Package alluxio.conf

Class Configuration

  • public final class Configuration
    extends java.lang.Object

    Global configuration properties of Alluxio. This class works like a dictionary and serves each Alluxio configuration property as a key-value pair.

    Alluxio configuration properties are loaded into this class in the following order with decreasing priority:

    1. Java system properties;
    2. Environment variables via or from OS settings;
    3. Site specific properties via file;

    The default properties are defined in the PropertyKey class in the codebase. Alluxio users can override values of these default properties by creating and putting it under java CLASSPATH when running Alluxio (e.g., ${ALLUXIO_HOME}/conf/)

    This class defines many convenient static methods which delegate to an internal InstancedConfiguration. To use this global configuration in a method that takes AlluxioConfiguration as an argument, pass global().

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static InstancedConfiguration copyGlobal()  
      static AlluxioProperties copyProperties()
      Create and return a copy of all properties.
      static java.lang.Object get​(PropertyKey key)
      Gets the value for the given key in the Properties; if this key is not found, a RuntimeException is thrown.
      static java.lang.Object get​(PropertyKey key, ConfigurationValueOptions options)
      Gets the value for the given key in the Properties; if this key is not found, a RuntimeException is thrown.
      static boolean getBoolean​(PropertyKey key)
      Gets the boolean representation of the value for the given key.
      static long getBytes​(PropertyKey key)
      Gets the bytes of the value for the given key.
      static <T> java.lang.Class<T> getClass​(PropertyKey key)
      Gets the value for the given key as a class.
      static InstancedConfiguration getClusterConf​(alluxio.grpc.GetConfigurationPResponse response, AlluxioConfiguration conf, alluxio.grpc.Scope scope)
      Loads the cluster level configuration from the get configuration response, filters out the configuration for certain scope, and merges it with the existing configuration.
      static java.util.List<alluxio.grpc.ConfigProperty> getConfiguration​(alluxio.grpc.Scope scope)
      Gets all configuration properties filtered by the specified scope.
      static double getDouble​(PropertyKey key)
      Gets the double representation of the value for the given key.
      static java.time.Duration getDuration​(PropertyKey key)
      Gets the time of the key as a duration.
      static <T extends java.lang.Enum<T>>
      getEnum​(PropertyKey key, java.lang.Class<T> enumType)
      Gets the value for the given key as an enum value.
      static int getInt​(PropertyKey key)
      Gets the integer representation of the value for the given key.
      static java.util.List<java.lang.String> getList​(PropertyKey key)
      Gets the value for the given key as a list.
      static long getLong​(PropertyKey key)
      Gets the long integer representation of the value for the given key.
      static long getMs​(PropertyKey key)
      Gets the time of key in millisecond unit.
      static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getNestedProperties​(PropertyKey prefixKey)
      Gets a set of properties that share a given common prefix key as a map.
      static java.lang.Object getOrDefault​(PropertyKey key, java.lang.String defaultValue, ConfigurationValueOptions options)  
      static <T> T getOrDefault​(PropertyKey key, T defaultValue)  
      static PathConfiguration getPathConf​(alluxio.grpc.GetConfigurationPResponse response, AlluxioConfiguration clusterConf)
      Loads the path level configuration from the get configuration response.
      static Source getSource​(PropertyKey key)  
      static java.lang.String getString​(PropertyKey key)
      Gets the String value for the given key.
      static AlluxioConfiguration global()  
      static java.lang.String hash()  
      static boolean isSet​(PropertyKey key)
      Checks if the configuration contains a value for the given key.
      static boolean isSetByUser​(PropertyKey key)
      Checks if the configuration contains a value for the given key that is set by a user.
      static java.util.Set<PropertyKey> keySet()  
      static void loadClusterDefaults​( address, alluxio.grpc.Scope scope)
      Loads cluster default values for workers from the meta master if it's not loaded yet.
      static alluxio.grpc.GetConfigurationPResponse loadConfiguration​( address, AlluxioConfiguration conf, boolean ignoreClusterConf, boolean ignorePathConf)
      Loads configuration from meta master in one RPC.
      static void merge​(java.util.Map<?,​?> properties, Source source)
      Merges the current configuration properties with new properties.
      static InstancedConfiguration modifiableGlobal()  
      static void reloadProperties()
      Reloads site properties from disk.
      static void set​(PropertyKey key, java.lang.Object value)
      Sets the value for the appropriate key in the Properties.
      static void set​(PropertyKey key, java.lang.Object value, Source source)
      Sets the value for the appropriate key in the Properties by source.
      static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> toMap()  
      static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> toMap​(ConfigurationValueOptions opts)  
      static void unset​(PropertyKey key)
      Unsets the value for the appropriate key in the Properties.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • copyProperties

