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ACC - nl.vpro.util.Env
ACC_NEW - nl.vpro.util.Env
ACC_OLD - nl.vpro.util.Env
ACCA - nl.vpro.util.Env
ACCA_NEW - nl.vpro.util.Env
ACCB - nl.vpro.util.Env
ACCB_NEW - nl.vpro.util.Env
accept(Map<String, String>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.XTrustProvider.Installer
accept(Level, CharSequence, Throwable) - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans.UpdatableString
accept(T) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.ExceptionUtils.ThrowingConsumer
acceptWithException(T) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.ExceptionUtils.ThrowingConsumer
adapt(T) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SortedSetElementWrapper
Adapter() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.IntegerVersion.Adapter
add(int, T) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingList
add(Map<K, List<V>>, L, W) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
Adds a value to a map of lists.
add(T) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.ResortedSortedSet
add(T) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SortedSetSameElementWrapper
add(T) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.TransformingCollection
add(T) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingSortedSet
adder(Function<T, T>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.HeadAdder.Builder
adder(Function<T, T>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TailAdder.Builder
adders(Collection<? extends Function<T, T>>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.HeadAdder.Builder
adders(Collection<? extends Function<T, T>>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TailAdder.Builder
addToSetMap(Map<K, Set<V>>, L, W) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
Adds a value to a map of sets.
AnnotatedStandardMXBean - Class in nl.vpro.jmx
Provides support for the annotation Description, Name and, Units.
AnnotatedStandardMXBean(T, Class<T>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.jmx.AnnotatedStandardMXBean
appendIfNotEmpty(StringBuilder, String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
apply(A) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.ExceptionUtils.ThrowingFunction
applyWithException(A) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.ExceptionUtils.ThrowingFunction
arg(String...) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.Parameters.Builder
args(String...) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.Parameters.Builder
arrayContains(T, T...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
Tries and find an element in an array.
asDate(Duration) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TimeUtils
autoClose() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
autoClose(boolean) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CountedMaxOffsetIterator.Builder
autoClose(boolean) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator.Builder
autoClose(AutoCloseable...) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
available() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SkipAtStartInputStream
available() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.WrappedInputStream


backgroundExecutor - Static variable in class nl.vpro.util.ThreadPools
A scheduled executor service with fixed pool size, so should be used to schedule short-lived background tasks only.
BasicWrappedIterator<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
BasicWrappedIterator(Long, Long, Iterator<T>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.BasicWrappedIterator
BasicWrappedIterator(Long, Iterator<T>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.BasicWrappedIterator
BasicWrappedIterator(Collection<T>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.BasicWrappedIterator
BasicWrappedIterator(AtomicLong, AtomicLong, Iterator<T>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.BasicWrappedIterator
BasicWrappedIterator(AtomicLong, Iterator<T>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.BasicWrappedIterator
BasicWrappedIterator(Supplier<Long>, Supplier<Long>, Long, Long, Iterator<T>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.BasicWrappedIterator
BasicWrappedIterator(Iterator<T>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.BasicWrappedIterator
BasicWrappedIterator.Builder<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
batch(long) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier.Builder
batchConsumer(Consumer<Copier>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier.Builder
batchConsumer(Consumer<FileCachingInputStream>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream.Builder
BatchedReceiver<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
Given some API which supplies only 'batched' retrieval (so with offset and max/batchsize parameters), access such an API as an iterator to visit all elements.
BatchedReceiver(Integer, Long, BiFunction<Long, Integer, Iterator<T>>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiver
BatchedReceiver.Builder<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
BatchedReceiverSpliterator<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
Given some API which supplies only 'batched' retrieval (so with offset and max/batchsize parameters), access such an API as an iterator to visit all elements.
BatchedReceiverSpliterator(Integer, Long, BiFunction<Long, Integer, Iterator<T>>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiverSpliterator
BatchedReceiverSpliterator.Builder<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
batchGetter(BiFunction<Long, Integer, Iterator<T>>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiver.Builder
batchGetter(BiFunction<Long, Integer, Iterator<T>>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiverSpliterator.Builder
batchGetter(Supplier<Iterator<T>>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiver.Builder
batchGetter(Supplier<Iterator<T>>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiverSpliterator.Builder
batchSize(long) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream.Builder
batchSize(Integer) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiver.Builder
batchSize(Integer) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiverSpliterator.Builder
batchSize(Integer) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
beansFromProperties(Function<String, S>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
beansFromProperties(Function<String, S>, URI, Consumer<List<S>>...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
between(Temporal, Temporal) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TimeUtils
BindingUtils - Class in nl.vpro.util
biWrapLogInfo(BiFunction<Level, CharSequence, String>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
BrokenPipe(IOException) - Constructor for exception nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.BrokenPipe
bucketCount(Integer) - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.Counter.Builder
build() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.Counter.Builder
build() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BasicWrappedIterator.Builder
build() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiver.Builder
build() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiverSpliterator.Builder
build() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CallbackIterator.Builder
build() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.Parameters.Builder
build() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
build() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier.Builder
build() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CountedMaxOffsetIterator.Builder
build() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream.Builder
build() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileMetadata.Builder
build() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileSizeFormatter.Builder
build() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FilteringIterator.Builder
build() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.HeadAdder.Builder
build() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.LazyIterator.Builder
build() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator.Builder
build() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair.Builder
build() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SkippingIterator.Builder
build() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TailAdder.Builder
build() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingIterator.Builder
builder() - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.Counter
builder() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.BasicWrappedIterator
builder() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiver
builder() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiverSpliterator
builder() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.CallbackIterator
builder() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.Parameters
builder() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl
builder() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier
builder() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream
builder() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.FileMetadata
builder() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.FileSizeFormatter
builder() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.FilteringIterator
builder() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.HeadAdder
builder() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.LazyIterator
builder() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
builder() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair
builder() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.SkippingIterator
builder() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TailAdder
builder() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingIterator


