

package eval

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ParseScore extends (Option[PolytreeParse]) ⇒ Double

    A ParseScore maps a candidate parse to a score.

  2. sealed abstract class ParseStatistic extends AnyRef

    A ParseStatistic accrues a particular statistic over (candidate parse, gold parse) pairs.

  3. case class PathAccuracyScore(goldParses: Map[String, PolytreeParse]) extends ParseScore with Product with Serializable

    The PathAccuracyScore computes the percentage of a candidate parse's tokens that have a completely correct breadcrumb path (i.

Value Members

  1. object Evaluate

  2. object ParseEvaluator

  3. object PathAccuracy extends ParseStatistic with Product with Serializable

  4. object UnlabeledBreadcrumbAccuracy extends ParseStatistic with Product with Serializable

    UnlabeledBreadcrumbAccuracy stores the statistics necessary to compute Unlabeled Attachment Score (UAS), which is the percentage of correct breadcrumbs over a set of candidate parses.
