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.VariableReference
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Junk
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Literal.DoubleLiteral
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Literal.LongLiteral
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Literal.StringLiteral
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.Message
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.NamedArgument
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Pattern
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.PatternElement.Placeable
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.PatternElement.TextElement
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.SelectExpression
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Term
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Variant
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class fluent.types.FluentCustom
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentError
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentNumber.FluentBigDecimal
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentNumber.FluentDouble
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentNumber.FluentLong
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentString
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentTemporal
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hasJunk() - Method in record class fluent.bundle.FluentResource
True if there is 'Junk'
hasPositional(ResolvedParameters.Positional) - Method in class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters


id() - Method in interface fluent.functions.FluentImplicit
Identifier of this Implicit
Identifiable - Interface in fluent.syntax.AST
Any SyntaxNode that has an Identifier should be Identifiable.
identifier() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Attribute
Returns the value of the identifier record component.
identifier() - Method in interface fluent.syntax.AST.Identifiable
The Identifier object itself
identifier() - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.FunctionReference
identifier() - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.MessageReference
identifier() - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.TermReference
identifier() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.VariableReference
Returns the value of the identifier record component.
identifier() - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.Message
identifier() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Term
Returns the value of the identifier record component.
Identifier - Record Class in fluent.syntax.AST
Identifier(String) - Constructor for record class fluent.syntax.AST.Identifier
Creates an instance of a Identifier record class.
implicit(FluentImplicit.Implicit) - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle
Returns the implicit function
ImplicitFormatter - Interface in fluent.functions
Format a single FluentValue into a String.
ImplicitReducer - Interface in fluent.functions
Reduce a list of to a String.
implicits() - Method in interface fluent.functions.FluentFunctionFactory
Initialize 'implicit' functions.
incrementAndCheckPlaceables() - Method in class fluent.bundle.resolver.Scope
Used by resolution logic.
InlineExpression - Interface in fluent.syntax.AST
InlineExpression.FunctionReference - Class in fluent.syntax.AST
InlineExpression.MessageReference - Class in fluent.syntax.AST
InlineExpression.TermReference - Class in fluent.syntax.AST
InlineExpression.VariableReference - Record Class in fluent.syntax.AST
into(String, Function<String, R>) - Method in class fluent.functions.Options
Convert the given String, if present, into the type specified by the conversion (parsing) function fn.
isDefault() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Variant
Returns the value of the isDefault record component.
isDirty() - Method in class fluent.bundle.resolver.Scope
isEmpty() - Method in class fluent.functions.Options
True if no options have been set (count() == 0)
isEOF() - Method in exception fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException
True if error occurred at EOF


JOIN - Enum constant in enum class fluent.functions.FluentImplicit.Implicit
junk() - Method in record class fluent.bundle.FluentResource
Returns the value of the junk record component.
Junk - Record Class in fluent.syntax.AST
Junk(String) - Constructor for record class fluent.syntax.AST.Junk
Creates an instance of a Junk record class.


key() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Identifier
key() - Method in interface fluent.syntax.AST.Literal.NumberLiteral
key() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Variant
key() - Method in interface fluent.syntax.AST.VariantKey
The value that should be used as a key in a map.
keyable() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Variant
Returns the value of the keyable record component.


line() - Method in exception fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException
Line of input on which the error occurred.
Literal<T> - Interface in fluent.syntax.AST
Literal.DoubleLiteral - Record Class in fluent.syntax.AST
Literal.LongLiteral - Record Class in fluent.syntax.AST
Literal.NumberLiteral<N extends Number> - Interface in fluent.syntax.AST
Literal.StringLiteral - Record Class in fluent.syntax.AST
locale() - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle
Bundle Locale
locale() - Method in interface fluent.functions.FunctionResources
Locale for this set of resources.
LongLiteral(Long) - Constructor for record class fluent.syntax.AST.Literal.LongLiteral
Creates an instance of a LongLiteral record class.
lookup(String) - Method in class fluent.bundle.resolver.Scope
lookup(String) - Method in interface fluent.bundle.resolver.Scope.ValueMapper
Return a FluentValue for a name.


