Class DefaultLoadBalancer

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultLoadBalancer

        public DefaultLoadBalancer()
      • DefaultLoadBalancer

        public DefaultLoadBalancer​(String table)
    • Method Detail

      • getAssignments

        public void getAssignments​(SortedMap<TServerInstance,​TabletServerStatus> current,
                                   Map<KeyExtent,​TServerInstance> unassigned,
                                   Map<KeyExtent,​TServerInstance> assignments)
        Description copied from class: TabletBalancer
        Assign tablets to tablet servers. This method is called whenever the master finds tablets that are unassigned.
        Specified by:
        getAssignments in class TabletBalancer
        current - The current table-summary state of all the online tablet servers. Read-only. The TabletServerStatus for each server may be null if the tablet server has not yet responded to a recent request for status.
        unassigned - A map from unassigned tablet to the last known tablet server. Read-only.
        assignments - A map from tablet to assigned server. Write-only.
      • balance

        public long balance​(SortedMap<TServerInstance,​TabletServerStatus> current,
                            Set<KeyExtent> migrations,
                            List<TabletMigration> migrationsOut)
        Description copied from class: TabletBalancer
        Ask the balancer if any migrations are necessary. If the balancer is going to self-abort due to some environmental constraint (e.g. it requires some minimum number of tservers, or a maximum number of outstanding migrations), it should issue a log message to alert operators. The message should be at WARN normally and at ERROR if the balancer knows that the problem can not self correct. It should not issue these messages more than once a minute.
        Specified by:
        balance in class TabletBalancer
        current - The current table-summary state of all the online tablet servers. Read-only.
        migrations - the current set of migrations. Read-only.
        migrationsOut - new migrations to perform; should not contain tablets in the current set of migrations. Write-only.
        the time, in milliseconds, to wait before re-balancing. This method will not be called when there are unassigned tablets.