Class RpcWrapper

  • public class RpcWrapper
    extends Object
    This class accommodates the changes in THRIFT-1805, which appeared in Thrift 0.9.1 and restricts client-side notification of server-side errors to TException only, by wrapping RuntimeException and Error as TException, so it doesn't just close the connection and look like a network issue, but informs the client that a TApplicationException had occurred, as it did in Thrift 0.9.0. This performs similar functions as TraceWrap, but with the additional action of translating exceptions. See also ACCUMULO-1691 and ACCUMULO-2950. ACCUMULO-4065 found that the above exception-wrapping is not appropriate for Thrift's implementation of oneway methods. Oneway methods are defined as a method which the client does not wait for it to return. Normally, this is acceptable as these methods are void. Therefore, if another client reuses the connection to send a new RPC, there is no "extra" data sitting on the InputStream from the Socket (that the server sent). However, the implementation of a oneway method does send a response to the client when the implementation throws a TException. This message showing up on the client's InputStream causes future use of the Thrift Connection to become unusable. As long as the Thrift implementation sends a message back when oneway methods throw a TException, we much make sure that we don't re-wrap-and-throw any exceptions as TExceptions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RpcWrapper

        public RpcWrapper()
    • Method Detail

      • service

        public static <I> I service​(I instance,
                                    org.apache.thrift.TBaseProcessor<I> processor)
      • getOnewayMethods

        protected static Set<String> getOnewayMethods​(Map<String,​?> processorView)