Class StepConcat

    • Constructor Detail

      • StepConcat

        public StepConcat​(String prefix,
                          String postfix)
    • Method Detail

      • walk

        public WalkList.WalkResult walk​(org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree tree,
                                        String value)
        Description copied from class: Step
        This will walk into the tree and recurse through all the remaining steps. This must iterate of all possibilities and return the first matching result.
        Specified by:
        walk in class Step
        tree - The tree to walk into.
        value - The string representation of the previous step (needed for compare and lookup operations). The null value means to use the implicit 'full' value (i.e. getSourceText(tree) )
        Either null or the actual value that was found.
      • canFail

        public boolean canFail()
        Description copied from class: Step
        Some steps cannot fail. For a require rule if the last step cannot fail then this can be removed from the require list to improve performance at run time.
        canFail in class Step
        If this specific step can or cannot fail.