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abort() - Method in class no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestHandler
Abort this handler, notifying all listening resources.
abort(String) - Method in interface no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestListener
Client-side notification that the request should be aborted
abort(String) - Method in interface no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestSink
Signal the abortion of a call.
addListener(RequestListener) - Method in interface no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestContext
Add a RequestListener to context.
addListener(RequestListener) - Method in class no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestHandler
addResponse(Message) - Method in interface no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestContext
Add a signal response to give back to requesting client
addResponse(Message) - Method in class no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestHandler


bulk - Enum constant in enum no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.Message.Priority


close() - Method in class no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestHandler
Close this handler, closing all listening resources.
close(String) - Method in interface no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestListener
Client-side notification that the request is closed


endOfStream() - Method in interface no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestContext
Signal end of stream (the current context holder will not provide any more data).
endOfStream() - Method in class no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestHandler
expedite - Enum constant in enum no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.Message.Priority


getCallID() - Method in interface no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.Message
getCallID() - Method in class no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestHandler
getMessageTimestamp() - Method in interface no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.Message
getNextResponse() - Method in class no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestHandler
Wait for the next response to show up (since the last time this method was called).
getNextResponse(long) - Method in class no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestHandler
Wait for the next response to show up (since the last time this method was called).
getPriority() - Method in interface no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.Message
getResponses(long, int) - Method in class no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestHandler
Same as getResponses(long), but will return immediately when maxResults results are returned, without waiting for more results.
getResponsesNoWait() - Method in class no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestHandler
Fetch the responses received so far, without delay.


hasReceivedError() - Method in class no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestHandler


isClosed() - Method in interface no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestContext
isClosed() - Method in class no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestHandler


keepAlive(long) - Method in interface no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestContext
Request that this request should be kept alive a bit longer
keepAlive(long) - Method in class no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestHandler


Message - Interface in no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink
A message sent as a request or response.
Message.Priority - Enum in no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink
Allow client to set a priority hint on the message.
MessagingException - Exception in no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink
MessagingException() - Constructor for exception no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.MessagingException
MessagingException(String) - Constructor for exception no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.MessagingException
MessagingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.MessagingException
MessagingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.MessagingException
MessagingInterruptedException - Exception in no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink
MessagingInterruptedException() - Constructor for exception no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.MessagingInterruptedException
MessagingInterruptedException(String) - Constructor for exception no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.MessagingInterruptedException
MessagingInterruptedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.MessagingInterruptedException
MessagingInterruptedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.MessagingInterruptedException


no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink - package no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink
notifyClose() - Method in interface no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestContext
Notify signal context that server has closed this request.
notifyClose() - Method in class no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestHandler
notifyError(Throwable) - Method in interface no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestContext
Notify signal context that an error has occurred while waiting for data
notifyError(Throwable) - Method in class no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestHandler


removeListener(RequestListener) - Method in interface no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestContext
Remove a RequestListener from context
removeListener(RequestListener) - Method in class no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestHandler
RequestContext - Interface in no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink
A request context is the asynchronous interface for working with a pending request.
RequestHandler - Class in no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink
Common implementation for asynchronous response handling.
RequestHandler(boolean, String, long) - Constructor for class no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestHandler
Initialize a RequestHandler
RequestListener - Interface in no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink
RequestSink - Interface in no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink


signal(Message, T, long) - Method in interface no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestSink
Send an asyncronous call.
signal(RequestSink, Message, boolean, long) - Static method in class no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestHandler
Convenience method to create a RequestHandler and submit a signal bound to this handler as a RequestContext
standard - Enum constant in enum no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.Message.Priority


timeout() - Method in class no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestHandler
Signal unexpected timeout to request listeners
timeout() - Method in interface no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestListener
Client side notification that an unexpected timeout occurred.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.Message.Priority
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.Message.Priority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


waitForEndOfStream(long) - Method in class no.mnemonic.messaging.requestsink.RequestHandler
Wait for end-of-stream.
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