mapOverNumbers(Stream<FluentValue<?>>, Scope, Function<Number, ?>) - Static method in interface fluent.functions.FluentFunction
Sugared version of applyIfNumber() for Streams.
match(List<Attribute>, Identifier) - Static method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Attribute
Find matching attribute, if any
match(List<Attribute>, String) - Static method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Attribute
Find matching attribute, if any
matchOrDefault(String) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.SelectExpression
Match a variant by name (case-sensitive exact match); if there is no match, return the default variant.
matchVariant(String) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.SelectExpression
Match a variant based on name.
MAX_PLACEABLES - Static variable in interface fluent.bundle.resolver.Resolvable
The maximum number of placeables which can be expanded in a single call to 'formatPattern'
maybeTrack(Pattern, Expression) - Method in class fluent.bundle.resolver.Scope
mergeOverriding(Options) - Method in class fluent.functions.Options
Merges the current options with 'toMerge', returning a new Options.
message() - Method in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
Message - Class in fluent.syntax.AST
Message(Identifier, Pattern, List<Attribute>, Commentary.Comment) - Constructor for class fluent.syntax.AST.Message
MessageReference(Identifier, Identifier) - Constructor for class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.MessageReference


name() - Method in interface fluent.functions.FluentFunction
Fluent Function name (per Fluent Function name guidelines)
name() - Method in interface fluent.functions.FluentImplicit
Implementations should NOT override this, unlike standard FluentFunctions.
name() - Method in interface fluent.syntax.AST.Identifiable
The name of the Identifier, as a String
name() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Identifier
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.NamedArgument
Returns the value of the name record component.
named() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.CallArguments
Returns the value of the named record component.
NamedArgument - Record Class in fluent.syntax.AST
NamedArgument(Identifier, Literal<?>) - Constructor for record class fluent.syntax.AST.NamedArgument
Creates an instance of a NamedArgument record class.
needsIsolation() - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.MessageReference
needsIsolation() - Method in interface fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression
needsIsolation() - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.TermReference
needsIsolation() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Literal.StringLiteral
NINTH - Enum constant in enum class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters.Positional
noPositionals() - Method in class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters
noValue(String) - Static method in exception fluent.bundle.resolver.ReferenceException
NUMBER - Enum constant in enum class fluent.functions.FluentImplicit.Implicit


of(char[]) - Static method in class fluent.syntax.parser.FTLStream
Create an FTLStream from the given array.
of(double) - Static method in interface fluent.types.FluentNumber
Create a FluentDouble from a double
of(long) - Static method in interface fluent.types.FluentNumber
Create a FluentLong from a long
of(String) - Static method in class fluent.syntax.parser.FTLStream
Create an FTLStream from the given String.
of(String) - Static method in record class fluent.types.FluentError
of(String) - Static method in record class fluent.types.FluentString
Create a FluentString
of(BigDecimal) - Static method in interface fluent.types.FluentNumber
Create a FluentBigDecimal from a BigDecimal
of(BigInteger) - Static method in interface fluent.types.FluentNumber
Create a FluentBigDecimal from a BigInteger
of(String) - Static method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Literal.StringLiteral
Create the StringLiteral
options() - Method in class fluent.bundle.resolver.Scope
options() - Method in class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters
Options - Class in fluent.functions
An immutable name-value mapping, with a restricted set of allowed mapped values.
Options.Builder - Class in fluent.functions
Builder for Options


