Interface ReplicaSystem

  • public interface ReplicaSystem
    Encapsulation of a remote system which Accumulo can replicate data to
    • Method Detail

      • replicate

        Replication.Status replicate​(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path p,
                                     Replication.Status status,
                                     ReplicationTarget target,
                                     ReplicaSystemHelper helper)
        Replicate the given status to the target peer
        p - Path to the resource we're reading from
        status - Information to replicate
        target - The peer
        helper - Instance of ReplicaSystemHelper
        A new Status for the progress that was made
      • configure

        void configure​(String configuration)
        Configure the implementation with necessary information from the system configuration

        For example, we only need one implementation for Accumulo, but, for each peer, we have a ZK quorum and instance name