Class LongCombiner

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    OptionDescriber, SortedKeyValueIterator<Key,​Value>
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    MaxCombiner, MinCombiner, SummingCombiner

    public abstract class LongCombiner
    extends TypedValueCombiner<Long>
    A TypedValueCombiner that translates each Value to a Long before reducing, then encodes the reduced Long back to a Value. Subclasses must implement a typedReduce method: public Long typedReduce(Key key, Iterator<Long> iter); This typedReduce method will be passed the most recent Key and an iterator over the Values (translated to Longs) for all non-deleted versions of that Key. A required option for this Combiner is "type" which indicates which type of Encoder to use to encode and decode Longs into Values. Supported types are VARNUM, LONG, and STRING which indicate the VarNumEncoder, LongEncoder, and StringEncoder respectively.