parse(FTLStream) - Static method in class fluent.syntax.parser.FTLParser
Parse an FTLStream into a FluentResource.
parse(FTLStream, boolean) - Static method in class fluent.syntax.parser.FTLParser
Parse an FTLStream into a FluentResource.
ParseException - Exception in fluent.syntax.parser
Exceptions encountered during parsing.
ParseException.ErrorCode - Enum Class in fluent.syntax.parser
ParseException error codes.
pattern() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Attribute
Returns the value of the pattern record component.
pattern() - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.Message
Pattern - Record Class in fluent.syntax.AST
Pattern(List<PatternElement>) - Constructor for record class fluent.syntax.AST.Pattern
Creates an instance of a Pattern record class.
PatternElement - Interface in fluent.syntax.AST
Parent of Placeable and TextElement
PatternElement.Placeable - Record Class in fluent.syntax.AST
PatternElement.TextElement - Record Class in fluent.syntax.AST
PDI - Static variable in interface fluent.bundle.resolver.Resolvable
Unicode bidi isolation characters
Placeable(Expression) - Constructor for record class fluent.syntax.AST.PatternElement.Placeable
Creates an instance of a Placeable record class.
positional() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.CallArguments
Returns the value of the positional record component.
positionalCount() - Method in class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters
Count the number positional arguments.
positionToLine() - Method in class fluent.syntax.parser.FTLStream
Calculate the line number in a file from the current position.
positionToLine(int) - Method in class fluent.syntax.parser.FTLStream
For a given stream offset, calculate the line number in the file.


reduce(List<FluentValue<?>>) - Method in class fluent.bundle.resolver.Scope
Call the (Implicit) reduction function "JOIN()"
reduce(List<FluentValue<?>>, Scope) - Method in interface fluent.functions.ImplicitReducer
Reduces the list to a single String ('list format')
ReferenceException - Exception in fluent.bundle.resolver
Exceptions encountered during processing of references.
remove(String) - Method in class fluent.functions.Options.Builder
Remove the given option.
removeFunction(String) - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle.Builder
Remove a FluentFunction by name.
rescope(Scope.ValueMapper) - Method in class fluent.bundle.resolver.Scope
ResolutionException - Exception in fluent.bundle.resolver
General exception that occurs during Resolution
ResolutionException(String) - Constructor for exception fluent.bundle.resolver.ResolutionException
ResolutionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception fluent.bundle.resolver.ResolutionException
Resolvable - Interface in fluent.bundle.resolver
AST Nodes that support resolution into FluentValues should use this interface.
resolve(Scope) - Method in interface fluent.bundle.resolver.Resolvable
resolve a node
resolve(Scope) - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.FunctionReference
resolve(Scope) - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.MessageReference
resolve(Scope) - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.TermReference
resolve(Scope) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.VariableReference
resolve(Scope) - Method in interface fluent.syntax.AST.Literal.NumberLiteral
resolve(Scope) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Literal.StringLiteral
resolve(Scope) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Pattern
resolve(Scope) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.PatternElement.Placeable
resolve(Scope) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.SelectExpression
ResolvedParameters - Class in fluent.functions
Resolved Parameters for Fluent Functions.
ResolvedParameters.Positional - Enum Class in fluent.functions
Positional argument index
resolveParameters(CallArguments) - Method in class fluent.bundle.resolver.Scope
ResourceComment(Commentary) - Constructor for record class fluent.syntax.AST.Commentary.ResourceComment
ResourceComment(String) - Constructor for record class fluent.syntax.AST.Commentary.ResourceComment
Creates an instance of a ResourceComment record class.
resources(Locale) - Method in interface fluent.functions.FluentFunctionFactory
Per-bundle resources that are locale-dependent.


