Interface BlockStore

  • All Superinterfaces:
    java.lang.AutoCloseable,, SessionCleanable

    public interface BlockStore
    extends, SessionCleanable
    An abstraction of block store on worker.
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        default void initialize()
        Initialize the block store.
      • abortBlock

        void abortBlock​(long sessionId,
                        long blockId)
        Aborts a temporary block. The metadata of this block will not be added, its data will be deleted and the space will be reclaimed. Since a temp block is "private" to the writer, this requires no previously acquired lock.
        sessionId - the id of the session
        blockId - the id of a temp block
      • accessBlock

        void accessBlock​(long sessionId,
                         long blockId)
        Notifies the block store that a block was accessed so the block store could update accordingly the registered listeners such as evictor and allocator on block access. //TODO(beinan): looks like we should not expose this method except the test
        sessionId - the id of the session to access a block
        blockId - the id of an accessed block
      • commitBlock

        void commitBlock​(long sessionId,
                         long blockId,
                         boolean pinOnCreate)
        Commits a block to Alluxio managed space. The block must be temporary. The block will not be persisted or accessible before commitBlock succeeds.
        sessionId - the id of the client
        blockId - the id of the block to commit
        pinOnCreate - whether to pin block on create
      • createBlock

        java.lang.String createBlock​(long sessionId,
                                     long blockId,
                                     int tier,
                                     CreateBlockOptions createBlockOptions)
        Creates a block in Alluxio managed space. Calls createBlockWriter(long, long) to get a writer for writing to the block. The block will be temporary until it is committed by commitBlock(long, long, boolean) . Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the location does not belong to tiered storage.
        sessionId - the id of the client
        blockId - the id of the block to create
        tier - the tier to place the new block in BlockStoreLocation.ANY_TIER for any tier
        createBlockOptions - the createBlockOptions
        a string representing the path to the local file
      • createBlockReader

        BlockReader createBlockReader​(long sessionId,
                                      long blockId,
                                      long offset,
                                      boolean positionShort,
                                      alluxio.proto.dataserver.Protocol.OpenUfsBlockOptions options)
        Creates the block reader to read from Alluxio block or UFS block. Owner of this block reader must close it or lock will leak.
        sessionId - the client session ID
        blockId - the ID of the UFS block to read
        offset - the offset within the block
        positionShort - whether the operation is using positioned read to a small buffer size
        options - the options
        a block reader to read data from
        Throws: - if it fails to get block reader
      • createBlockReader

        BlockReader createBlockReader​(long sessionId,
                                      long blockId,
                                      long lockId)
                               throws BlockDoesNotExistException,
        Creates a reader of an existing block to read data from this block.

        This operation requires the lock id returned by a previously acquired lockBlock(long, long).

        sessionId - the id of the session to get the reader
        blockId - the id of an existing block
        lockId - the id of the lock returned by lockBlock(long, long)
        a BlockReader instance on this block
        BlockDoesNotExistException - if lockId is not found
      • createUfsBlockReader

        BlockReader createUfsBlockReader​(long sessionId,
                                         long blockId,
                                         long offset,
                                         boolean positionShort,
                                         alluxio.proto.dataserver.Protocol.OpenUfsBlockOptions options)
        Creates a block reader to read a UFS block starting from given block offset. Owner of this block reader must close it to cleanup state.
        sessionId - the client session ID
        blockId - the ID of the UFS block to read
        offset - the offset within the block
        positionShort - whether the operation is using positioned read to a small buffer size
        options - the options
        the block reader instance
        Throws: - if it fails to get block reader
      • getBlockStoreMeta

        BlockStoreMeta getBlockStoreMeta()
        Gets the metadata of the entire store in a snapshot. There is no guarantee the state will be consistent with the snapshot after this method is called. This function should be cheap since it is called for every block.
        store metadata
      • getBlockStoreMetaFull

