Class StoredTabletFile

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class StoredTabletFile
    extends TabletFile
    Object representing a tablet file entry stored in the metadata table. Keeps a string of the exact entry of what is in the metadata table, which is important for updating and deleting metadata entries. If the exact string is not used, erroneous entries can pollute the metadata table. The main column qualifier used can be found: MetadataSchema.TabletsSection.DataFileColumnFamily The tablet file entry is also stored for scans and bulk imports.

    As of 2.1, Tablet file paths should now be only absolute URIs with the removal of relative paths in Upgrader9to10.upgradeRelativePaths()

    • Constructor Detail

      • StoredTabletFile

        public StoredTabletFile​(String metadataEntry)
        Construct a tablet file using the string read from the metadata. Preserve the exact string so the entry can be deleted.
    • Method Detail

      • getMetaUpdateDelete

        public String getMetaUpdateDelete()
        Return the exact string that is stored in the metadata table. This is important for updating and deleting metadata entries. If the exact string is not used, erroneous entries can pollute the metadata table.
      • getMetaUpdateDeleteText

        public getMetaUpdateDeleteText()
        Return a new Text object of getMetaUpdateDelete()
      • validate

        public void validate​(String reference)
        Validate that the provided reference matches what is in the metadata table.
        reference - the relative path to check against