Scope - Class in fluent.bundle.resolver
Mutable state used during pattern resolution.
Scope(FluentBundle, FunctionResources, Map<String, ?>, List<Exception>) - Constructor for class fluent.bundle.resolver.Scope
Scope(FluentBundle, FunctionResources, Map<String, ?>, List<Exception>, Options) - Constructor for class fluent.bundle.resolver.Scope
Scope.ValueMapper - Interface in fluent.bundle.resolver
Map variable names to FluentValues
SECOND - Enum constant in enum class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters.Positional
select(SelectExpression, ResolvedParameters, Scope) - Method in interface fluent.functions.FluentFunction
Function application specific to select blocks.
select(SelectExpression, ResolvedParameters, Scope) - Method in interface fluent.types.FluentNumber
By default, for select statements, attempt to match a Variant that corresponds to the cardinal plural form of this number.
select(SelectExpression, ResolvedParameters, Scope) - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentString
Select variant that exactly matches this FluentString.
select(SelectExpression, ResolvedParameters, Scope) - Method in interface fluent.types.FluentValue
Handle fluent 'select'
selectCardinal(Number) - Method in interface fluent.functions.FunctionResources
Cardinal plural selection.
SelectExpression - Record Class in fluent.syntax.AST
SelectExpression(Expression, List<Variant>) - Constructor for record class fluent.syntax.AST.SelectExpression
Creates an instance of a SelectExpression record class.
selector() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.SelectExpression
Returns the value of the selector record component.
set(String, boolean) - Method in class fluent.functions.Options.Builder
Set an option value as a boolean.
set(String, double) - Method in class fluent.functions.Options.Builder
Set an option value as a double.
set(String, long) - Method in class fluent.functions.Options.Builder
Set an option value as a double.
set(String, String) - Method in class fluent.functions.Options.Builder
Set an option value as a String.
setGlobalOptions(Options) - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle.Builder
Set global options / default options, that apply to all functions.
setImplicit(FluentImplicit) - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle.Builder
Set an Implicit function.
setLocalParams(CallArguments) - Method in class fluent.bundle.resolver.Scope
SEVENTH - Enum constant in enum class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters.Positional
SIXTH - Enum constant in enum class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters.Positional
StringLiteral(String) - Constructor for record class fluent.syntax.AST.Literal.StringLiteral
Creates an instance of a StringLiteral record class.
SyntaxNode - Interface in fluent.syntax.AST
Parent of all AST Nodes.


TEMPORAL - Enum constant in enum class fluent.functions.FluentImplicit.Implicit
TENTH - Enum constant in enum class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters.Positional
Term - Record Class in fluent.syntax.AST
Term(Identifier, Pattern, List<Attribute>) - Constructor for record class fluent.syntax.AST.Term
Term(Identifier, Pattern, List<Attribute>, Commentary.Comment) - Constructor for record class fluent.syntax.AST.Term
Creates an instance of a Term record class.
TermReference(Identifier, Identifier, CallArguments) - Constructor for class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.TermReference
text() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Commentary.Comment
Returns the value of the text record component.
text() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Commentary.GroupComment
Returns the value of the text record component.
text() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Commentary.ResourceComment
Returns the value of the text record component.
text() - Method in interface fluent.syntax.AST.Commentary
Comment text
TextElement(String) - Constructor for record class fluent.syntax.AST.PatternElement.TextElement
Creates an instance of a TextElement record class.
THIRD - Enum constant in enum class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters.Positional
toCollection(T) - Method in class fluent.types.DefaultFluentValueFactory
Single item or supported collection (Set, List) becomes a List
toCollection(T) - Method in interface fluent.types.FluentValueFactory
Collection mapper.
toFluentValue(T) - Method in class fluent.types.DefaultFluentValueFactory
Create a FluentValue from a given Object
toFluentValue(T) - Method in interface fluent.types.FluentValueFactory
Map objects to FluentValues.
toFluentValueNullsafe(T) - Method in interface fluent.types.FluentValueFactory
Nullsafe mapper.
toString() - Method in record class fluent.bundle.FluentResource
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class fluent.functions.Options
toString() - Method in class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters
toString() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Attribute
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.CallArguments
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Commentary.Comment
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Commentary.GroupComment
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Commentary.ResourceComment
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Identifier
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.FunctionReference
toString() - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.MessageReference
toString() - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.TermReference
toString() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.VariableReference
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Junk
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Literal.DoubleLiteral
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Literal.LongLiteral
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Literal.StringLiteral
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.Message
toString() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.NamedArgument
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Pattern
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.PatternElement.Placeable
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.PatternElement.TextElement
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.SelectExpression
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Term
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Variant
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class fluent.types.FluentCustom
toString() - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentError
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentNumber.FluentBigDecimal
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentNumber.FluentDouble
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentNumber.FluentLong
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentString
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentTemporal
Returns a string representation of this record class.
track(Pattern, Identifiable) - Method in class fluent.bundle.resolver.Scope