        BlockStoreMeta getBlockStoreMetaFull()
        Similar as getBlockStoreMeta() except that this includes more information about the block store (e.g. blockId list). This is an expensive operation.
        full store metadata
      • getTempBlockMeta

        java.util.Optional<TempBlockMeta> getTempBlockMeta​(long blockId)
        Gets the temp metadata of a specific block from local storage.
        blockId - the id of the block
        metadata of the block if the temp block exists
      • hasBlockMeta

        boolean hasBlockMeta​(long blockId)
        Checks if the storage has a given block.
        blockId - the block id
        true if the block is contained, false otherwise
      • hasTempBlockMeta

        boolean hasTempBlockMeta​(long blockId)
        Checks if the storage has a given temp block.
        blockId - the temp block id
        true if the block is contained, false otherwise
      • getVolatileBlockMeta

        java.util.Optional<BlockMeta> getVolatileBlockMeta​(long blockId)
        Gets the metadata of a block given its block id or empty if block does not exist. This method does not require a lock id so the block is possible to be moved or removed after it returns.
        blockId - the block id
        metadata of the block
      • moveBlock

        void moveBlock​(long sessionId,
                       long blockId,
                       AllocateOptions moveOptions)
        Moves an existing block to a new location.
        sessionId - the id of the session to move a block
        blockId - the id of an existing block
        moveOptions - the options for move
      • pinBlock

        java.util.Optional<BlockLock> pinBlock​(long sessionId,
                                               long blockId)
        Pins the block indicating subsequent access.
        sessionId - the id of the session to lock this block
        blockId - the id of the block to lock
        a lock of block to conveniently unpin the block later, or empty if the block does not exist
      • updatePinnedInodes

        void updatePinnedInodes​(java.util.Set<java.lang.Long> inodes)
        Update the pinned inodes.
        inodes - a set of inodes that are currently pinned
      • removeBlock

        void removeBlock​(long sessionId,
                         long blockId)
        Removes an existing block. If the block can not be found in this store.
        sessionId - the id of the session to remove a block
        blockId - the id of an existing block
      • removeInaccessibleStorage

        void removeInaccessibleStorage()
        Remove Storage directories that are no longer accessible.
      • requestSpace

        void requestSpace​(long sessionId,
                          long blockId,
                          long additionalBytes)
        Requests to increase the size of a temp block. Since a temp block is "private" to the writer client, this operation requires no previously acquired lock.
        sessionId - the id of the session to request space
        blockId - the id of the temp block
        additionalBytes - the amount of more space to request in bytes, never be less than 0
      • load

        java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.util.List<alluxio.grpc.BlockStatus>> load​(java.util.List<alluxio.grpc.Block> fileBlocks,
                                                                                              alluxio.grpc.UfsReadOptions options)
        Load blocks into alluxio.
        fileBlocks - list of fileBlocks, one file blocks contains blocks belong to one file
        options - read ufs options
        future of load status for failed blocks
      • lockBlock

        long lockBlock​(long sessionId,
                       long blockId)
                throws BlockDoesNotExistException
        Locks an existing block and guards subsequent reads on this block.
        sessionId - the id of the session to lock this block
        blockId - the id of the block to lock
        the lock id (non-negative) if the lock is acquired successfully
        BlockDoesNotExistException - if block id can not be found, for example, evicted already
      • lockBlockNoException

        long lockBlockNoException​(long sessionId,
                                  long blockId)
        Locks an existing block and guards subsequent reads on this block. If the lock fails, return BlockLockManager#INVALID_LOCK_ID.
        sessionId - the id of the session to lock this block
        blockId - the id of the block to lock
        the lock id (non-negative) that uniquely identifies the lock obtained or BlockLockManager#INVALID_LOCK_ID if it failed to lock
      • unlockBlock

        boolean unlockBlock​(long sessionId,
                            long blockId)
        Releases an acquired block lock based on a session id and block id. TODO(calvin): temporary, will be removed after changing client side code.
        sessionId - the id of the session to lock this block
        blockId - the id of the block to lock
        false if it fails to unlock due to the lock is not found