

package polyparser

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class ApplicabilitySignature(shift: Boolean, reduce: Boolean, left: Boolean, right: Boolean) extends ClassificationTask with Product with Serializable

    The ApplicabilitySignature is a ClassificationTask for which we are trying to predict the next transition, given that only a subset of possible transitions are applicable.

  2. class ArcEagerGuidedCostFunction extends StateCostFunction

    The ArcEagerGuidedCostFunction uses a gold parse tree to make deterministic decisions about which transition to apply in any given state.

  3. case class ArcEagerInvertedLeftArc(label: Symbol) extends TransitionParserStateTransition with Product with Serializable

    The ArcEagerInvertedLeftArc operator creates an inverse arc from the next buffer item to the stack top and then performs a Reduce (see above).

  4. case class ArcEagerInvertedRightArc(label: Symbol) extends TransitionParserStateTransition with Product with Serializable

    The ArcEagerInvertedRightArc operator creates an inverse arc from the stack top to the next buffer item and then performs a Shift (see above).

  5. case class ArcEagerLeftArc(label: Symbol) extends TransitionParserStateTransition with Product with Serializable

    The ArcEagerLeftArc operator creates an arc from the next buffer item to the stack top and then performs a Reduce (see above).

  6. case class ArcEagerRightArc(label: Symbol) extends TransitionParserStateTransition with Product with Serializable

    The ArcEagerRightArc operator creates an arc from the stack top to the next buffer item and then performs a Shift (see above).

  7. case class ArcEagerTransitionSystem(feature: StateFeature = ..., brownClusters: Seq[BrownClusters] = ...) extends TransitionSystem with Product with Serializable

  8. class ArcInverter extends (PolytreeParse) ⇒ PolytreeParse

    The ArcInverter takes a PolytreeParse and inverts arcs whose labels are in the argument set inverseArcLabels.

  9. case class BreadcrumbRef(index: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

    A BreadcrumbRef is a StateRef (see above) whose apply operation returns the breadcrumb of the indexth element of the stack, if it exists.

  10. case class BrownTransform(clusters: BrownClusters, k: Int, name: String) extends NeighborhoodTransform with Product with Serializable

    Maps the tokens of a neighborhood to their respective Brown clusters.

  11. case class BufferChildrenRef(index: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  12. case class BufferGretelsRef(index: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  13. case class BufferLeftGretelsRef(index: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  14. case class BufferRef(index: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

    A BufferRef is a StateRef (see above) whose apply operation returns the indexth element of the buffer, if it exists.

  15. case class BufferRightGretelsRef(index: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  16. case class ConllX(useGoldPOSTags: Boolean, makePoly: Boolean = false) extends PolytreeParseFileFormat with Product with Serializable

  17. case class EventStatisticFeatures(neighborhoodCounts: Seq[(String, NeighborhoodExtractor, Seq[(Neighborhood, Int)])], transforms: Seq[(String, NeighborhoodTransform)]) extends PolytreeParseFeature with Product with Serializable

    Generates a feature for each neighborhood histogram and transform in the argument list.

  18. class ExtractorBasedNeighborhoodSource extends NeighborhoodSource

    Iterates through all neighborhoods from all parses in a PolytreeParseSource.

  19. case class FileBasedParsePoolSource(filename: String) extends ParsePoolSource with Product with Serializable

  20. case class FileBasedPolytreeParseSource(filename: String, format: PolytreeParseFileFormat) extends PolytreeParseSource with Product with Serializable

    Creates a data source from a file of parse trees.

  21. case class ForbiddenArcLabel(token1: Int, token2: Int, arcLabel: Symbol) extends TransitionConstraint with Product with Serializable

    A ForbiddenArcLabel constraints designates a transition as illegal if it would directly create an arc (in either direction) with the specified label between the tokens at the given indices.

  22. case class ForbiddenEdge(token1: Int, token2: Int) extends TransitionConstraint with Product with Serializable

    A ForbiddenEdge constraint designates a transition as illegal if it would directly create an arc (in either direction) between the tokens at the given indices.

  23. case class GoldParseSource(goldParses: PolytreeParseSource, transitionSystem: TransitionSystem) extends StateSource with Product with Serializable

    A GoldParseSource reduces parse trees to states of a finite-state machine.

