Class ConditionalInstantiator


public class ConditionalInstantiator extends Object
Allows instantiation of classes that may or may not be present on the classpath.
  • Constructor Details

    • ConditionalInstantiator

      public ConditionalInstantiator(String fullyQualifiedClassName)
      fullyQualifiedClassName - The fully-qualified name of the class that we intend to instantiate.
    • ConditionalInstantiator

      public ConditionalInstantiator(String fullyQualifiedClassName, boolean throwExceptions)
      fullyQualifiedClassName - The fully-qualified name of the class that we intend to instantiate.
      throwExceptions - Whether to throw exceptions when the class can't be instantiated.
  • Method Details

    • resolve

      public <T> Class<T> resolve()
      Attempts to resolve the type.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The resolved type.
      The corresponding class object if the type exists; null otherwise.
    • instantiate

      public <T> T instantiate(Class<?>[] paramTypes, Object[] paramValues)
      Attempts to instantiate the type.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type to instantiate.
      paramTypes - The types of the constructor parameters of the constructor that we want to call.
      paramValues - The values that we want to pass into the constructor.
      An instance of the type given in the constructor with the given parameter values, or null if the type does not exist.
      ReflectionException - If instantiation fails.
    • callFactory

      public <T> T callFactory(String factoryMethod, Class<?>[] paramTypes, Object[] paramValues)
      Attempts to call a static factory method on the type.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The return type of the factory method.
      factoryMethod - The name of the factory method.
      paramTypes - The types of the parameters of the specific overload of the factory method we want to call.
      paramValues - The values that we want to pass into the factory method.
      An instance of the type given by the factory method with the given parameter values, or null of the type does not exist.
      ReflectionException - If the call to the factory method fails.
    • callFactory

      public <T> T callFactory(String factoryTypeName, String factoryMethod, Class<?>[] paramTypes, Object[] paramValues)
      Attempts to call a static factory method on a type.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The return type of the factory method.
      factoryTypeName - The type that contains the factory method.
      factoryMethod - The name of the factory method.
      paramTypes - The types of the parameters of the specific overload of the factory method we want to call.
      paramValues - The values that we want to pass into the factory method.
      An instance of the type given by the factory method with the given parameter values, or null of the type does not exist.
      ReflectionException - If the call to the factory method fails.
    • returnConstant

      public <T> T returnConstant(String constantName)
      Attempts to resolve a static constant on the type.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the constant.
      constantName - The name of the constant.
      The value of the constant, or null if the type does not exist.
      ReflectionException - If resolving the constant fails.