Interface MemoryManager

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface MemoryManager
    A MemoryManager in accumulo currently determines when minor compactions should occur and when ingest should be put on hold. The goal of a memory manager implementation is to maximize ingest throughput and minimize the number of minor compactions.
    • Method Detail

      • getMemoryManagementActions

        MemoryManagementActions getMemoryManagementActions​(List<TabletState> tablets)
        An implementation of this function will be called periodically by accumulo and should return a list of tablets to minor compact. Instructing a tablet that is already minor compacting (this can be inferred from the TabletState) to minor compact has no effect. Holding all ingest does not affect metadata tablets.
      • tabletClosed

        void tabletClosed​(KeyExtent extent)
        This method is called when a tablet is closed. A memory manger can clean up any per tablet state it is keeping when this is called.