callback(Consumer<Copier>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier.Builder
callback(Runnable) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CallbackIterator.Builder
callback(Runnable) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CountedMaxOffsetIterator.Builder
callback(Runnable) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator.Builder
callback(Consumer<FilteringIterator<T>>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FilteringIterator.Builder
callBack() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
callBack(Runnable) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
CallbackIterator<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
An iterator that can call a callback function when its iteration is finished.
CallbackIterator(Iterator<T>, Runnable) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.CallbackIterator
CallbackIterator.Builder<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
callbacks(Collection<? extends Runnable>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CountedMaxOffsetIterator.Builder
callbacks(Collection<? extends Runnable>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator.Builder
cancel() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans.LockValue
cancel(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans
cancel(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeansUtils
cancel(String) - Method in interface nl.vpro.jmx.MBeansUtilsMXBean
cancelDeleteOnExit(Path) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.PathUtils
canEqual(Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.CountAspect.Local
canEqual(Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileMetadata
canEqual(Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair
canEqual(Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.UrlProvider
characteristics() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiverSpliterator
charsetForName(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.ISO6937CharsetProvider
charsets() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.ISO6937CharsetProvider
classForName(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
classForName(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
Finds the class given its name.
clear() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TransactionUUID
clearAdders() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.HeadAdder.Builder
clearAdders() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TailAdder.Builder
clearCallbacks() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CountedMaxOffsetIterator.Builder
clearCallbacks() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator.Builder
clearCommonArgsSuppliers() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
clearListArgs() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.Parameters.Builder
clock(Clock) - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.Counter.Builder
close() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CallbackIterator
close() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CloseableIterator.WrappedCloseableIterator
close() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier
Closes and interrupts the copier if necessary (This may be desired if it was detected that the receiver is no longer interested).
close() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CountedIterator
close() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream
close() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FilteringIterator
close() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.LazyIterator
close() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
close() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.SilentAutoCloseable
close() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SkipAtStartInputStream
close() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TailAdder
close() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingIterator
close() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.WrappedInputStream
close() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.WrappedIterator
CloseableIterator<T> - Interface in nl.vpro.util
An iterator that is also AutoCloseable.
CloseableIterator.WrappedCloseableIterator<S> - Class in nl.vpro.util
CloseableIterator.WrappedPeekingCloseableIterator<S> - Class in nl.vpro.util
CloseablePeekingIterator<E> - Interface in nl.vpro.util
closedClosed(C, C) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Ranges
Creates on Range.closed(Comparable, Comparable) range, but the arguments can be null in which case unbounded ranges are created
closedOpen(C, C) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Ranges
Creates on Range.openClosed(Comparable, Comparable) range, but the arguments can be null in which case unbounded ranges are created
closeQuietly(AutoCloseable...) - Static method in interface nl.vpro.util.CloseableIterator
closeStreams(Boolean) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
closeTempFile() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream
CommandExecutor - Interface in nl.vpro.util
Executor for external commands.
CommandExecutor.BrokenPipe - Exception in nl.vpro.util
CommandExecutor.ExitCodeException - Exception in nl.vpro.util
CommandExecutor.Parameters - Class in nl.vpro.util
The parameters of CommandExecutor.submit(IntConsumer, Parameters), in other words, an object representing the one time parameters of a call to a CommandExecutor.
CommandExecutor.Parameters.Builder - Class in nl.vpro.util
CommandExecutorImpl - Class in nl.vpro.util
Wrapper around ProcessorBuilder It makes calling that somewhat simpler and also implements an interface, for easier mocking in test cases.
CommandExecutorImpl(File) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl
CommandExecutorImpl(File, File) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl
CommandExecutorImpl(String) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl
CommandExecutorImpl(String, File) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl
CommandExecutorImpl(String, File, Duration) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl
CommandExecutorImpl.Builder - Class in nl.vpro.util
commandToString(List<String>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl
commonArg(Object...) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
commonArg(String...) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
commonArg(Supplier<Object>...) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
commonArgs(List<String>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
commonArgsSupplier(Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
commonArgsSuppliers(Collection<? extends Object>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
comparator() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.ResortedSortedSet
comparator() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SortedSetElementWrapper
comparator() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingSortedSet
comparator(BiFunction<T, T, Boolean>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SkippingIterator.Builder
compare(Comparable, Comparable) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
Compare, taking null into account (null <).
compareTo(Version<T>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Version
configured(Class<T>, String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ConfigUtils
configured(Class<T>, String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
configured(Class<T>, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ConfigUtils
configured(Class<T>, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
We can also create the instance itself (supporting the Builder pattern of lombok)
configured(Env, Class<T>, String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ConfigUtils
configured(Env, Class<T>, String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
configured(Env, Class<T>, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ConfigUtils
Creates a configured instance of given class.
configured(Env, Class<T>, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
configured(Env, Object, String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
configured(Env, T, String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ConfigUtils
configured(Env, T, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ConfigUtils
configured(Env, T, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
configured(T, String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ConfigUtils
configured(T, String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
configured(T, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ConfigUtils
configured(T, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
configured(T, Map<String, String>, Collection<Function<String, String>>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
Configure an instance using a map of properties.
configuredInHome(Class<T>, String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ConfigUtils
configuredInHome(Env, Class<T>, String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ConfigUtils
configuredInHome(Env, T, String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ConfigUtils
configuredInHome(Env, T, String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
configuredInHome(T, String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ConfigUtils
configuredInHome(T, String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
configureIfNull(T, Map<String, String>, Collection<Function<String, String>>, Collection<Function<String, String>>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
Configure an instance using a map of properties.
configureIfNull(T, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
ConfigUtils - Class in nl.vpro.util
At VPRO we use an convention for configuring web-application using property-files.
ConfigUtils() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.ConfigUtils
consume() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TransactionUUID
consume(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TransactionUUID
consumer(Consumer<Process>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.Parameters.Builder
controlEach(CharSequence, Character) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TextUtil
convert(char[]) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.ISO6937CharsetProvider.ISO6937CharsetEncoder
Converts UCS/Unicode data to ISO 6937.
convert(Range<C>, Function<C, D>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Ranges
convert(Object, Class<?>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ProviderAndBuilder
convert(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.picocli.Picocli.DurationConverter
convert(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.picocli.Picocli.EnvConverter
convert(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.picocli.Picocli.InstantConverter
convert(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.picocli.Picocli.IntegerVersionConverter
Copier - Class in nl.vpro.util
Can be used to copy an InputStream to an OutputStream in a stand alone thread.
Copier(InputStream, OutputStream) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.Copier
Copier(InputStream, OutputStream, long) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.Copier
Copier.Builder - Class in nl.vpro.util
copyExecutor - Static variable in class nl.vpro.util.ThreadPools
An executor service used for 'copy' threads.
count - Variable in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
The count of the next element.
CountAspect<T> - Class in nl.vpro.jmx
Wraps all calls to register some statistics.
CountAspect.Local - Class in nl.vpro.jmx
countedBuilder() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
CountedIterator<T> - Interface in nl.vpro.util
An iterator that is also aware of the current position CountedIterator.getCount(), and optionally of the size of the object that is iterated CountedIterator.getSize(), and also optionally of a 'total' size (in case this iterator presents some sub-collection) CountedIterator.getTotalSize().
CountedMaxOffsetIterator<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
CountedMaxOffsetIterator.Builder<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
CountedPeekingIterator<T> - Interface in nl.vpro.util
A PeekingIterator that is also CountedIterator.
Counter - Class in nl.vpro.jmx
Counter(ObjectName, Duration, Integer, Clock) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.jmx.Counter
Counter.Builder - Class in nl.vpro.jmx
CounterMXBean - Interface in nl.vpro.jmx
countNulls(boolean) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator.Builder
countPredicate(Predicate<T>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CountedMaxOffsetIterator.Builder
countPredicate(Predicate<T>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator.Builder
countWindow(Duration) - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.Counter.Builder
createThreadFactory(String, boolean, int) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ThreadPools
createThreadFactory(ThreadGroup, String, boolean, int) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ThreadPools
currentLocks() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker
currentThreadLocal - Static variable in class nl.vpro.jmx.CountAspect


DateUtils - Class in nl.vpro.util
DateUtils() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.DateUtils
DECIMAL - Static variable in class nl.vpro.util.FileSizeFormatter
decimalFormatSymbols(DecimalFormatSymbols) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileSizeFormatter.Builder
decimalFormatSymbols(Locale) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileSizeFormatter.Builder
decode(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.URLPathEncode
decodeLoop(ByteBuffer, CharBuffer) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.ISO6937CharsetProvider.ISO6937CharsetDecoder
DEFAULT - nl.vpro.util.HTMLStripper.State
DEFAULT - Static variable in class nl.vpro.util.FileSizeFormatter
DEFAULT_DURATION - Static variable in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans
DEFAULT_ZONE - Static variable in class nl.vpro.util.BindingUtils
defaultGetter(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
defaultSetter(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
DefaultValue - Annotation Type in nl.vpro.util
Recognized by nl.vpro.guice.OptionalModule
deleteOnExit(Path) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.PathUtils
Very similar File.deleteOnExit() (code was more or less copied from there) but based on Path
deleteTempFile(Boolean) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream.Builder
descriptedFirst(String, F) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair.Builder
descriptedSecond(String, S) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair.Builder
Description - Annotation Type in nl.vpro.jmx
This annotation can be used to add a description to a mx bean (annotation with MXBean, or its methods.
disable(boolean) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker.LockHolder
download(String, File) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Ssh
downloadFirst(Boolean) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream.Builder
DurationConverter() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.picocli.Picocli.DurationConverter
durationOf(Duration) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TimeUtils
durationOf(Integer) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TimeUtils
durationOf(Date) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TimeUtils


effectiveCountPredicate(Predicate<S>, boolean) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
empty() - Static method in interface nl.vpro.util.CloseableIterator
encode(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.URLPathEncode
Escapes every character of the input string for the path part of a URL.
encode(String, boolean) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.URLPathEncode
Escapes every character of the input string for the path part of a URL.
encodeLoop(CharBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.ISO6937CharsetProvider.ISO6937CharsetEncoder
encodePath(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.URLPathEncode
Escapes every character of the input string for the path part of an URL, but only after splitting it by /.
encodePath(String, boolean) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.URLPathEncode
engineGetTrustManagers() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.XTrustProvider.TrustManagerFactoryImpl
engineInit(KeyStore) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.XTrustProvider.TrustManagerFactoryImpl
engineInit(ManagerFactoryParameters) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.XTrustProvider.TrustManagerFactoryImpl
entrySet() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.LinkedProperties
entrySet() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.OrderedProperties
Env - Enum in nl.vpro.util
Env.Match - Enum in nl.vpro.util
EnvConverter() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.picocli.Picocli.EnvConverter
equals(Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.CountAspect.Local
equals(Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileMetadata
equals(Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker.LockHolder
equals(Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair
equals(Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.UrlProvider
equals(Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Version
ERROR - nl.vpro.util.HTMLStripper.State
ERROR - nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils.ResultAction
errorHandler(BiConsumer<Copier, Throwable>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier.Builder
errors(OutputStream) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.Parameters.Builder
escapeForBash(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl
escapeSpecialRegexChars(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.IntegerVersion
Seems like a useful method in general, but fow now only used to escape '.'....
estimateSize() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiverSpliterator
event(ObjectLocker.Listener.Type, ObjectLocker.LockHolder<?>, Duration) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker.Listener
Called for lock event
EXACT - nl.vpro.util.Env.Match
ExceptionUtils - Class in nl.vpro.util
ExceptionUtils() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.ExceptionUtils
ExceptionUtils.ThrowingConsumer<T> - Interface in nl.vpro.util
ExceptionUtils.ThrowingFunction<A,​R,​E extends Exception> - Interface in nl.vpro.util
exec(String...) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Ssh
executable(File...) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
executables(List<File>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
executablesPath(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
executablesPaths(Iterable<String>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
executablesPaths(String...) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
execute() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier
execute(InputStream, OutputStream, OutputStream, String...) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor
Executes the command
execute(OutputStream, OutputStream, String...) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor
Executes the command, defaulting version of CommandExecutor.execute(java.io.InputStream, java.io.OutputStream, java.io.OutputStream, java.lang.String...), where the first argument is null
execute(OutputStream, String...) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor
Executes the command with given arguments.
execute(Writer, String...) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor
Defaulting version of CommandExecutor.execute(OutputStream, String...), where the output of the command will be interpreted as a UTF-stream, and be written to the supplied Writer.
execute(String...) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor
Executes with the given arguments.
execute(String...) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl
Executes the command with given arguments.
execute(CommandExecutor) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.Parameters.Builder
execute(CommandExecutor.Parameters) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor
Executes the command .
execute(CommandExecutor.Parameters) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl
Executes the command with given arguments, catch the output and error streams in the given output streams, and provide standard input with the given input stream
execute(CommandExecutor.Parameters.Builder) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor
This defaulting version of CommandExecutor.execute(Parameters) eliminates the need to call CommandExecutor.Parameters.Builder.build().
executeIfNotRunning() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier
ExitCodeException(String, int) - Constructor for exception nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.ExitCodeException
exitCodeLogLevel(IntFunction<Level>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
expectedCount(Long) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier.Builder
expectedCount(Long) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream.Builder
expire() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
expire() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.URLResourceMXBean


