All Classes and Interfaces

Value generator capable of incrementing itself.
Java8 predicate based supportable implementation.
Retrieves a random value from an array of possibilities.
Command for building beans.
Appends bean building logic to builders, allowing custom builder interfaces.
Builds new bean instances.
Configurations on a bean build command.
Responsible for convert beans to another type.
Generator that constructs a bean.
Saves the generated beans.
Verifies the getter and setter methods of beans.
Selects the constructor that should be used for bean construction.
Default value generator, registers a generator for all common types.
Bean build command that allows users to declare custom property values.
Generator that finds the first implementation of a class and then generates that class.
Exception thrown when the getter returns a different value than initially set with the setter.
Generates a larger integer value during each invocation.
Persists entities in the entity manager.
Generates a bean, when a constructor without arguments is defined.
Does not save the bean.
Compares two objects with each other.
Temporary class until everybody moves to Java8.
Java8 predicate based supportable implementation.
Value generator that is capable of providing the property.
Creates a proxy of an interface that supports simple get and set behaviour.
Generates a random integer between the specified minimum and maximum range.
Generates a random string within the specified length range and using only the specified letters.
Dynamically generates a value of the referenced type.
Returns the values in sequence.
Selects the shortest constructor.
Simple implementation of ObjectEqualizer.
Determines if something is supported for this accessible object.
Persists entities in the entity manager.
Generates values of any type, using the behavior registered to that value type.
Throws an exception when trying to save beans.
Value generator that always throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
Generates a random UUID string value.
Generates a value.
Build builder specific to one type of build command.