Class MetadataSchema.TabletsSection.ServerColumnFamily

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class MetadataSchema.TabletsSection.ServerColumnFamily
    extends Object
    Column family for recording information used by the TServer
    • Field Detail

      • NAME

        public static final NAME

        public static final ColumnFQ DIRECTORY_COLUMN
        Holds the location of the tablet in the DFS file system

        public static final ColumnFQ FLUSH_COLUMN
        Holds flush IDs to enable waiting on a flush to complete

        public static final ColumnFQ COMPACT_COLUMN
        Holds compact IDs to enable waiting on a compaction to complete

        public static final ColumnFQ LOCK_COLUMN
        Holds lock IDs to enable a sanity check to ensure that the TServer writing to the metadata tablet is not dead
    • Constructor Detail

      • ServerColumnFamily

        public ServerColumnFamily()