  24. case class GoldParseTrainingVectorSource(goldParses: PolytreeParseSource, taskIdentifier: TaskIdentifier, transitionSystem: TransitionSystem, baseCostFunction: Option[StateCostFunction] = scala.None) extends FSMTrainingVectorSource with Product with Serializable

    A GoldParseTrainingVectorSource reduces a gold parse tree to a set of feature vectors for classifier training.

  25. case class InMemoryPolytreeParseSource(parses: Iterable[PolytreeParse]) extends PolytreeParseSource with Product with Serializable

  26. case class KeywordFeature(keywords: Set[Symbol]) extends TokenFeature with Product with Serializable

    The KeywordFeature maps a token to its word representation, if its word appears in the argument set keywords.

  27. case class KeywordTransform(keywords: Set[Symbol]) extends TokenTransform with Product with Serializable

    The KeywordTransform maps a token to its word representation, if its word appears in the argument set keywords.

  28. case class LinearParseRerankingFunction(feature: PolytreeParseFeature, linearModel: Option[LinearModel]) extends RerankingFunction with Product with Serializable

    Scores parses based on a linear combination of features.

  29. case class MultiPolytreeParseSource(parseSources: Iterable[PolytreeParseSource]) extends PolytreeParseSource with Product with Serializable

  30. class NbestParser extends AnyRef

    Gets the n-best greedy parses for a given sentence.

  31. case class Neighborhood(tokens: Seq[Token]) extends Product with Serializable

    A Neighborhood is a sequence of tokens, generally taken from a parse tree.

  32. case class NeighborhoodEventStatistic(name: String, neighborhoodCounts: Seq[(Neighborhood, Int)], eventTransform: NeighborhoodTransform) extends Product with Serializable

    Collects statistics over "neighborhood events.

  33. trait NeighborhoodExtractor extends (PolytreeParse) ⇒ Iterator[Neighborhood]

    Maps a parse tree to an iterator over its neighborhoods.

  34. trait NeighborhoodSource extends AnyRef

    A data source for neighborhoods.

  35. trait NeighborhoodTransform extends (Neighborhood) ⇒ Seq[String]

    A NeighborhoodTransform maps a Neighborhood into an "event" (a sequence of strings).

  36. case class NumChildrenToTheLeft(max: Int) extends TokenTransform with Product with Serializable

    The NumChildrenToTheLeft transform maps a token to how many of its children appear to its left in the state's tokens sequence.

  37. case class NumChildrenToTheRight(max: Int) extends TokenTransform with Product with Serializable

    The NumChildrenToTheRight transform maps a token to how many of its children appear to its right in the state's tokens sequence.

  38. case class OfflineTokenFeature(stateRef: StateRef) extends StateFeature with Product with Serializable

  39. case class OracleRerankingFunction(goldParses: Iterator[PolytreeParse]) extends RerankingFunction with Product with Serializable

  40. case class ParseCache(cachedParses: Seq[(String, PolytreeParse)], fallbackParser: TransitionParser) extends TransitionParser with Product with Serializable

  41. case class ParsePool(parses: Iterable[(PolytreeParse, Double)]) extends Product with Serializable

    A ParsePool is a collection of parse candidates for the same input sentence.

  42. trait ParsePoolSource extends AnyRef

    A data source for ParsePool objects.

  43. case class ParserConfiguration(parsingCostFunction: StateCostFunction, rerankingFunction: RerankingFunction, parsingNbestSize: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    Contains the key components of a parser (for serialization purposes).

  44. case class PolytreeParse(sentence: Sentence, breadcrumb: Vector[Int], children: Vector[Set[Int]], arclabels: Vector[Set[(Int, Symbol)]]) extends MarbleBlock with Sculpture with Product with Serializable

    A PolytreeParse is a polytree-structured dependency parse.

  45. abstract class PolytreeParseFeature extends (PolytreeParse, Double) ⇒ FeatureVector

    Maps a scored parse into a feature vector.

  46. case class PolytreeParseFeatureUnion(features: Seq[PolytreeParseFeature]) extends PolytreeParseFeature with Product with Serializable

    A PolytreeParseFeatureUnion merges the output of a list of features.

