Interface InboxApi

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface InboxApi
  • Method Details

    • getInbox

      Inbox getInbox(SenderId senderId, int offset, int limit)
      Get documents from the inbox for the organisation represented by senderId.
      senderId - Either an organisation that you operate on behalf of or your brokerId
      offset - Number of documents to skip. For pagination
      limit - Maximum number of documents to retrieve (max 1000)
      Inbox element with the n=limit first documents
    • getInboxDocumentContentStream

      InputStream getInboxDocumentContentStream(InboxDocument inboxDocument)
      Get the content of a document as a stream. The content is streamed from the server so remember to close the stream to prevent connection leaks.
      inboxDocument - The document to get content for
      Entire content of the document as a stream
    • deleteInboxDocument

      void deleteInboxDocument(InboxDocument inboxDocument)
      Delets the given document from the server
      inboxDocument - The document to delete