

package testkit

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class ActorSpec extends TestKit with AllenAiBaseSpec with ImplicitSender with FutureHelpers with BeforeAndAfterAll

    Base class for Akka Actor integration specs

    Base class for Akka Actor integration specs

    By extending akka.testkit.TestKit and akka.testkit.ImplicitSender, we get many helpers for testing Actors against a live actor system.

    For more information on Akka TestKit, see:

  2. trait AllenAiBaseSpec extends FlatSpecLike with Matchers

  3. trait FutureHelpers extends AnyRef

    Trait providing helpers for dealing with scala.concurrent.Futures duruing tests

  4. trait ScratchDirectory extends BeforeAndAfterAll

    Provides a scratch directory for writing unit-test output

  5. abstract class UnitSpec extends AllenAiBaseSpec

    Base class for any unit test.