FALSE - nl.vpro.util.Truthiness
FileCachingInputStream - Class in nl.vpro.util
When wrapping this around your inputstream, it will be read as fast a possible, but you can consume from it slower.
FileCachingInputStream.Builder - Class in nl.vpro.util
FileMetadata - Class in nl.vpro.util
An abstract representation of a File, it can e.g.
FileMetadata.Builder - Class in nl.vpro.util
fileName(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileMetadata.Builder
filePrefix(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream.Builder
FileSizeFormatter - Class in nl.vpro.util
Formatting file sizes it not always very trivial.
FileSizeFormatter(DecimalFormat, boolean) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.FileSizeFormatter
FileSizeFormatter.Builder - Class in nl.vpro.util
fill(Provider<T>, S) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ProviderAndBuilder
fillAndCatch(Provider<T>, S) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ProviderAndBuilder
filter() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.TransformingCollection
filter(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FilteringIterator.Builder
filter(Predicate<S>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingSortedSet
filter(T, Predicate<Object>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ObjectFilter
filterCount() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.ObjectFilter.Result
filtered(Env, String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ConfigUtils
Given a map of strings, and an Env create a new map of properties, filtered according to the following ideas.
filtered(Env, String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
filtered(Env, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ConfigUtils
Defaulting version of ConfigUtils.filtered(Env, String, Map), with no prefix.
filtered(Env, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
FilteringIterator<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
Filtering, or Transforming iterator.
FilteringIterator(Iterator<? extends T>, Predicate<? super T>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.FilteringIterator
FilteringIterator(Iterator<? extends T>, Predicate<? super T>, FilteringIterator.KeepAlive) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.FilteringIterator
FilteringIterator.Builder<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
FilteringIterator.KeepAlive - Class in nl.vpro.util
find(S) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SortedSetElementWrapper
find(T) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SortedSetSameElementWrapper
findNext() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiver
findNext() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiverSpliterator
findNext() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CallbackIterator
findNext() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
findNext() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MergedSortedIterator.SameThreadMergingIterator
findNext() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SkippingIterator
first() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.ResortedSortedSet
first() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SortedSetElementWrapper
first() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingSortedSet
first(F) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair.Builder
firstDescription(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair.Builder
firstNonNull(List<T>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
Returns the first non-null value.
firstNonNull(Set<T>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
Returns the first non-null value.
flush() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.HTMLStripper.TagStripper
format(Number) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileSizeFormatter
format(DecimalFormat) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileSizeFormatter.Builder
formatSpeed(Number, Duration) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileSizeFormatter
Given a number of bytes, processed in a certain duration, format it as certain amount of bytes per second.
formatSpeed(Number, Instant) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileSizeFormatter
forName(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ISO6937CharsetProvider
ForTesting - Annotation Type in nl.vpro.jmx
This annotation can be used to mark an mx bean (annotation with MXBean operation as for testing only.
fromUrl(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.UrlProvider


get() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans.UpdatableString
get() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.ObjectFilter.Result
get() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Suppliers.MemoizeSupplier
get() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TransactionUUID
get() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
Returns the supplied value backed by the URLResource.getUrl().
get(int) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingList
getAccept() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
getAction() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils.Result
getAge() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker.LockHolder
getAlgorithm() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.XTrustProvider.TrustManagerFactoryImpl
getAnnotatedProperty(Class<?>, Class<W>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
getArgs() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.Parameters
getAsBoolean() - Method in enum nl.vpro.util.Env.Match
getAsBoolean() - Method in enum nl.vpro.util.Truthiness
getAverageDuration() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.Counter
getAverageDuration() - Method in interface nl.vpro.jmx.CounterMXBean
getAverageDurationMs() - Method in interface nl.vpro.jmx.CounterMXBean
getAverageDurations() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.Counter
getAverageDurations() - Method in interface nl.vpro.jmx.CounterMXBean
getAverageDurationsMs() - Method in interface nl.vpro.jmx.CounterMXBean
getAverageLockAcquireTime() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdmin
getAverageLockDuration() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdmin
getBinary() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor
The binary associated with the CommandExecutor.
getBinary() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl
getBufferLength() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream
getBuilderMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ProviderAndBuilder
getByteSize(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.HttpConnectionUtils
TODO in vpro api we find a HttpClient version of this, with connection pooling.
getChangesCount() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
getCheckedCount() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
getClass(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
getCode() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
The HTTP status code on the last invocation of URLResource.get()
getConfigFilesInHome(String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ConfigUtils
Given a list of config file names, returns an array of resources representing it.
getConnectTimeout() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
getConsumers() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TransactionUUID
getCount() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.Counter
getCount() - Method in interface nl.vpro.jmx.CounterMXBean
getCount() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BasicWrappedIterator
getCount() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CallbackIterator
The current position.
getCount() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier
Returns the number of bytes read from the input stream so far
getCount() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CountedIterator
The current position.
getCount() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CountedMaxOffsetIterator
getCount() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream
Returns the number of bytes consumed from the input stream so far
getCount() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.LazyIterator
getCount() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TailAdder
getCount() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.WrappedIterator
getCurrentCount() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdmin
getCurrentCount() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdminMXBean
getCurrentCounts() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdmin
getCurrentCounts() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdminMXBean
getDescription() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans.LockValue
getDescription(MBeanAttributeInfo) - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.AnnotatedStandardMXBean
Returns the description of an Attribute
getDescription(MBeanInfo) - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.AnnotatedStandardMXBean
getDescription(MBeanOperationInfo) - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.AnnotatedStandardMXBean
Returns the description of an operation
getDescription(MBeanOperationInfo, MBeanParameterInfo, int) - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.AnnotatedStandardMXBean
Returns the description of a parameter
getDurationStatistics() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.Counter
getDurationStatistics(int) - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.Counter
getErrorCache() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
getErrorCount() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
getErrors() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.Parameters
getException() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier
getException() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream
Returns the exception that may have happened.
getExecutable(String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl
getExecutable(Collection<File>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl
getExecutableFromStrings(Collection<String>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl
getExitCode() - Method in exception nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.ExitCodeException
getExitCode() - Method in exception nl.vpro.util.Ssh.SshException
getExpires() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
getFallbacks() - Method in enum nl.vpro.util.Env
getFileName() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileMetadata
getFirst() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair
getFirstDescription() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair
getFormat() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileSizeFormatter
getFuture() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans.LockValue
getFuture() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier
getFuture() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream
getHolder() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TransactionUUID
getHost() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.UrlProvider
getIn() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.Parameters
getKey() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.CountAspect.Local
getKey() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair
getLast() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TailAdder
getLastLoad() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
getLastModified() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileMetadata
getLastModified() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
getLastTry() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
getLexico(String, Locale) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TextUtil
Returns the 'lexicographic' presentation of a title.
getLockCount() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdmin
getLockCount() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdminMXBean
getLockCounts() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdmin
getLockCounts() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdminMXBean
getLockedObjects() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker
getLockRate() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdmin
getLocks() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdmin
getLocks() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdminMXBean
getLogger() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor
getLogger() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl
getMaxAge() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
getMaxConcurrency() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdmin
getMaxConcurrency() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdminMXBean
getMaxDepth() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdmin
getMaxDepth() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdminMXBean
getMaxLockAcquireTime() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdmin
getMaxLockAcquireTime() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdminMXBean
getMethod() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.CountAspect.Local
getMinAge() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
getNotCheckedCount() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
getNotModifiedCount() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
getObjectName(String, Object) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans
getObjectNameWithName(Object, String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans
getOffset() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
getOkCount() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
getOnProcessCreation() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.Parameters
getOut() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.Parameters
getParameterName(MBeanOperationInfo, MBeanParameterInfo, int) - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.AnnotatedStandardMXBean
Returns the name of a parameter
getParser() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.HTMLStripper.ParserGetter
getPassed() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FilteringIterator
getPath() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.UrlProvider
getPort() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.UrlProvider
getProperties(String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ConfigUtils
Given a list of urls/files resolve it to map of key/value settings Values also are 'subsituted' using ConfigUtils.substitute(java.util.Map<K, java.lang.String>, java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>)
getProperties(String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
getProperties(Map<String, String>, String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ConfigUtils
Given a list of urls/files resolve it to map of key/value settings, and add it to the given map.
getProperties(Map<String, String>, String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
getProperties(Map<K, String>, Function<String, K>, String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ConfigUtils
Given a list of urls/files resolve it to map of key/value settings, and add it to the given map.
getPropertiesInHome(String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ConfigUtils
getProperty() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils.Result
getRate() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.Counter
getRate() - Method in interface nl.vpro.jmx.CounterMXBean
getRateWindow() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.Counter
getRateWindow() - Method in interface nl.vpro.jmx.CounterMXBean
getReadTimeout() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
getRequestDuration() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.CountAspect.Local
getRequestEnd() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.CountAspect.Local
getRequestUri() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.CountAspect.Local
getResponseEnd() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.CountAspect.Local
getRunning() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeansUtils
getRunning() - Method in interface nl.vpro.jmx.MBeansUtilsMXBean
getScheme() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.UrlProvider
getSecond() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair
getSecondDescription() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair
getSize() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BasicWrappedIterator
getSize() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CallbackIterator
getSize() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CountedIterator
The size, if known, of the collection this iterator is representing
getSize() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CountedMaxOffsetIterator
getSize() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileMetadata
getSize() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.LazyIterator
getSize() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TailAdder
getSize() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.WrappedIterator
getSize(Iterable<CountedIterator<T>>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.MergedSortedIterator
getSkipped() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FilteringIterator
getStart() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.CountAspect.Local
getStrength() - Method in enum nl.vpro.util.Env.Match
getTempFile() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream
If a temp file is used for buffering, you can may obtain it.
GETTER - Static variable in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
A normal 'bean' like getter of a property.
getThread() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans.LockValue
getTotalDuration() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.CountAspect.Local
getTotalSize() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BasicWrappedIterator
getTotalSize() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CountedIterator
If the iterator is in some way restricted you may also want to report a total size, representing the unrestricted size.
getTotalSize() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CountedMaxOffsetIterator
getTotalSize() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.WrappedIterator
getTotalSize(Iterable<CountedIterator<T>>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.MergedSortedIterator
getType() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker.DefinesType
getUrl() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.UrlProvider
getUrl() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
getUuid() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransactionUUID.Holder
getValue() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair
getVersion() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.IntegerVersionSpecific
For which version this object is supposed to be filled.
getVersion() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.VersionSpecific
For which version this object is supposed to be filled.
getWarnTime() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker.LockHolder