unknownAttribute(String, String) - Static method in exception fluent.bundle.resolver.ReferenceException
unknownFn(String) - Static method in exception fluent.bundle.resolver.ReferenceException
unknownMessage(String) - Static method in exception fluent.bundle.resolver.ReferenceException
unknownTerm(String) - Static method in exception fluent.bundle.resolver.ReferenceException
unknownVariable(String) - Static method in exception fluent.bundle.resolver.ReferenceException
useIsolation() - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle
Bundle isolation setting


validate(FluentValue<?>) - Static method in interface fluent.functions.FluentFunction
Throw an exception if the given value is a FluentError.
value - Variable in class fluent.types.FluentCustom
value() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Literal.DoubleLiteral
Returns the value of the value record component.
value() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Literal.LongLiteral
Returns the value of the value record component.
value() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Literal.StringLiteral
Returns the value of the value record component.
value() - Method in interface fluent.syntax.AST.Literal
value() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.NamedArgument
Returns the value of the value record component.
value() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.PatternElement.TextElement
Returns the value of the value record component.
value() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Term
Returns the value of the value record component.
value() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Variant
Returns the value of the value record component.
value() - Method in class fluent.types.FluentCustom
value() - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentError
Returns the value of the value record component.
value() - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentNumber.FluentBigDecimal
Returns the value of the value record component.
value() - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentNumber.FluentDouble
Returns the value of the value record component.
value() - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentNumber.FluentLong
Returns the value of the value record component.
value() - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentString
Returns the value of the value record component.
value() - Method in record class fluent.types.FluentTemporal
Returns the value of the value record component.
value() - Method in interface fluent.types.FluentValue
valueCount(ResolvedParameters.Positional) - Method in class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters
valueCreator() - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle
Bundle FluentValueCreator
valueFirst(ResolvedParameters.Positional) - Method in class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class fluent.functions.FluentImplicit.Implicit
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters.Positional
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class fluent.functions.FluentImplicit.Implicit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters.Positional
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class fluent.syntax.parser.ParseException.ErrorCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
valuesAll() - Method in class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters
valueStream(ResolvedParameters.Positional) - Method in class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters
VariableReference(Identifier) - Constructor for record class fluent.syntax.AST.InlineExpression.VariableReference
Creates an instance of a VariableReference record class.
Variant - Record Class in fluent.syntax.AST
Variant(VariantKey, Pattern, boolean) - Constructor for record class fluent.syntax.AST.Variant
Creates an instance of a Variant record class.
VariantKey - Interface in fluent.syntax.AST
A SynatxNode usable as VariantKey (used by Variant)
variants() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.SelectExpression
Returns the value of the variants record component.


with(Options) - Method in class fluent.functions.Options.Builder
Add all options, replacing any existing options with the same name.
with(Options) - Method in class fluent.functions.ResolvedParameters
withComment(Commentary.Comment) - Method in class fluent.syntax.AST.Message
Create a new Message, with the given Comment.
withComment(Commentary.Comment) - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Term
Create a new Term, replacing the existing Comment, if any.
withFunctionFactory(FluentFunctionFactory) - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle.Builder
Use the given FluentFunctionFactory when creating this bundle.
withIsolation(boolean) - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle.Builder
Set whether this builder should use unicode isolating characters
withLocale(Locale) - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle.Builder
Use the given Locale when creating this bundle.
withName(String) - Method in exception fluent.functions.FluentFunctionException
Add the function name to the exception, creating a new Exception (but maintaining the stack trace).
withValueCreator(FluentValueFactory) - Method in class fluent.bundle.FluentBundle.Builder
Set the FluentValueCreator for the Builder
wrap(Throwable) - Static method in exception fluent.functions.FluentFunctionException
Wrap a Throwable into a FluentFunctionException, without altering the message.
wrap(Throwable, String, Object...) - Static method in exception fluent.functions.FluentFunctionException
Wrap a Throwable into a FluentFunctionException, with a custom message.


_comment() - Method in record class fluent.syntax.AST.Term
Returns the value of the _comment record component.
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