Class PrefabValues

  • public class PrefabValues
    extends Object
    Container and creator of prefabricated instances of objects and classes.

    Only creates values ones, and caches them once they've been created. Takes generics into account; i.e., List<Integer> is different from List<String>.

    • Constructor Detail

      • PrefabValues

        public PrefabValues​(FactoryCache factoryCache)
        factoryCache - The factories that can be used to create values.
    • Method Detail

      • giveRed

        public <T> T giveRed​(TypeTag tag)
        Returns the "red" prefabricated value of the specified type.

        It's always a different value from the "blue" one.

        Type Parameters:
        T - The return value is cast to this type.
        tag - A description of the desired type, including generic parameters.
        The "red" prefabricated value.
      • giveBlue

        public <T> T giveBlue​(TypeTag tag)
        Returns the "blue" prefabricated value of the specified type.

        It's always a different value from the "red" one.

        Type Parameters:
        T - The return value is cast to this type.
        tag - A description of the desired type, including generic parameters.
        The "blue" prefabricated value.
      • giveRedCopy

        public <T> T giveRedCopy​(TypeTag tag)
        Returns a shallow copy of the "red" prefabricated value of the specified type.

        When possible, it's equal to but not the same as the "red" object.

        Type Parameters:
        T - The return value is cast to this type.
        tag - A description of the desired type, including generic parameters.
        A shallow copy of the "red" prefabricated value.
      • giveTuple

        public <T> Tuple<T> giveTuple​(TypeTag tag)
        Returns a tuple of two different prefabricated values of the specified type.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The returned tuple will have this generic type.
        tag - A description of the desired type, including generic parameters.
        A tuple of two different values of the given type.
      • giveOther

        public <T> T giveOther​(TypeTag tag,
                               T value)
        Returns a prefabricated value of the specified type, that is different from the specified value.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the value.
        tag - A description of the desired type, including generic parameters.
        value - A value that is different from the value that will be returned.
        A value that is different from value.
      • realizeCacheFor

        public <T> void realizeCacheFor​(TypeTag tag,
                                        LinkedHashSet<TypeTag> typeStack)
        Makes sure that values for the specified type are present in the cache, but doesn't return them.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The desired type.
        tag - A description of the desired type, including generic parameters.
        typeStack - Keeps track of recursion in the type.