        public static AlluxioProperties copyProperties()
        Create and return a copy of all properties.
        a copy of properties
      • merge

        public static void merge​(java.util.Map<?,​?> properties,
                                 Source source)
        Merges the current configuration properties with new properties. If a property exists both in the new and current configuration, the one from the new configuration wins if its priority is higher or equal than the existing one.
        properties - the source Properties to be merged
        source - the source of the the properties (e.g., system property, default and etc)
      • set

        public static void set​(PropertyKey key,
                               java.lang.Object value)
        Sets the value for the appropriate key in the Properties.
        key - the key to set
        value - the value for the key
      • set

        public static void set​(PropertyKey key,
                               java.lang.Object value,
                               Source source)
        Sets the value for the appropriate key in the Properties by source.
        key - the key to set
        value - the value for the key
        source - the source of the the properties (e.g., system property, default and etc)
      • unset

        public static void unset​(PropertyKey key)
        Unsets the value for the appropriate key in the Properties.
        key - the key to unset
      • get

        public static java.lang.Object get​(PropertyKey key)
        Gets the value for the given key in the Properties; if this key is not found, a RuntimeException is thrown.
        key - the key to get the value for
        the value for the given key
      • get

        public static java.lang.Object get​(PropertyKey key,
                                           ConfigurationValueOptions options)
        Gets the value for the given key in the Properties; if this key is not found, a RuntimeException is thrown.
        key - the key to get the value for
        options - options for getting configuration value
        the value for the given key
      • getOrDefault

        public static <T> T getOrDefault​(PropertyKey key,
                                         T defaultValue)
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of default value
        key - the key to get the value for
        defaultValue - the value to return if no value is set for the specified key
        the value
      • getOrDefault

        public static java.lang.Object getOrDefault​(PropertyKey key,
                                                    java.lang.String defaultValue,
                                                    ConfigurationValueOptions options)
        key - the key to get the value for
        defaultValue - the value to return if no value is set for the specified key
        options - options for getting configuration value
        the value
      • isSet

        public static boolean isSet​(PropertyKey key)
        Checks if the configuration contains a value for the given key.
        key - the key to check
        true if there is value for the key, false otherwise
      • isSetByUser

        public static boolean isSetByUser​(PropertyKey key)
        Checks if the configuration contains a value for the given key that is set by a user.
        key - the key to check
        true if there is value for the key by a user, false otherwise
      • keySet

        public static java.util.Set<PropertyKey> keySet()
        the keys configured by the configuration
      • getString

        public static java.lang.String getString​(PropertyKey key)
        Gets the String value for the given key.
        key - the key to get the value for
        the value for the given key as an String
      • getInt

        public static int getInt​(PropertyKey key)
        Gets the integer representation of the value for the given key.
        key - the key to get the value for
        the value for the given key as an int
      • getDouble

        public static double getDouble​(PropertyKey key)
        Gets the double representation of the value for the given key.
        key - the key to get the value for
        the value for the given key as a double
      • getLong

        public static long getLong​(PropertyKey key)
        Gets the long integer representation of the value for the given key.
        key - the key to get the value for
        the value for the given key as a long
      • getBoolean

        public static boolean getBoolean​(PropertyKey key)
        Gets the boolean representation of the value for the given key.
        key - the key to get the value for
        the value for the given key as a boolean
      • getList

