Package org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapred

Class Summary
AbstractInputFormat<K,V> An abstract input format to provide shared methods common to all other input format classes.
AbstractInputFormat.AbstractRecordReader<K,V> An abstract base class to be used to create RecordReader instances that convert from Accumulo Key/Value pairs to the user's K/V types.
AccumuloFileOutputFormat This class allows MapReduce jobs to write output in the Accumulo data file format.
Care should be taken to write only sorted data (sorted by Key), as this is an important requirement of Accumulo data files.
AccumuloInputFormat This class allows MapReduce jobs to use Accumulo as the source of data.
AccumuloMultiTableInputFormat This class allows MapReduce jobs to use multiple Accumulo tables as the source of data.
AccumuloOutputFormat This class allows MapReduce jobs to use Accumulo as the sink for data.
AccumuloOutputFormat.AccumuloRecordWriter A base class to be used to create RecordWriter instances that write to Accumulo.
AccumuloRowInputFormat This class allows MapReduce jobs to use Accumulo as the source of data.
InputFormatBase<K,V> This abstract InputFormat class allows MapReduce jobs to use Accumulo as the source of K,V pairs.
InputFormatBase.RangeInputSplit Deprecated. since 1.5.2; Use RangeInputSplit instead.
RangeInputSplit The Class RangeInputSplit.

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