Class MediaObjectLocker

  • public class MediaObjectLocker
    extends Object
    Tool to make sure that the 'authority' related dropboxes and other services don't run at the same time for the same mid.

    It may be better to (also) introduce more decent hibernate locking (MSE-3751)

    This basically wraps ObjectLocker, but keeps a separate map of locked objects, dedicated to media identifiables

    Also, it defines some annotations (for use with MediaObjectLockerAspect, to facilitate locking via annotation), and some utility methods.

    Michiel Meeuwissen
    • Constructor Detail

      • MediaObjectLocker

        public MediaObjectLocker()
    • Method Detail

      • assertNoMidLock

        public static void assertNoMidLock​(String description)
      • executeInNewTransactionWithMidLock

        public static <T> T executeInNewTransactionWithMidLock​(@NonNull TransactionService transactionService,
                                                               String mid,
                                                               @NonNull String reason,
                                                               @NonNull Callable<T> callable)
        Run in a new transaction, but before that lock the mid.

        Make sure not to be in a transaction already.

      • executeInNewTransactionWithCorrelationLock

        public static <T> T executeInNewTransactionWithCorrelationLock​(@NonNull TransactionService transactionService,
                                                                       @Nullable MediaIdentifiable.Correlation correlation,
                                                                       @NonNull String reason,
                                                                       @NonNull Callable<T> callable)
        Run in a new transaction, but before that lock the mid.

        Make sure not to be in a transaction already.

      • executeInNewTransactionWithMidLock

        public static <T> T executeInNewTransactionWithMidLock​(@NonNull DoAsTransactionService transactionService,
                                                               @NonNull Trusted user,
                                                               String mid,
                                                               @NonNull String reason,
                                                               @NonNull Callable<T> callable)
        Run in a new transaction, but before that lock the mid.

        Make sure not to be in a transaction already.

      • executeInNewTransactionWithCorrelationLock

        public static <T> T executeInNewTransactionWithCorrelationLock​(@NonNull DoAsTransactionService transactionService,
                                                                       @NonNull Trusted user,
                                                                       MediaIdentifiable.Correlation correlation,
                                                                       @NonNull String reason,
                                                                       @NonNull Callable<T> callable)
        Run in a new transaction, but before that lock the mid.

        Make sure not to be in a transaction already.

      • getWithMidLock

        public static <T> T getWithMidLock​(String mid,
                                           @NonNull String reason,
                                           @NonNull Supplier<T> callable)
      • withMidLock

        public static void withMidLock​(String mid,
                                       @NonNull String reason,
                                       @NonNull Runnable runnable)
      • withMidLock

        public static <T> T withMidLock​(String mid,
                                        @NonNull String reason,
                                        @NonNull Callable<T> callable)