Package alluxio.util

Interface ObjectSizeCalculator.MemoryLayoutSpecification

  • Enclosing class:

    public static interface ObjectSizeCalculator.MemoryLayoutSpecification
    Describes constant memory overheads for various constructs in a JVM implementation.
    • Method Detail

      • getArrayHeaderSize

        int getArrayHeaderSize()
        Returns the fixed overhead of an array of any type or length in this JVM.
        the fixed overhead of an array
      • getObjectHeaderSize

        int getObjectHeaderSize()
        Returns the fixed overhead of for any Object subclass in this JVM.
        the fixed overhead of any object
      • getObjectPadding

        int getObjectPadding()
        Returns the quantum field size for a field owned by an object in this JVM.
        the quantum field size for an object
      • getReferenceSize

        int getReferenceSize()
        Returns the fixed size of an object reference in this JVM.
        the size of all object references
      • getSuperclassFieldPadding

        int getSuperclassFieldPadding()
        Returns the quantum field size for a field owned by one of an object's ancestor superclasses in this JVM.
        the quantum field size for a superclass field