All Classes and Interfaces

Newer jackson version suddenly recognized @XmlEnumValue.
Work around for JACKSON-920
Default Jackson serialized Durations as seconds.
Default Jackson serialized Durations as seconds.
Many static public members that are not unmodifiable (e.g.
This is used to bind our object mapper to resteasy/jaxrs.
Sometimes jackson/resteasy will not unmarshal a json because there is no type information, but the prototype actually specifies it fully.
These can be used in conjunction with InstantXmlAdapter, if you want 'millis since epoch' in JSON, but formatted date stamps in xml.
Several setups at VPRO and at NPO involve a backend system that publishes JSON to ElasticSearch.
Forward compatible view
New fields may be temporary marked 'ForwardPublisher'.
A 'model' related view of the json.