All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract implementation of PrefabValueFactory that provides helper functions for dealing with generics.
Describes an annotation that can be recognised by EqualsVerifier.
Contains all properties of an annotation necessary to to make decisions about that annotation.
Alternative for org.junit.Assert, so we can assert things without having a dependency on JUnit.
Signals that an EqualsVerfier assertion has failed.
Records an initializer for a cached hash code (field name and recompute method), if any, for the object to be verified.
Instantiates and populates objects of a given class.
Allows instantiation of classes that may or may not be present on the classpath.
Implementation of PrefabValueFactory that instantiates EnumSets using reflection, while taking generics into account.
EqualsVerifier can be used in unit tests to verify whether the contract for the equals and hashCode methods in a class is met.
Helps to construct an EqualsVerifier test with a fluent API.
Signals a bug in EqualsVerifier.
Contains the results of an EqualsVerifier run.
Contains a cache of factories, for PrefabValues.
Implementation of PrefabValueFactory that instantiates types "by force".
Provides reflective access to one field of an object.
Iterable to iterate over all declared fields in a class and, if needed, over all declared fields of its superclasses.
Formats a string with the contents of one or more objects.
Functional interface for generating prefab values of some generic type T.
Functional interface for generating prefab values of a generic type T that has exactly 1 generic parameter A.
Functional interface for generating prefab values of a generic type T that has exactly 2 generic parameters, A and B.
Instantiates objects of a given class.
Creates instances of classes for use in a PrefabValues object.
Helper functions for building lists with examples.
Implementation of PrefabValueFactory that specializes in creating implementations of Map, taking generics into account.
Superclass for exceptions that exist only to send a message to the user when something goes wrong.
Signals that a class was inaccessible.
Helps to construct an EqualsVerifier test for several types at once with a fluent API.
Utility class that checks whether a field is marked with an Nonnull annotation of some sort.
Wraps an object to provide access to it.
A wrapper around Objenesis.
Scans a package for classes.
Creates instances of generic types for use as prefab value.
Container and creator of prefabricated instances of objects and classes.
Note: this is a generic implementation for a multi-release jar class.
Signals that a recursion has been detected while traversing the fields of a data structure.
Signals that a reflection call went awry.
Utilities for catching checked exceptions and re-throwing them as a RuntimeException.
Note: this is a generic implementation for a multi-release jar class.
Implementation of PrefabValueFactory that holds on to two instances that have already been created.
Helps to construct an EqualsVerifier test with a fluent API.
Iterable to iterate over all superclasses of a class.
Descriptions of the annotations that EqualsVerifier supports.
Container for three values of the same type: a "red" one, a "blue" one, and a shallow copy of the "red" one.
Represents a generic type, including raw type and generic type parameters.
Enum of warnings that can be suppressed in EqualsVerifier.