handleComment(char[], int) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.HTMLStripper.TagStripper
handleEndOfLineString(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.HTMLStripper.TagStripper
handleEndTag(HTML.Tag, int) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.HTMLStripper.TagStripper
handleError(String, int) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.HTMLStripper.TagStripper
handleSimpleTag(HTML.Tag, MutableAttributeSet, int) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.HTMLStripper.TagStripper
handleStartTag(HTML.Tag, MutableAttributeSet, int) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.HTMLStripper.TagStripper
handleText(char[], int) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.HTMLStripper.TagStripper
hasClass(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
hashCode() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.CountAspect.Local
hashCode() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileMetadata
hashCode() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker.LockHolder
hashCode() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair
hashCode() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.UrlProvider
hashCode() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Version
hasNext - Variable in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
hasNext() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiver
hasNext() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CallbackIterator
hasNext() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CloseableIterator.WrappedCloseableIterator
hasNext() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FilteringIterator
hasNext() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.HeadAdder
hasNext() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.LazyIterator
hasNext() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
hasNext() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MergedSortedIterator.SameThreadMergingIterator
hasNext() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SkippingIterator
hasNext() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TailAdder
hasNext() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingIterator
hasNext() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.WrappedIterator
HeadAdder<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
Wraps an iterator, to add zero or more elements at the start of it.
HeadAdder.Builder<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
headSet(S) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SortedSetElementWrapper
headSet(T) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.ResortedSortedSet
headSet(T) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingSortedSet
Helper - Class in nl.vpro.util
Simple helper methods.
highest(Date, Date) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.DateUtils
Holder(UUID) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.TransactionUUID.Holder
HTMLStripper - Class in nl.vpro.util
Swing contains a nice html parser, which can be used to clean existing html.
HTMLStripper() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.HTMLStripper
HTMLStripper.ParserGetter - Class in nl.vpro.util
HTMLStripper.State - Enum in nl.vpro.util
HTMLStripper.TagStripper - Class in nl.vpro.util
HttpConnectionUtils - Class in nl.vpro.util
HttpConnectionUtils() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.HttpConnectionUtils


IDENTITY - Static variable in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
A builder like setter of a property.
IGNORED - nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils.ResultAction
ILLEGAL_PATTERN - Static variable in class nl.vpro.util.TextUtil
Reusable pattern for matching text against illegal characters
implFlush(CharBuffer) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.ISO6937CharsetProvider.ISO6937CharsetDecoder
implReset() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.ISO6937CharsetProvider.ISO6937CharsetDecoder
in(InputStream) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.Parameters.Builder
initialBuffer(Integer) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream.Builder
input(InputStream) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier.Builder
input(InputStream) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream.Builder
install() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.XTrustProvider
Installer(String) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.XTrustProvider.Installer
InstantConverter() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.picocli.Picocli.InstantConverter
IntegerVersion - Class in nl.vpro.util
A Version based on integers, basically representing a string with a number of integers separated by a dot.
IntegerVersion(Integer...) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.IntegerVersion
IntegerVersion(String) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.IntegerVersion
IntegerVersion.Adapter - Class in nl.vpro.util
IntegerVersionConverter() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.picocli.Picocli.IntegerVersionConverter
IntegerVersionSpecific - Interface in nl.vpro.util
Classes which can behave differently according the specified version of the application can implement this.
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.CountAspect
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.LeaveDefaultsProxyHandler
isAfter(Instant, Instant) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.DateUtils
null-safe version of Instant.isAfter(Instant)
isAfter(Version<T>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Version
isAfter(T...) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Version
isAssignableFrom(Object, String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
isAssignableFrom(String, String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
isAsync() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
isBefore(Version<T>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Version
isBefore(T...) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Version
isBlank(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans
A 'visualvm' oriented check whether a string is 'blank'.
isBrokenPipe(Throwable) - Static method in interface nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor
isClosed() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream
isDisabled() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker.LockHolder
isEmpty(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans
A 'visualvm' oriented check whether a string is 'empty'.
isErrorneous() - Method in enum nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils.ResultAction
isLarger(Duration, Duration) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TimeUtils
isMebi() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileSizeFormatter
Whether to use binary prefixes
isMonitor() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdmin
isMonitor() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdminMXBean
isNotAfter(Version<T>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Version
isNotAfter(T...) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Version
isNotBefore(Version<T>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Version
isNotBefore(T...) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Version
isNumber(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
Determines whether some string is a number.
ISO6937 - Static variable in class nl.vpro.util.ISO6937CharsetProvider
ISO6937CharsetDecoder() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.ISO6937CharsetProvider.ISO6937CharsetDecoder
ISO6937CharsetEncoder() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.ISO6937CharsetProvider.ISO6937CharsetEncoder
ISO6937CharsetProvider - Class in nl.vpro.util
ISO/IEC 6937
ISO6937CharsetProvider() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.ISO6937CharsetProvider
ISO6937CharsetProvider.ISO6937CharsetDecoder - Class in nl.vpro.util
ISO6937CharsetProvider.ISO6937CharsetEncoder - Class in nl.vpro.util
isReady() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier
Checks whether this copier is ready.
isReady() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream
Returns whether consuming the inputstream is ready.
isReadyIOException() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier
Checks whether this copier is ready, but will throw an IOException it it did not _successfully_ finish.
isRunning(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans
isStrictlyOne() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdmin
isStrictlyOne() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdminMXBean
isValid() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransactionUUID.Holder
isValid(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TextUtil
Checks if given text input complies to POMS standard.
iterator - Variable in class nl.vpro.util.CloseableIterator.WrappedCloseableIterator
iterator() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.ResortedSortedSet
iterator() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SortedSetElementWrapper
iterator() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.TransformingCollection
iterator() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingSortedSet
iterator() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.WrappedIterator


