Class RegexGroupBalancer

  • public class RegexGroupBalancer
    extends GroupBalancer
    A GroupBalancer that groups tablets using a configurable regex. To use this balancer configure the following settings for your table then configure this balancer for your table.
    • Set to a regular expression. This regular expression must have one group. The regex is applied to the tablet end row and whatever the regex group matches is used as the group. For example with a regex of (\d\d).* and an end row of 12abc, the group for the tablet would be 12.
    • Set to a default group. This group is returned for the last tablet in the table and tablets for which the regex does not match.
    • Optionally set to time (can use time suffixes). This determines how long to wait between balancing. Since this balancer scans the metadata table, may want to set this higher for large tables.
    • Field Detail


        public static final String REGEX_PROPERTY

        public static final String DEFAUT_GROUP_PROPERTY

        public static final String WAIT_TIME_PROPERTY
    • Constructor Detail

      • RegexGroupBalancer

        public RegexGroupBalancer​(String tableId)