Class UnderFileSystem.Factory

    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static UnderFileSystem create​(java.lang.String path,
                                             AlluxioConfiguration conf)
        Creates the UnderFileSystem instance according to its UFS path. This method should only be used for journal operations and tests.
        path - journal path in ufs
        conf - the configuration object w/o mount specific options
        the instance of under file system for Alluxio journal directory
      • create

        public static UnderFileSystem create​(java.lang.String path,
                                             UnderFileSystemConfiguration ufsConf)
        Creates a client for operations involved with the under file system. An IllegalArgumentException is thrown if there is no under file system for the given path or if no under file system could successfully be created.
        path - path
        ufsConf - configuration object for the UFS
        client for the under file system
      • createWithRecorder

        public static UnderFileSystem createWithRecorder​(java.lang.String path,
                                                         UnderFileSystemConfiguration ufsConf,
                                                         Recorder recorder)
        Creates a client for operations involved with the under file system and record the execution process. An IllegalArgumentException is thrown if there is no under file system for the given path or if no under file system could successfully be created.
        path - path
        ufsConf - configuration object for the UFS
        recorder - recorder used to record the detailed execution process
        client for the under file system
      • createForRoot

        public static UnderFileSystem createForRoot​(AlluxioConfiguration conf)
        conf - configuration
        the instance of under file system for Alluxio root directory