Class Accumulo

  • public class Accumulo
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • Accumulo

        public Accumulo()
    • Method Detail

      • updateAccumuloVersion

        public static void updateAccumuloVersion​(VolumeManager fs,
                                                 int oldVersion)
      • getAccumuloPersistentVersion

        public static int getAccumuloPersistentVersion​(org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem fs,
                                                       org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path path)
      • getAccumuloPersistentVersion

        public static int getAccumuloPersistentVersion​(Volume v)
      • getAccumuloPersistentVersion

        public static int getAccumuloPersistentVersion​(VolumeManager fs)
      • getAccumuloInstanceIdPath

        public static org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path getAccumuloInstanceIdPath​(VolumeManager fs)
      • canUpgradeFromDataVersion

        public static boolean canUpgradeFromDataVersion​(int dataVersion)
        Sanity check that the current persistent version is allowed to upgrade to the version of Accumulo running.
        dataVersion - the version that is persisted in the backing Volumes
      • persistentVersionNeedsUpgrade

        public static boolean persistentVersionNeedsUpgrade​(int accumuloPersistentVersion)
        Does the data version number stored in the backing Volumes indicate we need to upgrade something?
      • waitForZookeeperAndHdfs

        public static void waitForZookeeperAndHdfs​(VolumeManager fs)
      • abortIfFateTransactions

        public static void abortIfFateTransactions()
        Exit loudly if there are outstanding Fate operations. Since Fate serializes class names, we need to make sure there are no queued transactions from a previous version before continuing an upgrade. The status of the operations is irrelevant; those in SUCCESSFUL status cause the same problem as those just queued. Note that the Master should not allow write access to Fate until after all upgrade steps are complete. Should be called as a guard before performing any upgrade steps, after determining that an upgrade is needed. see ACCUMULO-2519