  47. sealed abstract class PolytreeParseFileFormat extends AnyRef

  48. trait PolytreeParseSource extends SentenceSource

    A data source for PolytreeParse objects.

  49. case class PrefixFeature(keyprefixes: Seq[Symbol]) extends TokenFeature with Product with Serializable

    The PrefixFeature maps a token to the set of its prefixes that are contained in a set of "key" prefixes.

  50. case class PrefixTransform(keyprefixes: Set[Symbol]) extends TokenTransform with Product with Serializable

    The PrefixTransform maps a token to the set of its prefixes that are contained in a set of "key" prefixes.

  51. case class RequestedArc(token1: Int, token2: Int, arcLabel: Option[Symbol] = scala.None) extends TransitionConstraint with Product with Serializable

    A RequestedArc constraint requests that the output parse MUST contain the requested arc.

  52. case class RequestedCpos(tokenIndex: Int, cpos: Symbol) extends TransitionConstraint with Product with Serializable

  53. case class RerankingTransitionParser(config: ParserConfiguration) extends TransitionParser with Product with Serializable

    Uses the parser model to create an n-best list, then chooses the best parse from this n-best list (according to the reranking function).

  54. case class RootPathExtractor(maxPathLength: Int) extends NeighborhoodExtractor with Product with Serializable

    Extracts neighborhoods of the form (node, breadcrumb, grandcrumb, .

  55. case class StackChildrenRef(index: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  56. case class StackGretelsRef(index: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  57. case class StackLeftGretelsRef(index: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  58. case class StackRef(index: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

    A StackRef is a StateRef (see above) whose apply operation returns the indexth element of the stack, if it exists.

  59. case class StackRightGretelsRef(index: Int) extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

  60. sealed abstract class StateRef extends (TransitionParserState) ⇒ Seq[Int]

    A StateRef allows you to figure out the token that corresponds to a particular aspect of a TransitionParserState.

  61. case class StateRefProperty(stateRef: StateRef, property: Symbol, propertyValue: String) extends ClassificationTask with Product with Serializable

    The StateRefProperty is a ClassificationTask for which we are trying to predict the next transition, given that we know some property of a particular token of the parser state.

  62. case class StateRefPropertyIdentifier(stateRef: StateRef, property: Symbol) extends TaskIdentifier with Product with Serializable

    The StateRefPropertyIdentifier identifies the ClassificationTask of a parser state according to the coarse part-of-speech tag of a particular word of the state (as identified by a StateRef).

  63. case class SuffixFeature(keysuffixes: Seq[Symbol]) extends TokenFeature with Product with Serializable

    The SuffixFeature maps a token to the set of its suffixes that are contained in a set of "key" suffixes.

  64. case class SuffixTransform(keysuffixes: Set[Symbol]) extends TokenTransform with Product with Serializable

    The SuffixTransform maps a token to the set of its suffixes that are contained in a set of "key" suffixes.

  65. case class TokenCardinalityFeature(stateRefs: Seq[StateRef]) extends StateFeature with Product with Serializable

  66. sealed abstract class TokenFeature extends (Sentence, Int) ⇒ Seq[(FeatureName, Double)]

  67. class TokenFeatureTagger extends AnyRef

  68. case class TokenPropTransform(label: Symbol) extends NeighborhoodTransform with Product with Serializable

    Maps the tokens of a neighborhood to a particular property in their token's property map.

  69. case class TokenPropertyFeature(property: Symbol) extends TokenFeature with Product with Serializable

    The TokenPropertyFeature maps a token to one of its properties.

  70. case class TokenPropertyTransform(property: Symbol) extends TokenTransform with Product with Serializable

    The TokenPropertyTransform maps a token to one of its properties.

  71. sealed abstract class TokenTransform extends (TransitionParserState, Int) ⇒ Set[Symbol]

    A TokenTransform is a function that maps a token to a set of symbols.

  72. case class TokenTransformFeature(stateRef: StateRef, tokenTransforms: Set[TokenTransform]) extends StateFeature with Product with Serializable

    A TokenTransformFeature creates a TransitionParserFeature from a TokenTransform and a StateRef.

  73. abstract class TransitionParser extends AnyRef

    A TransitionParser implements a parsing algorithm for a transition-based parser.