JMX_INSTANCE - Static variable in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdmin
join(Collection<T>, String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
joins all items in the given list using String.valueOf on each item seperated by the sep String
JSON_SCHEMA - nl.vpro.util.SchemaType


keepAlive(long, Function<Long, Boolean>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.FilteringIterator
keepAlive(Function<Long, Boolean>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.FilteringIterator
keepAlive(FilteringIterator.KeepAlive) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FilteringIterator.Builder
KeepAlive(long, Function<Long, Boolean>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.FilteringIterator.KeepAlive
keepAliveChars(long, Function<Character, Boolean>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.FilteringIterator
This translates the 'numberOfRecords' to a character to write if no records are outputted by the iterated since the last call to the callback.
keepAliveChars(Function<Character, Boolean>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.FilteringIterator
keepAliveWithoutBreaks(long, LongConsumer) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.FilteringIterator
keepAliveWithoutBreaks(LongConsumer) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.FilteringIterator
key - Variable in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker.LockHolder
key(F) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair.Builder
keys() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.LinkedProperties


last() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.ResortedSortedSet
last() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SortedSetElementWrapper
last() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingSortedSet
lastModified(Instant) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileMetadata.Builder
LazyIterator<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
Wrap's a supplier around an iterator.
LazyIterator(Supplier<Iterator<T>>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.LazyIterator
LazyIterator.Builder<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
LeaveDefaultsProxyHandler - Class in nl.vpro.util
Support for java 8 'default' methods.
LeaveDefaultsProxyHandler(Object) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.LeaveDefaultsProxyHandler
lines(InputStream, OutputStream, String...) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor
Executes the command streamingly.
lines(String...) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor
LinkedProperties - Class in nl.vpro.util
Properties with predictable iteration order.
LinkedProperties() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.LinkedProperties
listArg(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.Parameters.Builder
listArgs(Collection<? extends String>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.Parameters.Builder
listen(ObjectLocker.Listener) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker
You can register ObjectLocker.Listeners for lock events, for logging or other reporting purposes
LOCAL_EPOCH - Static variable in class nl.vpro.util.TimeUtils
LOCALHOST - nl.vpro.util.Env
lock - Variable in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker.LockHolder
lock(ObjectLocker.LockHolder<?>, Duration) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker.Listener
LOCK - nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker.Listener.Type
log4j(Logger) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
logger(Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
logger(Logger) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream.Builder
logger(Logger) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
longBackgroundExecutor - Static variable in class nl.vpro.util.ThreadPools
An executor service used for relatively long-lived background jobs.
lowest(Date, Date) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.DateUtils


map(URI, Consumer<Map<String, String>>...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
MAP - Static variable in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
mark(int) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SkipAtStartInputStream
mark(int) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.WrappedInputStream
markSupported() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SkipAtStartInputStream
markSupported() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.WrappedInputStream
marshal(IntegerVersion) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.IntegerVersion.Adapter
matches(Env) - Method in enum nl.vpro.util.Env
max(Number) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CountedMaxOffsetIterator.Builder
max(Number) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator.Builder
maximalIsNull(Date) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.DateUtils
MaxOffsetIterator<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
An iterator implementing offset and max, for another iterator.
MaxOffsetIterator(Iterator<T>, Number, Number, Predicate<T>, boolean, List<Runnable>, boolean) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
MaxOffsetIterator(Iterator<T>, Number) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
MaxOffsetIterator(Iterator<T>, Number, boolean) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
MaxOffsetIterator(Iterator<T>, Number, Number) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
MaxOffsetIterator(Iterator<T>, Number, Number, boolean) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
MaxOffsetIterator.Builder<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
maybe(boolean) - Static method in enum nl.vpro.util.Truthiness
MAYBE_NOT - nl.vpro.util.Truthiness
It might be true, but provisionally we think it's not.
MBeans - Class in nl.vpro.jmx
Utilities to start jmx tasks in the background.
MBeans() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans
MBeans.LockValue - Class in nl.vpro.jmx
MBeans.UpdatableString - Class in nl.vpro.jmx
A String supplier of one line.
MBeans2 - Class in nl.vpro.jmx
See MBeans but supporting log4j2.
MBeans2() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans2
MBeansUtils - Class in nl.vpro.jmx
MBeansUtils() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeansUtils
MBeansUtils(boolean) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeansUtils
MBeansUtilsMXBean - Interface in nl.vpro.jmx
mebi(boolean) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileSizeFormatter.Builder
MemoizeSupplier(Supplier<T>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.Suppliers.MemoizeSupplier
merge(Comparator<? super T>, Iterable<CountedIterator<T>>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.MergedSortedIterator
merge(Comparator<? super T>, CountedIterator<T>...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.MergedSortedIterator
This uses guava's Iterators.mergeSorted(java.lang.Iterable<? extends java.util.Iterator<? extends T>>, java.util.Comparator<? super T>).
MergedSortedIterator<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
MergedSortedIterator(Supplier<Long>, Supplier<Long>, Iterator<T>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.MergedSortedIterator
MergedSortedIterator.SameThreadMergingIterator<S> - Class in nl.vpro.util
mergeInSameThread(Comparator<? super T>, Iterable<CountedIterator<T>>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.MergedSortedIterator
This doesn't usea queue, so it is also useable with Hibernate.
mergeInSameThread(Comparator<? super T>, CountedIterator<T>...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.MergedSortedIterator
This doesn't use a queue, so it is also useable with Hibernate.
minimalIsNull(Date) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.DateUtils
multiLine(Level, Logger, String, Object...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans
multiLine(Logger) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans2
multiLine(Logger, String, Object...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans2
multiLine(Logger) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans
multiLine(Logger, String, Object...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans


name(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier.Builder
name(ObjectName) - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.Counter.Builder
Name - Annotation Type in nl.vpro.jmx
This annotation can be used to add a name to a mx bean parameter
needsCount() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.CountAspect.Local
newFiltered() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.TransformingCollection
newFiltered() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingList
newFiltered() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingSortedSet
newWrap() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.TransformingCollection
newWrap() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingList
newWrap() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingSortedSet
next - Variable in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
next() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BasicWrappedIterator
next() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiver
next() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CallbackIterator
next() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CloseableIterator.WrappedCloseableIterator
next() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FilteringIterator
next() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.HeadAdder
next() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.LazyIterator
next() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
next() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MergedSortedIterator.SameThreadMergingIterator
next() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SkippingIterator
next() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TailAdder
next() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingIterator
next() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.WrappedIterator
nl.vpro.jmx - package nl.vpro.jmx
nl.vpro.util - package nl.vpro.util
nl.vpro.util.locker - package nl.vpro.util.locker
nl.vpro.util.picocli - package nl.vpro.util.picocli
noKeepAlive() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.FilteringIterator
NONE - nl.vpro.util.Env.Match
noProgressLogging() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream.Builder
normalizeWhiteSpace(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TextUtil
Replaces any occurrences of 1 of more white space characters by one space.
normalizeWhiteSpacePreserveNewlines(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TextUtil
NOTFOUND - nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils.ResultAction
notify(Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier.Builder
nullIsMaximal(Date) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.DateUtils
nullIsMinimal(Date) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.DateUtils
nullToEmpty(C[]) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.StreamUtils
numberCast(Number, Class<N>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
Converts a number to another number, potentially rounding to fit the target type.
nvl(String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
nvl(T...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
Returns the first non-null value.


