

package persistence

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait BeforeAndAfterEventAndCommand[E] extends DiagnosticActorLogging

  2. case class DurableMessage(deliveryId: Long, payload: AnyRef, sender: String, confirmationRoutingInfo: AnyRef) extends JacksonJsonSerializable with Product with Serializable

  3. class DurableMessageForwardAndConfirm extends Actor with ActorLogging

  4. case class DurableMessageReceived(deliveryId: Long, confirmationRoutingInfo: Option[AnyRef]) extends JacksonJsonSerializable with Product with Serializable

  5. abstract class EnhancedPersistentActor[E, Ex <: Exception] extends Actor with PersistentActor with AtLeastOnceDelivery with DiagnosticActorLogging with BeforeAndAfterEventAndCommand[E] with MdcSupport[E]

  6. abstract class EnhancedPersistentJavaActor[Ex <: Exception] extends EnhancedPersistentActor[AnyRef, Ex] with EnhancedPersistentJavaActorLike

  7. trait EnhancedPersistentJavaActorLike extends AnyRef

  8. abstract class EnhancedPersistentShardingActor[E, Ex <: Exception] extends EnhancedPersistentActor[E, Ex]

  9. abstract class EnhancedPersistentShardingJavaActor[Ex <: Exception] extends EnhancedPersistentShardingActor[AnyRef, Ex] with EnhancedPersistentJavaActorLike

  10. abstract class EnhancedPersistentView[E, S] extends PersistentView with ActorLogging

  11. case class EventAndState(eventType: String, event: AnyRef, state: AnyRef) extends Product with Serializable

  12. case class GetEventAndStateHistory() extends Product with Serializable

  13. case class GetState(dispatchId: Option[String]) extends AggregateCmd with Product with Serializable

  14. trait MdcSupport[E] extends BeforeAndAfterEventAndCommand[E]

  15. case class PersistentActorTimeout extends Product with Serializable

  16. case class SendAsDurableMessage(payload: AnyRef, destinationActor: ActorPath, confirmationRoutingInfo: AnyRef = null) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object DurableMessage extends Serializable

  2. object DurableMessageForwardAndConfirm

  3. object DurableMessageReceived extends Serializable

  4. object EnhancedPersistentActor

  5. object GetState extends Serializable
