Package jadex.bridge

Interface IInputConnection

    • Method Detail

      • read

        int read()
        Non-blocking read. Tries to read the next byte.
        The next byte or -1 if the end of the stream has been reached.
      • read

        int read​(byte[] buffer)
        Non-blocking read. Tries to fill the buffer from the stream.
        buffer - The buffer to read in.
        The number of bytes that could be read into the buffer.
      • aread

        jadex.commons.future.ISubscriptionIntermediateFuture<byte[]> aread()
        Asynchronous read.
        Bytes one by one till end of stream or closed.
      • available

        int available()
        Get the number of available bytes.
        The number of available bytes.
      • writeToOutputStream

        jadex.commons.future.ISubscriptionIntermediateFuture<java.lang.Long> writeToOutputStream​( os,
                                                                                                 IExternalAccess component)
        Write all data from the connection to the output stream. The result is an intermediate future that reports back the size that was read. It can also be used to terminate reading.
        is - The input stream.
        component - The component.