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assemble(Serializable, Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.FalseToNullType
assemble(Serializable, Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.InstantToTimestampType


close() - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.ScrollableResultsIterator
contributeTypes(TypeContributions, ServiceRegistry) - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.hsql.CustomHSQLDialect
CriteriaIterator<T> - Class in nl.vpro.hibernate
Executes a Criteria and makes the result accessible as a CloseableIterator.
CriteriaIterator(Criteria, Function<ScrollableResults, T>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.hibernate.CriteriaIterator
CustomHSQLDialect - Class in nl.vpro.hibernate.hsql
CustomHSQLDialect() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.hibernate.hsql.CustomHSQLDialect
CustomHSQLDialect.UUIDType - Class in nl.vpro.hibernate.hsql


deepCopy(Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.FalseToNullType
deepCopy(Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.InstantToTimestampType
disassemble(Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.FalseToNullType
disassemble(Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.InstantToTimestampType


equals(Object, Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.FalseToNullType
equals(Object, Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.InstantToTimestampType


FalseToNullType - Class in nl.vpro.hibernate
FalseToNullType() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.hibernate.FalseToNullType
findNext() - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.ScrollableResultsIterator


getName() - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.hsql.CustomHSQLDialect.UUIDType
getName() - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.URIType


H2DialectWithUUID - Class in nl.vpro.hibernate.h2
H2DialectWithUUID() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.hibernate.h2.H2DialectWithUUID
hashCode(Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.FalseToNullType
hashCode(Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.InstantToTimestampType
hasNext() - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.ScrollableResultsIterator


INSTANCE - Static variable in class nl.vpro.hibernate.FalseToNullType
INSTANCE - Static variable in class nl.vpro.hibernate.InstantToTimestampType
InstantToTimestampType - Class in nl.vpro.hibernate
InstantToTimestampType() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.hibernate.InstantToTimestampType
isMutable() - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.FalseToNullType
isMutable() - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.InstantToTimestampType


next() - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.ScrollableResultsIterator
nl.vpro.hibernate - package nl.vpro.hibernate
nl.vpro.hibernate.h2 - package nl.vpro.hibernate.h2
nl.vpro.hibernate.hsql - package nl.vpro.hibernate.hsql
nullSafeGet(ResultSet, String[], SharedSessionContractImplementor, Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.FalseToNullType
nullSafeGet(ResultSet, String[], SharedSessionContractImplementor, Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.InstantToTimestampType
nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement, Object, int, SharedSessionContractImplementor) - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.FalseToNullType
nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement, Object, int, SharedSessionContractImplementor) - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.InstantToTimestampType


objectToSQLString(URI, Dialect) - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.URIType


QueryIterator<T> - Class in nl.vpro.hibernate
Executes a Criteria and makes the result accessible as a CloseableIterator.
QueryIterator(Query, Function<ScrollableResults, T>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.hibernate.QueryIterator


registerUnderJavaType() - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.URIType
replace(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.FalseToNullType
replace(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.InstantToTimestampType
returnedClass() - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.FalseToNullType
returnedClass() - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.InstantToTimestampType


ScrollableResultsIterator<T> - Class in nl.vpro.hibernate
Executes a Criteria and makes the result accessible as a CloseableIterator.
ScrollableResultsIterator(ScrollableResults, Function<ScrollableResults, T>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.hibernate.ScrollableResultsIterator
sqlTypes() - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.FalseToNullType
sqlTypes() - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.InstantToTimestampType
stringToObject(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.URIType


toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.CriteriaIterator
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.ScrollableResultsIterator
toString(URI) - Method in class nl.vpro.hibernate.URIType


URIType - Class in nl.vpro.hibernate
A type that maps between VARCHAR and URI
URIType() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.hibernate.URIType
UUIDType() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.hibernate.hsql.CustomHSQLDialect.UUIDType
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