ObjectFilter - Class in nl.vpro.util
ObjectFilter.Result<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
ObjectLocker - Class in nl.vpro.util.locker
ObjectLocker.DefinesType - Interface in nl.vpro.util.locker
ObjectLocker.Listener - Interface in nl.vpro.util.locker
ObjectLocker.Listener.Type - Enum in nl.vpro.util.locker
ObjectLocker.LockHolder<K> - Class in nl.vpro.util.locker
Most importantly this is a wrapper around ReentrantLock, but it stores some extra meta information, like the original key, thread, and initialization time.
ObjectLockerAdmin - Class in nl.vpro.util.locker
ObjectLockerAdminMXBean - Interface in nl.vpro.util.locker
of(boolean) - Static method in enum nl.vpro.util.Truthiness
of(int...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Version
of(F, String, S, String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair
of(F, S) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair
of(Long, Iterator<C>) - Static method in interface nl.vpro.util.CountedIterator
of(Collection<S>) - Static method in interface nl.vpro.util.CountedIterator
of(Collection<S>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ResortedSortedSet
of(AtomicLong, Iterator<C>) - Static method in interface nl.vpro.util.CountedIterator
of(Supplier<Iterator<S>>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.LazyIterator
of(Iterator<T>) - Static method in interface nl.vpro.util.CloseableIterator
Morphs an existing Iterator into a CloseableIterator.
of(Stream<S>) - Static method in interface nl.vpro.util.CountedIterator
offset(int) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier.Builder
offset(Number) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CountedMaxOffsetIterator.Builder
offset(Number) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator.Builder
offset(Long) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiver.Builder
offset(Long) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiverSpliterator.Builder
offsetmax - Variable in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
The maximal value of count.
ON_FALLBACK - nl.vpro.util.Env.Match
onlyIfEmpty(boolean) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.HeadAdder.Builder
onlyIfEmpty(boolean) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TailAdder.Builder
onlyIfNotEmpty(boolean) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.HeadAdder.Builder
onlyIfNotEmpty(boolean) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TailAdder.Builder
onProcessCreation(Consumer<Process>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.Parameters.Builder
optional(boolean) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
optionalValueOf(String) - Static method in enum nl.vpro.util.Env
orderedKeys() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.LinkedProperties
OrderedProperties - Class in nl.vpro.util
Extension of properties that remembers insertion order.
OrderedProperties() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.OrderedProperties
out(OutputStream) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.Parameters.Builder
output(OutputStream) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier.Builder
outputBuffer(Integer) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream.Builder
outputConsumer(Consumer<Event>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.Parameters.Builder
Sets up input and errors stream (unless they are set already) so they can be used via a Consumer of Events.
overLine(CharSequence) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TextUtil
Gives a representation of the string which is completely 'overlined' (using unicode control characters)
overLineDouble(CharSequence) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TextUtil
Gives a representation of the string which is completely 'double overlined' (using unicode control characters)


Pair<F,​S> - Class in nl.vpro.util
Pair.Builder<F,​S> - Class in nl.vpro.util
parameters() - Static method in interface nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor
parse(CharSequence) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TimeUtils
parseDuration(CharSequence) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TimeUtils
Parses a CharSequence to a duration.
parseDuration(CharSequence, ZonedDateTime) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TimeUtils
parseIntegers(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Version
Produces an IntegerVersion, but ignores everything after the first hyphen.
parseIntegersOptional(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Version
parseLocalDateTime(CharSequence) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TimeUtils
parseLocalTime(CharSequence) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TimeUtils
ParserGetter() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.HTMLStripper.ParserGetter
parseTemporalAmount(CharSequence) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TimeUtils
parseZoned(CharSequence) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TimeUtils
path(Path) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream.Builder
PathUtils - Class in nl.vpro.util
Utils related to java.nio
PathUtils() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.PathUtils
pattern(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileSizeFormatter.Builder
peek() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CloseableIterator.WrappedPeekingCloseableIterator
peek() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
peeking() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CloseableIterator
If you need a guava PeekingIterator, this will make you one.
peeking() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CountedIterator
If you need a guava PeekingIterator, this will make you one.
peeking(CloseableIterator<S>) - Static method in interface nl.vpro.util.CloseableIterator
peeking(CountedIterator<S>) - Static method in interface nl.vpro.util.CountedIterator
peekingWrapped - Variable in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
peekingWrapped() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
Access to the (peeking) wrapped iterator.
Picocli - Class in nl.vpro.util.picocli
Provides some convertors for the picocli command line parser, wich wrap some tools which are in this module.
Picocli.DurationConverter - Class in nl.vpro.util.picocli
Picocli.EnvConverter - Class in nl.vpro.util.picocli
Picocli.InstantConverter - Class in nl.vpro.util.picocli
Picocli.IntegerVersionConverter - Class in nl.vpro.util.picocli
PROBABLY - nl.vpro.util.Truthiness
We are not sure, but we guess it's true
processTimeout(Duration) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
PROD - nl.vpro.util.Env
PROD_NEW - nl.vpro.util.Env
PROD_OLD - nl.vpro.util.Env
PRODA - nl.vpro.util.Env
PRODA_NEW - nl.vpro.util.Env
PRODB - nl.vpro.util.Env
PRODB_NEW - nl.vpro.util.Env
produce() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.TransformingCollection
produce(T) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.TransformingCollection
produce(T) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingList
produce(T) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingSortedSet
progressLogging(Boolean) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream.Builder
progressLoggingBatch(Integer) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream.Builder
properties(URI, Consumer<Properties>...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
PROPERTIES - Static variable in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
propertyNames() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.OrderedProperties
ProviderAndBuilder - Class in nl.vpro.util
If you have a provider implementation based on a builder, you can fill the fields of the provider to the builder using reflection.
ProviderAndBuilder() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.ProviderAndBuilder
proxyCounter(Map<String, Counter>, Duration, Integer, ObjectName, Class<T>, T, Logger, Duration) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.CountAspect
put(Object, Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.LinkedProperties
put(Object, Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.OrderedProperties
putIfNotNull(Map<K, V>, K, V) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
Puts a value in a map when the value is not null.


Ranges - Class in nl.vpro.util
read() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream
read() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SkipAtStartInputStream
read() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.WrappedInputStream
read(byte[]) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SkipAtStartInputStream
read(byte[]) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.WrappedInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SkipAtStartInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.WrappedInputStream
ReflectionUtils - Class in nl.vpro.util
This provides some basic reflection code to call setters and getters on java beans.
ReflectionUtils() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
ReflectionUtils.Result - Class in nl.vpro.util
ReflectionUtils.ResultAction - Enum in nl.vpro.util
registerBean(Object, String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans
registerBean(ObjectName, T) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans
remove() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CallbackIterator
remove() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CloseableIterator.WrappedCloseableIterator
remove() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FilteringIterator
remove() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.HeadAdder
remove() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
remove() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TailAdder
remove() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingIterator
remove() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.WrappedIterator
remove(int) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingList
remove(Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.OrderedProperties
remove(Object) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.TransformingCollection
remove(Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingList
remove(Object) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingSortedSet
removeNullEntries(List<T>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
replaceHtmlEscapedNonBreakingSpace(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TextUtil
Replaces all non breaking space entities( ) with a normal white space character.
replaceLineBreaks(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TextUtil
Replaces all line separators with a single white space character.
replaceNonBreakingSpace(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TextUtil
Replaces all non breaking space characters ( ) with a normal white space character.
replaceOdd(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TextUtil
Replaces 'odd' characters with a normal white space character.
requestEnd(URI, String) - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.CountAspect.Local
reset() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdmin
reset() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdminMXBean
reset() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SkipAtStartInputStream
reset() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.WrappedInputStream
resetMaxValues() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdmin
resetMaxValues() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdminMXBean
ResortedSortedSet<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
A modifiable SortedSet, that wrapped another collection (changes are reflected), with an explicit sort order.
ResortedSortedSet(Collection<T>, Comparator<T>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.ResortedSortedSet
ResortedSortedSet(SortedSet<T>, Collection<T>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.ResortedSortedSet
responseEnd() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.CountAspect.Local
Result(String, ReflectionUtils.ResultAction) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils.Result
Result(T, int) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.ObjectFilter.Result
returnMultilineString(Logger, Consumer<StringSupplierSimpleLogger>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans2
returnMultilineString(Logger, Consumer<StringSupplierSimpleLogger>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans
returnString(String, StringSupplierSimpleLogger, Consumer<StringSupplierSimpleLogger>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans
returnString(Supplier<String>, Duration, Callable<String>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans
returnString(StringSupplierSimpleLogger, Duration, Callable<String>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans
returnString(StringSupplierSimpleLogger, Duration, Consumer<StringSupplierSimpleLogger>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans
Defaulting version of {@link #returnString(String, StringSupplierSimpleLogger, Duration, Consumer)), with no key (meaning that jobs can be started concurrently.
returnString(StringSupplierSimpleLogger, Callable<String>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans
returnString(StringSupplierSimpleLogger, Consumer<StringSupplierSimpleLogger>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans
Defaulting version of {@link #returnString(String, StringSupplierSimpleLogger, Duration, Consumer)), with no key (meaning that jobs can be started concurrently.
returnString(String, StringSupplierSimpleLogger, Duration, Callable<String>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans
returnString(String, StringSupplierSimpleLogger, Duration, Consumer<StringSupplierSimpleLogger>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans
roundToMillis(Duration) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TimeUtils
Rounds the duration to the nearest millis (This may round up half a millis).
run() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier


