Package alluxio

Class AbstractMasterClient

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Client,, java.lang.AutoCloseable
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class AbstractMasterClient
    extends AbstractClient
    The base class for master clients.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractMasterClient

        public AbstractMasterClient​(MasterClientContext clientConf)
        Creates a new master client base and default the selection policy to primary master.
        clientConf - master client configuration
      • AbstractMasterClient

        public AbstractMasterClient​(MasterClientContext clientConf,
                                    MasterSelectionPolicy selectionPolicy)
        Creates a new master client base.
        clientConf - master client configuration
        selectionPolicy - master selection policy: which master the client should connect to
      • AbstractMasterClient

        public AbstractMasterClient​(MasterClientContext clientConf,
                                    java.util.function.Supplier<RetryPolicy> retryPolicySupplier)
        Creates a new master client without a specific address. The client defaults to connect to the primary master.
        clientConf - master client configuration
        retryPolicySupplier - retry policy to use
      • AbstractMasterClient

        public AbstractMasterClient​(MasterClientContext clientConf,
                                    MasterSelectionPolicy selectionPolicy,
                                    java.util.function.Supplier<RetryPolicy> retryPolicySupplier)
        Creates a new master client without a specific address.
        clientConf - master client configuration
        selectionPolicy - master selection policy: which master the client should connect to
        retryPolicySupplier - retry policy to use