Class Slf4jHelper

    • Method Detail

      • log

        public static void log​(org.slf4j.Logger logger,
                               Level level,
                               String txt)
      • log

        public static void log​(org.slf4j.Logger logger,
                               org.slf4j.event.Level level,
                               String txt)
        Log at the specified level. If the "logger" is null, nothing is logged. If the "level" is null, nothing is logged. If the "txt" is null, behaviour depends on the SLF4J implementation.
      • log

        public static void log​(org.slf4j.Logger logger,
                               Level level,
                               String format,
                               Object... argArray)
      • log

        public static void log​(org.slf4j.Logger logger,
                               org.slf4j.event.Level level,
                               String format,
                               Object... argArray)
        Log at the specified level. If the "logger" is null, nothing is logged. If the "level" is null, nothing is logged. If the "format" or the "argArray" are null, behaviour depends on the SLF4J-backing implementation.
      • debugOrInfo

        public static void debugOrInfo​(org.slf4j.Logger logger,
                                       boolean info,
                                       String format,
                                       Object... argArray)
      • log

        public static void log​(org.slf4j.Logger logger,
                               Level level,
                               String txt,
                               Throwable throwable)
      • log

        public static void log​(org.slf4j.Logger logger,
                               org.slf4j.event.Level level,
                               String txt,
                               Throwable throwable)
        Log at the specified level, with a Throwable on top. If the "logger" is null, nothing is logged. If the "level" is null, nothing is logged. If the "format" or the "argArray" or the "throwable" are null, behaviour depends on the SLF4J-backing implementation.
      • isEnabled

        public static boolean isEnabled​(@NonNull org.slf4j.Logger logger,
                                        @NonNull org.slf4j.event.Level level)
      • returnAndWarn

        public static String returnAndWarn​(@NonNull org.slf4j.Logger logger,
                                           @NonNull String format,
                                           Object... arg)
      • returnAndInfo

        public static String returnAndInfo​(@NonNull org.slf4j.Logger logger,
                                           @NonNull String format,
                                           Object... arg)