Class DeprecationUtil

  • public class DeprecationUtil
    extends Object
    A utility class for managing deprecated items. This avoids scattering private helper methods all over the code with warnings suppression.

    This class will never be public API and methods will be removed as soon as they are no longer needed. No methods in this class will, themselves, be deprecated, because that would propagate the deprecation warning we are trying to avoid.

    This class should not be used as a substitute for deprecated classes. It should only be used for implementation code which must remain to support the deprecated features, and only until that feature is removed.

    • Constructor Detail

      • DeprecationUtil

        public DeprecationUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • isMockInstance

        public static boolean isMockInstance​(Instance instance)
      • makeMockInstance

        public static Instance makeMockInstance​(String instance)
      • setMockInstance

        public static void setMockInstance​(RangeInputSplit split,
                                           boolean isMockInstance)
      • isMockInstanceSet

        public static boolean isMockInstanceSet​(RangeInputSplit split)
      • makeMockLocator

        public static TabletLocator makeMockLocator()