Class AuthenticationInterceptor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AuthenticationInterceptor
    extends AbstractLRUApplicableInterceptor
    Interceptor that can be used to realize authenticated end-to-end communication. - verifies that a call is authenticated by checking the requested/annotated role(s) against the actual role(s) authenticated by the security service.
    • Field Detail

      • send

        protected boolean send
        The mode (send or receive).
    • Constructor Detail

      • AuthenticationInterceptor

        public AuthenticationInterceptor​(IInternalAccess ia,
                                         boolean send)
        Create a new AuthenticationInterceptor.
    • Method Detail

      • isAuthenticated

        protected boolean isAuthenticated​(java.lang.annotation.Annotation anno)
        Check if an annotation belongs to the supported types of pre/postconditions.
      • execute

        public jadex.commons.future.IFuture<java.lang.Void> execute​(ServiceInvocationContext context)
        Execute the interceptor.
        context - The invocation context.