

package fsm

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class ClassificationTask extends AnyRef

    A ClassificationTask specifies a particular classification task for which we want to collect feature vectors and train a classifier.

  2. case class ClassifierBasedCostFunction(taskIdentifier: TaskIdentifier, transitionSystem: TransitionSystem, transitions: IndexedSeq[StateTransition], taskClassifierList: List[(ClassificationTask, TransitionClassifier)], featureNames: List[FeatureName], baseCostFunction: Option[StateCostFunction] = scala.None) extends StateCostFunction with Product with Serializable

  3. class DTCostFunctionTrainer extends StateCostFunctionTrainer

    The DTCostFunctionTrainer uses the our in-house decision tree implementation (org.

  4. case class DecisionTreeClassifier(decisionTree: DecisionTree, transitions: IndexedSeq[StateTransition], featureNameMap: Seq[(Int, FeatureName)], numFeatures: Int) extends TransitionClassifier with Product with Serializable

    A DecisionTreeClassifier wraps the org.allenai.nlpstack.parse.poly.decisiontree implementation to provide a classifier interface that maps Transitions to probabilities.

  5. case class FSMTrainingVector(task: ClassificationTask, transition: StateTransition, feature: StateFeature, state: State) extends Product with Serializable

    A TrainingVector is a triple of the form (task, featureVector, transition), where task is the ClassificationTask associated with the feature vector (featureVector), and transition is the correct classification of the feature vector.

  6. abstract class FSMTrainingVectorSource extends AnyRef

  7. case class FeatureUnion(features: Iterable[StateFeature]) extends StateFeature with Product with Serializable

    A FeatureUnion simply merges the output of a list of features.

  8. class GreedySearch extends Search

  9. case class InMemoryStateSource(states: Iterable[State]) extends StateSource with Product with Serializable

    A StateSource that keeps all its states in memory.

  10. trait MarbleBlock extends AnyRef

    A MarbleBlock is an unstructured input corresponding to a start state of a finite-state machine.

  11. case class NbestCorpus(nbestLists: Iterable[NbestList]) extends Product with Serializable

    A sequence of NbestLists.

  12. case class NbestList(scoredSculptures: Iterable[(Sculpture, Double)]) extends Product with Serializable

    A sequence of (scored) sculptures.

  13. class NbestSearch extends AnyRef

    Finds the best n greedy paths through a finite-state machine.

  14. class NostalgicSearch extends AnyRef

    Like the GreedyTransitionParser, except that it remembers promising transitions that were not taken from the greedy (one-best) walk and returns those to the user.

  15. class Reranker extends AnyRef

    Chooses the lowest cost parse from an n-best list (according to the reranking function).

  16. abstract class RerankingFunction extends (Sculpture, Double) ⇒ Double

    A cost function for a pre-scored parse.

  17. case class ScoredWalk(walk: Walk, score: Double) extends Product with Serializable

    A ScoredWalk attaches a score to a Walk.

  18. trait Sculpture extends AnyRef

    A Sculpture is a structured output corresponding to a final state of a finite-state machine, whose goal is to transform an unstructured input (a MarbleBlock) into a structured output.

  19. abstract class SculptureCost extends (Sculpture) ⇒ Double

  20. abstract class SculptureFeature extends (Sculpture) ⇒ FeatureVector

    A SculptureFeature computes a feature vector corresponding to a given sculpture.

  21. trait Search extends AnyRef

  22. trait State extends AnyRef

    A state of a finite-state machine.

  23. trait StateCost extends (Option[State]) ⇒ Double

    A StateCost maps a state to a cost.

  24. abstract class StateCostFunction extends (State) ⇒ Map[StateTransition, Double]

    A StateCostFunction assigns a (real-valued) cost to the Transitions that can potentially be applied to a State.

  25. abstract class StateCostFunctionTrainer extends AnyRef

    A StateCostFunctionTrainer trains a StateCostFunction from data.

  26. abstract class StateFeature extends (State) ⇒ FeatureVector

    A StateFeature computes a feature vector corresponding to a given parser state.

  27. trait StateSource extends AnyRef

  28. abstract class StateTransition extends (Option[State]) ⇒ Option[State]

  29. case class TaskConjunction(tasks: Seq[ClassificationTask]) extends ClassificationTask with Product with Serializable

    The TaskConjunction is a conjunction of ClassificationTasks.

  30. case class TaskConjunctionIdentifier(taskIdentifiers: List[TaskIdentifier]) extends TaskIdentifier with Product with Serializable

    The TaskConjunctionIdentifier allows you to create a TaskIdentifier by conjoining existing TaskIdentifiers.

  31. trait TaskIdentifier extends (State) ⇒ Option[ClassificationTask]

    A TaskIdentifier identifies the ClassificationTask required to determine the next transition from a given parser state.

  32. case class TaskTree(baseIdentifier: Option[TaskIdentifier], children: List[(ClassificationTask, TaskTree)]) extends Product with Serializable

    A TaskTree can be viewed as a tree-structured TaskConjunctionIdentifier.

  33. case class TaskTreeIdentifier(taskTree: TaskTree) extends TaskIdentifier with Product with Serializable

    This is a wrapper for TaskTree that implements the TaskIdentifier interface.

  34. abstract class TransitionClassifier extends AnyRef

    A TransitionClassifier maps Transitions to probabilities.

  35. trait TransitionConstraint extends AnyRef

    A TransitionConstraint returns true if a given transition is illegal to apply in a given state.

  36. trait TransitionSystem extends AnyRef

  37. case class Walk(initialState: State, steps: Seq[WalkStep]) extends Product with Serializable

    A Walk is a walk through a finite-state machine.

  38. case class WalkStep(state: State, transition: StateTransition) extends Product with Serializable

    A WalkStep is a single step in an FSM walk.

Value Members

  1. object BaseCostRerankingFunction extends RerankingFunction with Product with Serializable

  2. object ClassificationTask

  3. object FSMTrainingVectorSource

  4. object Fallback extends StateTransition with Product with Serializable

  5. object NbestCorpus extends Serializable

  6. object NbestList extends Serializable

  7. object NbestSearch

  8. object RerankingFunction

  9. object ScoredWalk extends Serializable

  10. object Sculpture

  11. object State

  12. object StateCostFunction

  13. object StateFeature

  14. object StateTransition

  15. object TaskIdentifier

  16. object TaskTree extends Serializable

  17. object TaskTreeIdentifier extends Serializable

  18. object TransitionClassifier

    Companion class for serializing TransitionClassifier instances.

  19. object TransitionConstraint

  20. object TransitionSystem

  21. object Walk extends Serializable

  22. object WalkStep extends Serializable
