Package jadex.bridge

Class ServiceCallInfo

  • public class ServiceCallInfo
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected jadex.commons.FieldInfo callbackfield
      The callback field in the agent.
      protected jadex.commons.MethodInfo callbackmethod
      The callback method in the agent.
      protected java.lang.String reqname
      The required service name.
      protected jadex.commons.MethodInfo servicemethod
      The method to call on the service.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Create a new service call info.
      ServiceCallInfo​(java.lang.String reqname, jadex.commons.MethodInfo servicemethod, jadex.commons.FieldInfo callbackfield)
      Create a new service call info.
      ServiceCallInfo​(java.lang.String reqname, jadex.commons.MethodInfo servicemethod, jadex.commons.MethodInfo callbackmethod)
      Create a new service call info.
    • Field Detail

      • reqname

        protected java.lang.String reqname
        The required service name.
      • servicemethod

        protected jadex.commons.MethodInfo servicemethod
        The method to call on the service.
      • callbackmethod

        protected jadex.commons.MethodInfo callbackmethod
        The callback method in the agent.
      • callbackfield

        protected jadex.commons.FieldInfo callbackfield
        The callback field in the agent.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ServiceCallInfo

        public ServiceCallInfo()
        Create a new service call info.
      • ServiceCallInfo

        public ServiceCallInfo​(java.lang.String reqname,
                               jadex.commons.MethodInfo servicemethod,
                               jadex.commons.MethodInfo callbackmethod)
        Create a new service call info.
      • ServiceCallInfo

        public ServiceCallInfo​(java.lang.String reqname,
                               jadex.commons.MethodInfo servicemethod,
                               jadex.commons.FieldInfo callbackfield)
        Create a new service call info.
    • Method Detail

      • getRequiredName

        public java.lang.String getRequiredName()
        Get the reqname.
        The reqname
      • setRequiredName

        public void setRequiredName​(java.lang.String reqname)
        The reqname to set.
        reqname - The reqname to set
      • getServiceMethod

        public jadex.commons.MethodInfo getServiceMethod()
        Get the method.
        The method
      • setServiceMethod

        public void setServiceMethod​(jadex.commons.MethodInfo method)
        The method to set.
        method - The method to set
      • getCallbackMethod

        public jadex.commons.MethodInfo getCallbackMethod()
        Get the callback.
        The callback
      • setCallbackMethod

        public void setCallbackMethod​(jadex.commons.MethodInfo callback)
        The callback to set.
        callback - The callback to set
      • getCallbackField

        public jadex.commons.FieldInfo getCallbackField()
        Get the callbackfield.
        The callbackfield
      • setCallbackField

        public void setCallbackField​(jadex.commons.FieldInfo callbackfield)
        The callbackfield to set.
        callbackfield - The callbackfield to set