Interface IExternalProvidedServicesFeature

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      jadex.commons.future.IFuture<java.lang.Void> addService​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class<?> type, java.lang.Object service)
      Add a service to the container.
      jadex.commons.future.IFuture<java.lang.Void> addService​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class<?> type, java.lang.Object service, ProvidedServiceInfo info)
      Add a service to the platform.
      jadex.commons.future.IFuture<java.lang.Void> addService​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class<?> type, java.lang.Object service, PublishInfo pi, ServiceScope scope)
      Add a service to the platform.
      jadex.commons.future.IFuture<java.lang.Void> addService​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class<?> type, java.lang.Object service, java.lang.String proxytype)
      Add a service to the platform.
      jadex.commons.future.IFuture<java.lang.Void> removeService​(IServiceIdentifier sid)
      Removes a service from the container (shutdowns also the service if the container is running).
      jadex.commons.future.IFuture<java.lang.Void> setTags​(IServiceIdentifier sid, java.lang.String... tags)
      Sets the tags of a service.
    • Method Detail

      • addService

        jadex.commons.future.IFuture<java.lang.Void> addService​(java.lang.String name,
                                                                java.lang.Class<?> type,
                                                                java.lang.Object service)
        Add a service to the container. The service is started, if the container is already running.
        service - The service.
        info - The provided service info.
        A future that is done when the service has completed starting.
      • addService

        jadex.commons.future.IFuture<java.lang.Void> addService​(java.lang.String name,
                                                                java.lang.Class<?> type,
                                                                java.lang.Object service,
                                                                java.lang.String proxytype)
        Add a service to the platform. If under the same name and type a service was contained, the old one is removed and shutdowned.
        type - The public service interface.
        service - The service.
        type - The proxy type (@see{BasicServiceInvocationHandler}).
      • addService

        jadex.commons.future.IFuture<java.lang.Void> addService​(java.lang.String name,
                                                                java.lang.Class<?> type,
                                                                java.lang.Object service,
                                                                PublishInfo pi,
                                                                ServiceScope scope)
        Add a service to the platform. If under the same name and type a service was contained, the old one is removed and shutdowned.
        type - The public service interface.
        service - The service.
        scope - The service scope.
      • addService

        jadex.commons.future.IFuture<java.lang.Void> addService​(java.lang.String name,
                                                                java.lang.Class<?> type,
                                                                java.lang.Object service,
                                                                ProvidedServiceInfo info)
        Add a service to the platform. If under the same name and type a service was contained, the old one is removed and shutdowned.
        type - The public service interface.
        info - The config settings.
      • setTags

        jadex.commons.future.IFuture<java.lang.Void> setTags​(IServiceIdentifier sid,
                                                             java.lang.String... tags)
        Sets the tags of a service.
        sid - The Service identifier.
        tags - The tags.
        New service identifier.
      • removeService

        jadex.commons.future.IFuture<java.lang.Void> removeService​(IServiceIdentifier sid)
        Removes a service from the container (shutdowns also the service if the container is running).
        service - The service identifier.
        A future that is done when the service has completed its shutdown.