  74. case class TransitionParserState(stack: Vector[Int], bufferPosition: Int, breadcrumb: Map[Int, Int], children: Map[Int, Set[Int]], arcLabels: Map[Set[Int], Symbol], annotatedSentence: AnnotatedSentence) extends State with Product with Serializable

    A TransitionParserState captures the current state of a transition-based parser (i.

  75. abstract class TransitionParserStateTransition extends StateTransition

Value Members

  1. object ApplicabilitySignatureIdentifier extends TaskIdentifier

    The ApplicabilitySignatureIdentifier identifies the ClassificationTask of a parser state according to the state's applicability signature.

  2. object ArcEagerLeftArc extends Serializable

  3. object ArcEagerReduce extends TransitionParserStateTransition with Product with Serializable

    The ArcEagerReduce operator pops the top stack item.

  4. object ArcEagerRightArc extends Serializable

  5. object ArcEagerShift extends TransitionParserStateTransition with Product with Serializable

    The ArcEagerShift operator pops the next buffer item and pushes it onto the stack.

  6. object ArcEagerTransitionSystem extends Product with Serializable

  7. object BaseParserScoreFeature extends PolytreeParseFeature with Product with Serializable

    Simply passes along the original score of the parse as a feature.

  8. object BreadcrumbAssigned extends TokenTransform with Product with Serializable

    The BreadcrumbAssigned transform maps a token to whether its breadcrumb has been assigned.

  9. object BreadcrumbExtractor extends NeighborhoodExtractor with Product with Serializable

    Extracts neighborhoods of the form (node, breadcrumb) from a parse tree.

  10. object ChildrenExtractor extends NeighborhoodExtractor with Product with Serializable

    Extracts neighborhoods of the form (node, child1, .

  11. object FileBasedParsePoolSource extends Serializable

  12. object FileBasedPolytreeParseSource extends Serializable

  13. object FirstRef extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

    A FirstRef is a StateRef (see above) whose apply operation returns the first element of the sentence.

  14. object InMemoryPolytreeParseSource extends Serializable

  15. object IsBracketedTransform extends TokenTransform with Product with Serializable

    The IsBracketedTransform maps a token to a symbol which is 'yes if its word appears between a pair of parentheses, 'no if it is outside of all parentheses pairs, '( if it is a left paren and ') if it is a right paren.

  16. object LastRef extends StateRef with Product with Serializable

    A LastRef is a StateRef (see above) whose apply operation returns the final element of the sentence.

  17. object LeftChildrenExtractor extends NeighborhoodExtractor with Product with Serializable

    Extracts neighborhoods of the form (node, leftChild1, .

  18. object MultiWordTagger extends Product with Serializable

  19. object MultiWordTransform extends TokenPropertyTransform

  20. object NbestParser

  21. object Neighborhood extends Serializable

  22. object NeighborhoodEventStatistic extends Serializable

  23. object NeighborhoodExtractor

  24. object NeighborhoodTransform

  25. object OracleReranker

  26. object ParentExtractor extends NeighborhoodExtractor with Product with Serializable

    Extracts neighborhoods of the form (node, parent1, .

  27. object ParseCache extends Serializable

  28. object ParseFile

  29. object ParsePool extends Serializable

  30. object ParseRerankerTrainingPhaseOne

  31. object ParseRerankerTrainingPhaseTwo

  32. object Parser

  33. object ParserConfiguration extends Serializable

  34. object PolytreeParse extends Serializable

  35. object PolytreeParseFeature

  36. object RightChildrenExtractor extends NeighborhoodExtractor with Product with Serializable

    Extracts neighborhoods of the form (node, rightChild1, .

  37. object SentenceLengthFeature extends PolytreeParseFeature with Product with Serializable

    Simply passes along the length of the sentence as a feature.

  38. object StateRef

  39. object TokenFeature

  40. object TokenPositionFeature extends TokenFeature with Product with Serializable

  41. object TokenTransform

  42. object Training

  43. object TransitionParser

  44. object WordFeature extends TokenFeature with Product with Serializable

    The WordFeature maps a token to its word representation.

  45. object WordTransform extends TokenTransform with Product with Serializable

    The WordTransform maps a token to its word representation.

  46. package labeler
