Class AnalyzerConfig.AnalyzerConfigBuilder

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class AnalyzerConfig.AnalyzerConfigBuilder
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • AnalyzerConfigBuilder

        public AnalyzerConfigBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • addMatcherConfigs

        public void addMatcherConfigs​(String filename,
                                      MatcherConfig matcherConfig)
      • putLookup

        public void putLookup​(String name,
                              Map<String,​String> values)
        Store the keys and values.
        name - The name of the lookup
        values - The additional keys and values for this lookup.
      • putLookupMerges

        public void putLookupMerges​(String name,
                                    Set<String> lookupNames)
        Store the additional lookups that need to be merged in with a lookup
        name - The name of the lookup
        lookupNames - The names of the lookups that must be added to the specified lookup.
      • putLookupSet

        public void putLookupSet​(String name,
                                 Set<String> values)
        Store the keys and values.
        name - The name of the lookupSet
        values - The additional keys and values for this lookup.
      • putLookupSetsMerges

        public void putLookupSetsMerges​(String name,
                                        Set<String> setNames)
        Store the additional lookupSets that need to be merged in with a lookupSet
        name - The name of the lookupSet
        setNames - The names of the lookupSets that must be added to the specified lookupSet.
      • clearAllTestCases

        public void clearAllTestCases()
      • addTestCase

        public void addTestCase​(TestCase testCase)