All Classes and Interfaces

Provides support for the annotation Description, Name and, Units.
Given some API which supplies only 'batched' retrieval (so with offset and max/batchsize parameters), access such an API as an iterator to visit all elements.
Given some API which supplies only 'batched' retrieval (so with offset and max/batchsize parameters), access such an API as an iterator to visit all elements.
An iterator that can call a callback function when its iteration is finished.
An iterator that is also AutoCloseable.
Executor for external commands.
The parameters of CommandExecutor.submit(IntConsumer, Parameters), in other words, an object representing the one time parameters of a call to a CommandExecutor.
Wrapper around ProcessorBuilder It makes calling that somewhat simpler and also implements an interface, for easier mocking in test cases.
At VPRO we use an convention for configuring web-application using property-files.
Can be used to copy an InputStream to an OutputStream in a stand alone thread.
Wraps all calls to register some statistics.
An iterator that is also aware of the current position CountedIterator.getCount(), and optionally of the size of the object that is iterated CountedIterator.getSize(), and also optionally of a 'total' size (in case this iterator presents some sub-collection) CountedIterator.getTotalSize().
A PeekingIterator that is also CountedIterator.
Recognized by nl.vpro.guice.OptionalModule
This annotation can be used to add a description to a mx bean (annotation with MXBean, or its methods.
When wrapping this around your inputstream, it will be read as fast a possible, but you can consume from it slower.
An abstract representation of a File, it can e.g.
Formatting file sizes it not always very trivial.
Filtering, or Transforming iterator.
This annotation can be used to mark an mx bean (annotation with MXBean operation as for testing only.
Wraps an iterator, to add zero or more elements at the start of it.
Simple helper methods.
Swing contains a nice html parser, which can be used to clean existing html.
Wraps an InputStream to limit the number of bytes to produces.
A Version based on integers, basically representing a string with a number of integers separated by a dot.
Classes which can behave differently according the specified version of the application can implement this.
ISO/IEC 6937
Wraps a supplier around an iterator.
Support for java 8 'default' methods.
Properties with predictable iteration order.
An iterator implementing offset and max, for another iterator.
Utilities to start jmx tasks in the background.
A String supplier of one line.
See MBeans but supporting log4j2.
This annotation can be used to add a name to a mx bean parameter
Most importantly this is a wrapper around ReentrantLock, but it stores some extra meta information, like the original key, thread, and initialization time.
Extension of properties that remembers insertion order.
Utils related to java.nio
Provides some convertors for the picocli command line parser, wich wrap some tools which are in this module.
If you have a provider implementation based on a builder, you can fill the fields of the provider to the builder using reflection.
This provides some basic reflection code to call setters and getters on java beans.
A modifiable SortedSet, that wraps another collection (changes are reflected), with an explicit sort order.
Can be used to communicate what kind of schema is desired.
A wrapping iterator with the option to skip certain entries (based on comparing with the previous entry)
Wrapper around the command line tools 'ssh' and 'scp'.
Adapts an existing iterator, to add elements at the end, perhaps based on the last element.
Utilities related to ThreadPools Perhaps this can be deprecated in favour of ForkJoinPool.commonPool()?
This annotation can be used to add a unit to some numeric value in a mx bean (annotation with MXBean.
A simple http client wrapping exactly one external resource, keeping track of cache headers.
Version<T extends Comparable<T>>
A version is basically a string existing of a number of parts.
Classes which can behave differently according the specified version of the application can implement this.
An enum can be made to extend this, which indicates that an extra method will be present XmlValued.getXmlValue() which will be the XmlEnumValue of the enum value.
Use XTrustProvider.install() and you don't have any dealings with untrusted certificates any more....