Interface HeartbeatTimer

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      long tick()
      Waits until next heartbeat should be executed.
      default void update()
      When this object needs to be reconfigured due to external configuration change etc., this function will be invoked.
    • Method Detail

      • update

        default void update()
        When this object needs to be reconfigured due to external configuration change etc., this function will be invoked.
        Specified by:
        update in interface Reconfigurable
      • tick

        long tick()
           throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        Waits until next heartbeat should be executed.
        time limit in milliseconds for this heartbeat action to run for before the next heartbeat is due.
        java.lang.InterruptedException - if the thread is interrupted while waiting