Interface IDependencyService

  • public interface IDependencyService
    Service for resolving deployment artifact dependencies.
    • Method Detail

      • loadDependencies

        jadex.commons.future.IFuture<jadex.commons.Tuple2<IResourceIdentifier,​java.util.Map<IResourceIdentifier,​java.util.List<IResourceIdentifier>>>> loadDependencies​(IResourceIdentifier rid,
                                                                                                                                                                                    boolean workspace)
        Load dependencies from a resource identifier.
        rid - A local or global resource identifier. If both local and global ids are present, local takes precedence, e.g. resolving to workspace urls before fetching an older snapshot from a repository.
        A map containing the dependencies as mapping (parent RID -> list of children RIDs).
      • getResourceIdentifier

        jadex.commons.future.IFuture<IResourceIdentifier> getResourceIdentifier​( url)
        Get the resource identifier for an url.
        url - The url.
        The resource identifier.