sanitize(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TextUtil
Aggressively removes all tags and escaped HTML characters from the given input and replaces some characters that might lead to problems for end users.
SchemaType - Enum in nl.vpro.util
Can be used to communicate what kind of schema is desired.
SCRIPT - nl.vpro.util.HTMLStripper.State
second(S) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair.Builder
secondDescription(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair.Builder
select(String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TextUtil
Can easily be achieved with stream filter Objects.nonNull(Object)
SEPARATOR - Static variable in class nl.vpro.util.Version
set(int, T) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingList
set(UUID) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TransactionUUID
SET - nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils.ResultAction
setAccept(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
setAsync(boolean) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
setCallbacks(Consumer<T>...) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
setConnectTimeout(Duration) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
setDescription(Supplier<String>) - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans.LockValue
setErrorCache(Duration) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
setFirst(F) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair
setFirstDescription(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair
setFuture(Future<?>) - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans.LockValue
setHost(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.UrlProvider
setKey(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.CountAspect.Local
setMaxAge(Duration) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
setMaxLockAcquireTime(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdmin
setMaxLockAcquireTime(String) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdminMXBean
setMinAge(Duration) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
setMonitor(boolean) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdmin
setMonitor(boolean) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdminMXBean
setPath(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.UrlProvider
setPort(int) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.UrlProvider
setProperty(Object, String, Object) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
Sets a certain property value in an object using reflection
setReadTimeout(Duration) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
setRequestEnd(long) - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.CountAspect.Local
setRequestUri(URI) - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.CountAspect.Local
setResponseEnd(long) - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.CountAspect.Local
setScheme(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.UrlProvider
setSecond(S) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair
setSecondDescription(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair
setStrictlyOne(boolean) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdmin
setStrictlyOne(boolean) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdminMXBean
SETTER - Static variable in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
A normal 'bean' like setter of a property.
setThread(Thread) - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans.LockValue
setUrl(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.UrlProvider
setValid(boolean) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransactionUUID.Holder
setValue(S) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair
setVersion(IntegerVersion) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.IntegerVersionSpecific
setWarnTime(Duration) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker.LockHolder
shutdown() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.Counter
shutdown() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLockerAdmin
shutdown() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ThreadPools
SI - Static variable in class nl.vpro.util.FileSizeFormatter
SilentAutoCloseable - Interface in nl.vpro.util
sim(List<T>, List<T>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
Determine the similar elements in both lists.
simpleLogger(SimpleLogger) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
singleLine(Logger, String, Object...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans
size() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.ResortedSortedSet
size() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SortedSetElementWrapper
size() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.TransformingCollection
size() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingList
size() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingSortedSet
size(Long) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BasicWrappedIterator.Builder
size(Long) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileMetadata.Builder
sizeSupplier(Supplier<Long>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BasicWrappedIterator.Builder
skip(long) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SkipAtStartInputStream
skip(long) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.WrappedInputStream
SkipAtStartInputStream - Class in nl.vpro.util
SkipAtStartInputStream(InputStream, int[]...) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.SkipAtStartInputStream
SkippingIterator<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
A wrapping iterator with the option to skip certain entries (based on comparing with the previous entry)
SkippingIterator(Iterator<T>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.SkippingIterator
SkippingIterator(Iterator<T>, BiFunction<T, T, Boolean>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.SkippingIterator
SkippingIterator.Builder<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
skipUnicodeByteOrderMarks(InputStream) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.SkipAtStartInputStream
slf4j(Logger) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
SortedSetElementWrapper<T,​S> - Class in nl.vpro.util
SortedSetElementWrapper(SortedSet<T>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.SortedSetElementWrapper
SortedSetSameElementWrapper<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
SortedSetSameElementWrapper(SortedSet<T>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.SortedSetSameElementWrapper
space() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.HTMLStripper.TagStripper
spliceNumber(Number, int) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
Will splice the number in chunks no larger then maxPartSize
spliceNumber(Number, int, int) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
Will splice the number in chunks no larger then maxPartSize
spliterator() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CountedIterator
Returns this iterator as Spliterator.
Ssh - Class in nl.vpro.util
Wrapper around the command line tools 'ssh' and 'scp'.
Ssh(String, String) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.Ssh
Ssh(String, String, String) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.Ssh
Ssh.SshException - Exception in nl.vpro.util
SshException(int, String) - Constructor for exception nl.vpro.util.Ssh.SshException
SshException(String) - Constructor for exception nl.vpro.util.Ssh.SshException
startImmediately(Boolean) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream.Builder
startUpExecutor - Static variable in class nl.vpro.util.ThreadPools
An executor service used for threads running during bootstrap of the application.
stream() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CloseableIterator
stream() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CountedIterator
StreamUtils - Class in nl.vpro.util
StreamUtils() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.StreamUtils
strikeThrough(CharSequence) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TextUtil
Gives a representation of the string which is completely 'stroke through' (using unicode control characters)
strings(String...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Strings
Strings - Class in nl.vpro.util
stripHtml(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TextUtil
Strips html like tags from the input.
StripHTML(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.HTMLStripper
sub(SortedSet<T>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SortedSetElementWrapper
submit(InputStream, OutputStream, OutputStream, String...) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor
submit(InputStream, OutputStream, OutputStream, IntConsumer, String...) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor
Executes the command in the background.
submit(OutputStream, OutputStream, String...) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor
submit(OutputStream, String...) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor
submit(String...) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor
submit(Consumer<Integer>, String...) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor
submit(Consumer<CommandExecutor.Parameters.Builder>) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor
submit(IntConsumer, CommandExecutor) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.Parameters.Builder
submit(IntConsumer, CommandExecutor.Parameters) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor
submit(IntConsumer, CommandExecutor.Parameters.Builder) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor
submit(CommandExecutor) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.Parameters.Builder
submit(CommandExecutor.Parameters) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor
submit(CommandExecutor.Parameters.Builder) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor
subSet(S, S) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SortedSetElementWrapper
subSet(T, T) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.ResortedSortedSet
subSet(T, T) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingSortedSet
substitute(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils
summarize() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker.LockHolder
summarize(boolean) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker.LockHolder
summaryPredicate - Static variable in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker
supplier(Supplier<Iterator<T>>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.LazyIterator.Builder
Suppliers - Class in nl.vpro.util
Suppliers.MemoizeSupplier<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util


TagStripper(Writer) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.HTMLStripper.TagStripper
TailAdder<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
Adapts an existing iterator, to add elements at the end, perhaps based on the last element.
TailAdder(Iterator<T>, boolean, Callable<T>...) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.TailAdder
TailAdder(Iterator<T>, Callable<T>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.TailAdder
TailAdder.Builder<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
tailSet(S) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SortedSetElementWrapper
tailSet(T) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.ResortedSortedSet
tailSet(T) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingSortedSet
tempDir(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream.Builder
Calls FileCachingInputStream.Builder.path but with a string argument
tempDir(URI) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream.Builder
Calls FileCachingInputStream.Builder.path but with an uri argument
tempFile(File) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream.Builder
tempFile(Path) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream.Builder
tempPath(Path) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream.Builder
TEST - nl.vpro.util.Env
TEST_NEW - nl.vpro.util.Env
TEST_OLD - nl.vpro.util.Env
TESTA - nl.vpro.util.Env
TESTA_NEW - nl.vpro.util.Env
TESTB - nl.vpro.util.Env
TESTB_NEW - nl.vpro.util.Env
testPlanExecutionFinished(TestPlan) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.ThreadPoolShutdowner
TextUtil - Class in nl.vpro.util
THREAD_GROUP - Static variable in class nl.vpro.util.ThreadPools
threadLocal - Static variable in class nl.vpro.util.TransactionUUID
ThreadPools - Class in nl.vpro.util
Utilities related to ThreadPools Perhaps this can be deprecated in favour of ForkJoinPool.commonPool()?
ThreadPoolShutdowner - Class in nl.vpro.util
ThreadPoolShutdowner() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.ThreadPoolShutdowner
throttle(Duration) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream
TimeUtils - Class in nl.vpro.util
TimeUtils() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.TimeUtils
toBuilder() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileSizeFormatter
toDate(Duration) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.DateUtils
toDate(Instant) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.DateUtils
toDate(LocalDateTime, ZoneId) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.DateUtils
toDate(ZonedDateTime) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.DateUtils
toFloat() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.IntegerVersion
toInstant(LocalDateTime, ZoneId) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.DateUtils
toInstant(ZonedDateTime) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.DateUtils
toInstant(Date) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.DateUtils
toLocalDateTime(Instant, ZoneId) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.DateUtils
toLocalDateTimeRange(Range<Instant>, ZoneId) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.DateUtils
toLong(Instant) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.DateUtils
toLong(Date) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.DateUtils
toMillis(Duration) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TimeUtils
toParsableString(Duration) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TimeUtils
toSeconds(Duration) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TimeUtils
toSecondsInteger(Duration) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TimeUtils
toSingleton(List<T>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
Convert a singleton list into the singleton element.
toSingleton(Set<T>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
Convert a singleton set into the singleton element.
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.CountAspect.Local
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.Counter.Builder
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.Counter
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans.LockValue
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans.UpdatableString
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BasicWrappedIterator.Builder
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiver.Builder
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiver
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiverSpliterator.Builder
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiverSpliterator
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CallbackIterator.Builder
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CloseableIterator.WrappedCloseableIterator
toString() - Method in exception nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.ExitCodeException
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutor.Parameters.Builder
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier.Builder
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CountedMaxOffsetIterator.Builder
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream.Builder
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileMetadata.Builder
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileMetadata
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileSizeFormatter.Builder
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FilteringIterator.Builder
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FilteringIterator
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.HeadAdder.Builder
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.LazyIterator.Builder
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker.LockHolder
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator.Builder
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair.Builder
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SkippingIterator.Builder
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SkippingIterator
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TailAdder.Builder
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TailAdder
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingIterator.Builder
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.UrlProvider
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Version
toString() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.WrappedIterator
totalSize(Long) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BasicWrappedIterator.Builder
totalSizeSupplier(Supplier<Long>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BasicWrappedIterator.Builder
toXmlGregorianCalendar(Date) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.DateUtils
toXmlGregorianCalendar(Date, TimeZone) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.DateUtils
TransactionUUID - Class in nl.vpro.util
TransactionUUID() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.TransactionUUID
TransactionUUID.Holder - Class in nl.vpro.util
TransactionUUID.TransactionUUIDConsumer - Interface in nl.vpro.util
transform(int, S) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.TransformingCollection
transform(int, S) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingList
transform(S) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.TransformingCollection
transform(S) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingList
transform(S) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingSortedSet
transformer(Function<W, T>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingIterator.Builder
TransformingCollection<T,​S,​U extends Collection<T>,​V extends Collection<S>> - Interface in nl.vpro.util
TransformingIterator<T,​W> - Class in nl.vpro.util
TransformingIterator.Builder<T,​W> - Class in nl.vpro.util
TransformingList<T,​S> - Class in nl.vpro.util
TransformingList(List<S>, Function<S, T>, Function<T, S>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.TransformingList
TransformingSortedSet<T,​S> - Class in nl.vpro.util
TransformingSortedSet(SortedSet<S>, Function<S, T>, Function<T, S>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.TransformingSortedSet
TRUE - nl.vpro.util.Truthiness
Definitely true
truncate(String, int) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TextUtil
truncate(String, int, boolean) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TextUtil
truncated(Instant) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TimeUtils
truncatedTo(Instant, ChronoUnit) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TimeUtils
trustAll(boolean) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.XTrustProvider
TrustManagerFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.XTrustProvider.TrustManagerFactoryImpl
Truthiness - Enum in nl.vpro.util
tryAdvance(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiverSpliterator
trySplit() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiverSpliterator


