Class PrefabValues


public class PrefabValues extends Object
Container and creator of prefabricated instances of objects and classes.

Only creates values ones, and caches them once they've been created. Takes generics into account; i.e., List<Integer> is different from List<String>.

  • Constructor Details

    • PrefabValues

      public PrefabValues(FactoryCache factoryCache)
      factoryCache - The factories that can be used to create values.
  • Method Details

    • giveRed

      public <T> T giveRed(TypeTag tag)
      Returns the "red" prefabricated value of the specified type.

      It's always a different value from the "blue" one.

      Type Parameters:
      T - The return value is cast to this type.
      tag - A description of the desired type, including generic parameters.
      The "red" prefabricated value.
    • giveBlue

      public <T> T giveBlue(TypeTag tag)
      Returns the "blue" prefabricated value of the specified type.

      It's always a different value from the "red" one.

      Type Parameters:
      T - The return value is cast to this type.
      tag - A description of the desired type, including generic parameters.
      The "blue" prefabricated value.
    • giveRedCopy

      public <T> T giveRedCopy(TypeTag tag)
      Returns a shallow copy of the "red" prefabricated value of the specified type.

      When possible, it's equal to but not the same as the "red" object.

      Type Parameters:
      T - The return value is cast to this type.
      tag - A description of the desired type, including generic parameters.
      A shallow copy of the "red" prefabricated value.
    • giveTuple

      public <T> Tuple<T> giveTuple(TypeTag tag)
      Returns a tuple of two different prefabricated values of the specified type.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The returned tuple will have this generic type.
      tag - A description of the desired type, including generic parameters.
      A tuple of two different values of the given type.
    • giveOther

      public <T> T giveOther(TypeTag tag, T value)
      Returns a prefabricated value of the specified type, that is different from the specified value.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the value.
      tag - A description of the desired type, including generic parameters.
      value - A value that is different from the value that will be returned.
      A value that is different from value.
    • realizeCacheFor

      public <T> void realizeCacheFor(TypeTag tag, LinkedHashSet<TypeTag> typeStack)
      Makes sure that values for the specified type are present in the cache, but doesn't return them.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The desired type.
      tag - A description of the desired type, including generic parameters.
      typeStack - Keeps track of recursion in the type.