        public static java.util.List<java.lang.String> getList​(PropertyKey key)
        Gets the value for the given key as a list.
        key - the key to get the value for
        the list of values for the given key
      • getEnum

        public static <T extends java.lang.Enum<T>> T getEnum​(PropertyKey key,
                                                              java.lang.Class<T> enumType)
        Gets the value for the given key as an enum value.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the enum
        key - the key to get the value for
        enumType - the type of the enum
        the value for the given key as an enum value
      • getBytes

        public static long getBytes​(PropertyKey key)
        Gets the bytes of the value for the given key.
        key - the key to get the value for
        the bytes of the value for the given key
      • getMs

        public static long getMs​(PropertyKey key)
        Gets the time of key in millisecond unit.
        key - the key to get the value for
        the time of key in millisecond unit
      • getDuration

        public static java.time.Duration getDuration​(PropertyKey key)
        Gets the time of the key as a duration.
        key - the key to get the value for
        the value of the key represented as a duration
      • getClass

        public static <T> java.lang.Class<T> getClass​(PropertyKey key)
        Gets the value for the given key as a class.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of the class
        key - the key to get the value for
        the value for the given key as a class
      • getNestedProperties

        public static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getNestedProperties​(PropertyKey prefixKey)
        Gets a set of properties that share a given common prefix key as a map. E.g., if A.B=V1 and A.C=V2, calling this method with prefixKey=A returns a map of {B=V1, C=V2}, where B and C are also valid properties. If no property shares the prefix, an empty map is returned.
        prefixKey - the prefix key
        a map from nested properties aggregated by the prefix
      • getSource

        public static Source getSource​(PropertyKey key)
        key - the property key
        the source for the given key
      • toMap

        public static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> toMap()
        a map from all configuration property names to their values; values may potentially be null
      • toMap

        public static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> toMap​(ConfigurationValueOptions opts)
        opts - options for formatting the configuration values
        a map from all configuration property names to their values; values may potentially be null
      • modifiableGlobal

        public static InstancedConfiguration modifiableGlobal()
        the global configuration instance that is modifiable
      • getConfiguration

        public static java.util.List<alluxio.grpc.ConfigProperty> getConfiguration​(alluxio.grpc.Scope scope)
        Gets all configuration properties filtered by the specified scope.
        scope - the scope to filter by
        the properties
      • loadClusterDefaults

        public static void loadClusterDefaults​( address,
                                               alluxio.grpc.Scope scope)
                                        throws AlluxioStatusException
        Loads cluster default values for workers from the meta master if it's not loaded yet.
        address - the master address
        scope - the property scope
      • loadConfiguration

        public static alluxio.grpc.GetConfigurationPResponse loadConfiguration​( address,
                                                                               AlluxioConfiguration conf,
                                                                               boolean ignoreClusterConf,
                                                                               boolean ignorePathConf)
                                                                        throws AlluxioStatusException
        Loads configuration from meta master in one RPC.
        address - the meta master address
        conf - the existing configuration
        ignoreClusterConf - do not load cluster configuration related information
        ignorePathConf - do not load path configuration related information
        the RPC response
      • getClusterConf

        public static InstancedConfiguration getClusterConf​(alluxio.grpc.GetConfigurationPResponse response,
                                                            AlluxioConfiguration conf,
                                                            alluxio.grpc.Scope scope)
        Loads the cluster level configuration from the get configuration response, filters out the configuration for certain scope, and merges it with the existing configuration.
        response - the get configuration RPC response
        conf - the existing configuration
        scope - the target scope
        the merged configuration
      • getPathConf

        public static PathConfiguration getPathConf​(alluxio.grpc.GetConfigurationPResponse response,
                                                    AlluxioConfiguration clusterConf)
        Loads the path level configuration from the get configuration response. Only client scope properties will be loaded.
        response - the get configuration RPC response
        clusterConf - cluster level configuration
        the loaded path level configuration
      • hash

        public static java.lang.String hash()
        hash of properties
      • reloadProperties

        public static void reloadProperties()
        Reloads site properties from disk.