underDiaeresis(CharSequence) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TextUtil
Gives a representation of the string which is completely 'diaeresised under' (using unicode control characters)
underLine(CharSequence) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TextUtil
Gives a representation of the string which is completely 'underlined' (using unicode control characters)
underLineDouble(CharSequence) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TextUtil
Gives a representation of the string which is completely 'double underlined' (using unicode control characters)
unescapeHtml(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TextUtil
Un-escapes all html escape entities.
unhtml(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TextUtil
Units - Annotation Type in nl.vpro.jmx
This annotation can be used to add a unit to some numeric value in a mx bean (annotation with MXBean.
UNKNOWN - nl.vpro.util.Truthiness
We really don't know
unListen(ObjectLocker.Listener) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker
unlock(ObjectLocker.LockHolder<?>, Duration) - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker.Listener
UNLOCK - nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker.Listener.Type
unmarshal(String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.IntegerVersion.Adapter
unregister(ObjectName) - Static method in class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans
unwrap() - Method in interface nl.vpro.util.TransformingCollection
unwrap() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingList
unwrap() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingSortedSet
UpdatableString(Logger, String, Object...) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.jmx.MBeans.UpdatableString
upload(File, String) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Ssh
URLPathEncode - Class in nl.vpro.util
URLPathEncode() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.URLPathEncode
UrlProvider - Class in nl.vpro.util
UrlProvider() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.UrlProvider
UrlProvider(String, int) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.UrlProvider
URLResource<T> - Class in nl.vpro.util
A simple http client wrapping exactly one external resource, keeping track of cache headers.
URLResource(URI, Function<InputStream, T>, Consumer<T>...) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
URLResource(URI, Function<InputStream, T>, T, Consumer<T>...) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.URLResource
URLResourceMXBean - Interface in nl.vpro.util
useFileCache(boolean) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder


value() - Method in annotation type nl.vpro.jmx.Description
value() - Method in annotation type nl.vpro.jmx.ForTesting
value() - Method in annotation type nl.vpro.jmx.Name
value() - Method in annotation type nl.vpro.jmx.Units
value() - Method in annotation type nl.vpro.util.DefaultValue
value(S) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Pair.Builder
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nl.vpro.util.Env.Match
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nl.vpro.util.Env
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nl.vpro.util.HTMLStripper.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker.Listener.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils.ResultAction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nl.vpro.util.SchemaType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nl.vpro.util.Truthiness
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum nl.vpro.util.Env.Match
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nl.vpro.util.Env
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nl.vpro.util.HTMLStripper.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker.Listener.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nl.vpro.util.ReflectionUtils.ResultAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nl.vpro.util.SchemaType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nl.vpro.util.Truthiness
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Version<T extends Comparable<T>> - Class in nl.vpro.util
A version is basically a string existing of a number of parts.
Version(T...) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.Version
VersionSpecific<T extends Comparable<T>> - Interface in nl.vpro.util
Classes which can behave differently according the specified version of the application can implement this.


waitFor() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier
waitForAndClose() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.Copier
waitForBytesRead(int) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FileCachingInputStream
Wait until the copier thread read at least the number of bytes given.
withDefault(int, int) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
Gives a default in case the value is -1.
withDefault(T, T) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.Helper
Gives a default in case the value is null.
withFunctions(Iterator<T>, Function<T, T>...) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.TailAdder
withKeyLock(Serializable, String, Runnable) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker
withKeyLock(Serializable, String, Callable<T>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker
withKeyLock(Serializable, String, Consumer<ObjectLocker.LockHolder<Serializable>>, Callable<T>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker
withObjectLock(K, String, Callable<T>, Map<K, ObjectLocker.LockHolder<K>>, BiPredicate<Serializable, K>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker
withObjectLock(K, String, Consumer<ObjectLocker.LockHolder<K>>, Callable<T>, Map<K, ObjectLocker.LockHolder<K>>, BiPredicate<Serializable, K>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.locker.ObjectLocker
workdir(File) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
wrapConsumer(ThrowingConsumer<T, ?>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ExceptionUtils
Wraps a Callable in a Supplier.
wrapException(Callable<T>) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.ExceptionUtils
Wraps a Callable in a Supplier.
wrapLogInfo(BiFunction<Level, CharSequence, String>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
wrapLogInfo(Function<CharSequence, String>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
wrapped - Variable in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator
wrapped - Variable in class nl.vpro.util.SortedSetElementWrapper
wrapped - Variable in class nl.vpro.util.WrappedIterator
wrapped(Iterator<T>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.MaxOffsetIterator.Builder
wrapped(CountedIterator<T>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CountedMaxOffsetIterator.Builder
wrapped(Iterator<? extends T>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.FilteringIterator.Builder
wrapped(Iterator<? extends W>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TransformingIterator.Builder
wrapped(Iterator<T>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BasicWrappedIterator.Builder
wrapped(Iterator<T>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CallbackIterator.Builder
wrapped(Iterator<T>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.HeadAdder.Builder
wrapped(Iterator<T>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.SkippingIterator.Builder
wrapped(Iterator<T>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.TailAdder.Builder
WrappedCloseableIterator(Iterator<S>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.CloseableIterator.WrappedCloseableIterator
WrappedInputStream - Class in nl.vpro.util
WrappedInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.WrappedInputStream
WrappedIterator<T,​S> - Class in nl.vpro.util
WrappedIterator(Iterator<T>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.WrappedIterator
WrappedPeekingCloseableIterator(PeekingIterator<S>) - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.CloseableIterator.WrappedPeekingCloseableIterator


XSD - nl.vpro.util.SchemaType
XTrustProvider - Class in nl.vpro.util
Use XTrustProvider.install() and you don't have any dealings with untrusted certificates any more....
XTrustProvider() - Constructor for class nl.vpro.util.XTrustProvider
XTrustProvider.Installer - Class in nl.vpro.util
XTrustProvider.TrustManagerFactoryImpl - Class in nl.vpro.util


ZONE_ID - Static variable in class nl.vpro.util.TimeUtils


_batchGetter(BiFunction<Long, Integer, Iterator<T>>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiver.Builder
_batchGetter(BiFunction<Long, Integer, Iterator<T>>) - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiverSpliterator.Builder
_build() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiver.Builder
_build() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.BatchedReceiverSpliterator.Builder
_build() - Method in class nl.vpro.util.CommandExecutorImpl.Builder
_countedBuilder() - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.CountedMaxOffsetIterator
_parseIntegers(String) - Static method in class nl.vpro.util.IntegerVersion
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