Class AuthorityLocations


public class AuthorityLocations extends Object
Utilities related to poms 'authorative locations'. I.e. locations that are implicitly added (because of some notification from an external system, currently NEP), with owner OwnerType.AUTHORITY
Michiel Meeuwissen
  • Constructor Details

    • AuthorityLocations

      public AuthorityLocations()
  • Method Details

    • realize

      public Program realize(@NonNull Program program, @NonNull Platform platform, @NonNull String pubOptie, @NonNull owner, @NonNull Set<> replaces)
      This will be called if for a certain platform and 'puboptie' a 'notify' is received. E.g. a 'projecm' notify message would trigger this. TODO I think this is not used any more, we receive notification from NEP (which we assign 'pubOptie=nep')
    • realizeStreamingPlatformIfNeeded

      public AuthorityLocations.RealizeResult realizeStreamingPlatformIfNeeded(@NonNull MediaObject mediaObject, @NonNull AVType avType, @NonNull Platform platform, @NonNull Predicate<Location> locationPredicate, @NonNull Instant now)
      This will be called per platform if an NEP notify is received.
    • removeLocationForPlatformIfNeeded

      public void removeLocationForPlatformIfNeeded(MediaObject mediaObject, Platform platform, Predicate<Location> locationPredicate, Instant now)
    • createWebOnlyPredictionIfNeeded

      public Optional<Prediction> createWebOnlyPredictionIfNeeded(MediaObject mediaObject)
      Creates a prediction because of a NEP notification.

      If a mediaobject has INTERNETVOD locations (which are not deleted) (which were not created because of NEP)

      then we need to have INTERNETVOD prediction which can be set to 'REALIZED'.

      This is not always the case, this method can correct that.

    • updatePredictionStates

      public static boolean updatePredictionStates(MediaObject object, Instant now)
      After locations are added or removed, this may have effect on the state of the prediction records
    • updatePredictionStates

      public static boolean updatePredictionStates(MediaObject mediaObject, Platform platform, Instant now)